Which of the following refers to a form of government payment to a producer?

A subsidy is a form of government intervention, it usually involves a payment by the government to suppliers that reduce their costs of production and encourages them to increase output of a good or service.

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journal article


National Tax Journal

Vol. 20, No. 1 [March 1967]

, pp. 86-92 [7 pages]

Published By: The University of Chicago Press


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Journal Information

The goal of the National Tax Journal [NTJ] is to encourage and disseminate high-quality original research on governmental tax and expenditure policies. The focus of the NTJ is economic, theoretical, and empirical analysis of tax and expenditure issues, with an emphasis on policy implications. The NTJ is published quarterly under the auspices of the National Tax Association [NTA].

Publisher Information

Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a wide range of academic disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.

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National Tax Journal © 1967 The University of Chicago Press
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Goods and Services Tax or GST is a broad-based consumption tax levied on the import of goods [collected by Singapore Customs], as well as nearly all supplies of goods and services in Singapore. In other countries, GST is known as the Value-Added Tax or VAT.

GST exemptions apply to the provision of most financial services, the supply of digital payment tokens, the sale and lease of residential properties, and the importation and local supply of investment precious metals. Goods that are exported and international services are zero-rated.

Taxable and non-taxable goods and services

The table below lists the categories and types of taxable and non-taxable supplies.

Taxable supplies

TypeStandard-Rated Supplies [7% GST]Zero-Rated Supplies [0% GST]

Most local sales fall under this category.

E.g. sale of TV set in a Singapore retail shop

Sale of imported low-value goods [from 1 Jan 2023]

E.g. Sale of tennis racquet by overseas online merchant to customer in Singapore at $330, excluding freight and insurance

Export of goods

E.g. sale of laptop to an overseas customer, where the laptop is shipped to an overseas address 


Most local provision of services fall under this category.

E.g. provision of spa services to a customer in Singapore

Imported Services

E.g. Procurement of marketing services from overseas service provider

Services that are classified as international services

E.g. air ticket from Singapore to Thailand [international transportation service] 

Non-Taxable supplies

TypeExempt supplies [GST is not applicable]Out-of-scope Supplies [0% GST]
Goods Sale and rental of unfurnished residential property 

Importation and local supply of investment precious metals

Sale where goods are delivered from overseas to another place overseas 

Private transactions

See Out-of-scope supplies for more information. 


Financial services
E.g. issue of a debt security

Digital payment tokens [from 1 Jan 2020]
E.g. exchange of Bitcoin for fiat currency

Private transactions. See Out-of-scope supplies for more information.

Businesses required to register for GST

If your business taxable turnover does not exceed $1 million, you may still choose to voluntarily register for GST after careful consideration.

Charging and claiming GST

Only GST-registered businesses can charge and claim GST from their effective date of GST registration. Non-GST registered businesses are not allowed to charge or claim GST.

Charging GST 

If you are registered for GST, you must charge GST on all taxable supplies at the prevailing GST rate, except for supplies that are subject to customer accounting. The GST that you charge and collect is known as output tax. Output tax must be paid to IRAS within a month from the end of the accounting period. Refer to our page on filing and payment due dates for more information.

If you have wrongfully charged or collected GST, you must remit the GST wrongly collected to IRAS.


An exception where a non-GST registered person is required to charge and account for GST is when it sells or rents out a GST-registered business assets in satisfaction of a debt owed. This applies to non-GST registered third parties, such as mortgagees, financiers and auctioneers. For details on how to account for GST in such scenario, please refer to our page on selling/ renting out asset in satisfaction of debt.

Claiming GST

If you are registered for GST, you can claim the GST incurred on business purchases [including imports] and expenses, as input tax in your GST return. This is subject to you fulfilling the conditions for claiming input tax.


There are exceptions where non-GST registered businesses in specific industries are given concessions [subject to conditions] by the Minister to claim the GST incurred. These exceptions are:

  1. Qualifying funds that are managed by a prescribed fund manager in Singapore can claim GST incurred on prescribed expenses at an annual fixed recovery rate via remission.  

    Details of the GST remission [such as the types of qualifying funds, qualifying conditions, prescribed list of expenses and procedures to claim GST] are explained in the circular issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore [MAS].

  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts and Qualifying Registered Business Trusts listed on the Singapore Exchange [i.e. S-REITs and qualifying S-RBTs] can claim GST on expenses incurred for their business and their Special Purpose Vehicles [SPVs].  
    This GST concession applies regardless whether the S-REIT or S-RBT is eligible for GST registration.

    For details, please refer to GST: Concession for REITS and Qualifying Registered Business Trusts Listed in Singapore [PDF, 962KB]

To claim the GST incurred, qualifying funds, S-REITs and S-RBTs need to submit a quarterly Statement of Claims to IRAS within one month from the end of the respective quarters.

As an administrative concession, funds and trusts may file their quarterly Statement of Claims after the due date, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The GST claims are made on tax invoices dated within the relevant quarter; and
  2. The quarterly Statements of Claims are filed within 5 years from the end of the relevant quarter.

For example:

Period of claims: 1 Apr 2017 to 30 Jun 2017

Qualifying funds, S-REITs and S-RBTs can submit the Statement of Claims latest by 30 Jun 2022.

Additionally, you may be able to claim GST incurred before GST registration or incorporation, provided that you fulfil certain conditions. For more information, please refer to our page on claiming GST incurred before GST registration/ incorporation. 

This input tax credit mechanism ensures the taxation of only the value-add at each stage of a supply chain.

Example 1: How a business charges output tax and claims input tax

A GST-registered manufacturer imports leather from overseas to manufacture a bag. The manufacturer sells the bag to a GST-registered retailer. Thereafter, the retailer sells the bag to a consumer.  

This is how GST works at each stage of the value chain: StageActivities
1. Manufacturer

Pays GST to Singapore Customs for the import of leather

Import value = $100

Import GST paid = 7% X $100 = $7 [input tax claimable from IRAS]

Charges and collects GST for sale of bags to retailer

Selling price to retailer = $200

GST charged to retailer = 7% X $200 = $14 [output tax payable to IRAS]

2. Retailer

Pays GST to Manufacturer

Purchase value = $200

GST paid = 7% X $200=$14 [input tax claimable from IRAS]

Charges and collects GST for sale of bags to end consumer

Selling price to end consumer = $300

GST charged to end consumer = 7% X $300 = $21 [output tax payable to IRAS]

3. End consumer

Pays GST to Retailer
Purchase value = $300
GST paid = 7% X $300 = $21
End consumer is not GST-registered. Therefore, he cannot claim the GST paid on his purchase from IRAS.

Paying output tax and claiming input tax

If you are a GST-registered business:

  1. You must submit your GST return to IRAS within a month from the end of each prescribed accounting period. This is usually done on a quarterly basis.
  2. You should report both your output tax and input tax in your GST return.
  3. The difference between output tax and input tax is the net GST that is payable to IRAS or refundable by IRAS.


Why must Singapore implement GST?

GST was introduced in 1 Apr 1994 to enable Singapore to shift its reliance from direct taxes to indirect taxes. GST has also enabled Singapore to sustain a lower income tax rate. Being a tax on consumption, and not income, GST inherently encourages savings and investments.

What is a government subsidy?

Subsidies are payments, tax breaks, or other forms of economic support given by governments to certain industries or economic sectors. The goal of subsidies is to aid or support what are deemed to be key parts of the economy or national infrastructure.

What is an example of a government subsidy?

Cash subsidies simply entail the government giving a sum of cash directly to a business or organization. One example of a common cash subsidy in the U.S. can be found in the renewable energy industry—cash subsidies are given to private businesses in the renewable energy sector to stimulate the growth of that industry.

What are the types of subsidies?

Subsidies come in various forms including: direct [cash grants, interest-free loans] and indirect [tax breaks, insurance, low-interest loans, accelerated depreciation, rent rebates]. Furthermore, they can be broad or narrow, legal or illegal, ethical or unethical.

How do governments use subsidies?

Governments sometimes keep prices artificially high, which is the case with subsidies intended to boost the incomes of farmers. They may offer services, such as a university education or a subway ride, at below cost. They may pay some of the interest on loans used to finance construction of a road or a power plant.

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