What is the probability of an honour card?

In the experimental approach to probability, we find the probability of the occurrence of an event by performing the experiment a number of times and adequate recording of the happening of the event.

2. Basic Terms Related to Probability:

[i] In the theoretical approach to probability, we try to predict what will happen without performing the experiment.

[ii] An outcome of a random experiment is called an elementary event.

[iii] An event associated with a random experiment is a compound event if it is obtained by combining two or more elementary events associated to the random experiment.

[iv] An event A associated with a random experiment is said to occur if any one of the elementary events associated with event A is an outcome.

[v] An elementary event is said to be favorable to a compound event A if it satisfies the definition of the compound event.

3. Calculation of Probability:

If there are n elementary events associated with a random experiment and m of them are favourable to an event A, then the probability of occurrence of event A is denoted by P[A] and is defined as the ratio mn i.e., PA= Favourable number of elementary events  Total number of elementary events 

In a pack of cards, Ace, King, Queen, and Jack are called honours. There are 16 honours in a pack . An honour can be drawn in 16C1 ways [i.e., n[E]=16].

One card can be drawn from a pack in 52C1 ways.

Required probability is 16/52=4/13.

Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. There is only one empty string, because two strings are only different if they have different lengths or a different sequence of symbols. In formal treatments, the empty string is denoted with ε or sometimes Λ or λ.

The empty string should not be confused with the empty language ∅, which is a formal language [i.e. a set of strings] that contains no strings, not even the empty string.

The empty string has several properties:

In context-free grammars, a production rule that allows a symbol to produce the empty string is known as an ε-production, and the symbol is said to be "nullable".

Use in programming languages[edit]

In most programming languages, strings are a data type. Strings are typically stored at distinct memory addresses [locations]. Thus, the same string [for example, the empty string] may be stored in two or more places in memory.

In this way, there could be multiple empty strings in memory, in contrast with the formal theory definition, for which there is only one possible empty string. However, a string comparison function would indicate that all of these empty strings are equal to each other.

Even a string of length zero can require memory to store it, depending on the format being used. In most programming languages, the empty string is distinct from a null reference [or null pointer] because a null reference points to no string at all, not even the empty string. The empty string is a legitimate string, upon which most string operations should work. Some languages treat some or all of the following in similar ways: empty strings, null references, the integer 0, the floating point number 0, the Boolean value false, the ASCII character NUL, or other such values.

The empty string is usually represented similarly to other strings. In implementations with string terminating character [null-terminated strings or plain text lines], the empty string is indicated by the immediate use of this terminating character.

Examples of empty strings[edit]

The empty string is a syntactically valid representation of zero in positional notation [in any base], which does not contain leading zeros. Since the empty string does not have a standard visual representation outside of formal language theory, the number zero is traditionally represented by a single decimal digit 0 instead.

Zero-filled memory area, interpreted as a null-terminated string, is an empty string.

Empty lines of text show the empty string. This can occur from two consecutive EOLs, as often occur in text files, and this is sometimes used in text processing to separate paragraphs, e.g. in MediaWiki.

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What is honour card in probability?

The four highest cards in each suit [Ace,King,Queen,Jack] are called the honours or honour cards. There are 4 suits in a pack of cards i.e Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts. Therefore total number of honour cards =4×4=16.

How many honor cards are in 52 cards?

There are four honours [ace, king, queen and knave] in each suit and so there are 4 sets of 4 honours each.

What is the probability of drawing and honour card?

∴ The probability to get honor card is 4/13.

Is 10 an honour card?

Honour card – a card that attracts a special bonus or payment for being held or captured in play. In bridge, honours are the aces, the court cards and tens [A, K, Q, J, 10]; in whist and related games, the aces and courts [A, K, Q, J].

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