Windows created a temporary paging file Reddit

I have a PC with the OS installed on an SSD. I have 5 internal Hard Drives. I just swapped out the Drive mapped to F:/ for a newer, bigger hard drive. I mapped this new drive to F:/ as well. The original was 1tb, the new drive is 4tb. The old drives data was copied across in its entirety. All video and music files, nothing else [its for a plex server.].

Since swapping the hard drives, every time i turn on the PC i get the error:

"Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer because of a problem that occurred with your paging file configuration when you started your computer. The total paging file size for all disk drives may be somewhat larger than the size you specified. "

And it brings up the paging file size window. Everything in this window is set to 0mb which it always has been.

Why am I suddenly getting this error after swapping a seemingly unrelated Hard Drive and how can I fix it?

So Far I have run sfc /scannow and run Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, neither of which fixed the issue.

You only have 2GB free on your drive. Windows wants to create a 6GB page file. In guessing you have 4GB of RAM.

First things first, free up some space. Your performance suffers at low free space. And if it's an ssd then it suffers even more. Then set a custom size, 2048mb should be enough. If a program ever crashes from more memory then increase it.

Not sure I am 100 percent accurate on this one. But, by my understanding windows needs a paging file even if you have tons of ram. it uses it for Virtual Ram and management of processes and whatnot. So, even if you disable it. It still needs a small one to operate. The best work around I can come up with is to move the paging file to another drive. Right click "this PC" go to properties then advance system settings then performance then go to advance and virtual memory and change it.

I might be wrong though. Maybe someone else will come in that is really pro at windows or maybe not.

The past couple of days my computer has been throwing an error claiming to have low memory. I couldn't figure out why, then I remembered when I started up I got an error saying the computer created a temporary paging file.

The problem is now when I try to set it to use a system managed paging file, it gives me a message saying there's already a file called pagefile.sys and I need to restart to save my changes. Yeah, sure, whatever, I don't see a problem with that.... except when I restart the change doesn't stick and I'm back to square one.

I'm running Windows 7 64bit, with 4GB of ram, and an AMD Athlon II X4 635 2.9 gig processor.

I get that message box as soon as I log into my PC and then the Virtual Memory window pops up.

I currently have it as system managed on drive D [RAID0 of HDDs] and disabled on drive C [boot NVMe] because I figured it may cause unwanted wear on my boot drive. Is there any way to stop that message from appearing every time I turn it on?

Hey folks,

Hope I'm okay posting this here.

Just recently update to the most recent version and now I cant seem to set my paging file to an alternate driver.

Whenever I do it gives me an error once I login:

"Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer because of a problem that occurred with your paging file configuration when you started your computer. The total paging file size for all disk drives may be somewhat larger than the size you specified."

I've got an SSD set to my system drive [C:] and a HDD for my data drive [D:]. I want the paging file on the HDD.

I've deleted the pagefile.sys file on the HDD. Then set it to the HDD after a reboot. Doesn't work. I deleted it on the SSD and set it to the HDD after reboot.

No matter what I do, if I set the pagefile to anything but the SSD I will get the above error message.

That message only goes away when I set the system to assign the pagefile.

Has anyone else come across this problem or does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this.

I am currently running Windows 10 Pro version 1809 OS build 17763.134

Hello all,

Running an old PC in a MAME cabinet. Only a 50GB hard drive, most of the files are on flash drives. I've noticed that my C drive continually loses space despite there being nothing on it. It has gone from 2GB down to 300MB, and is rebooted / turned off on a regular basis. It isn't even hooked up to the internet, so I'm not very worried about viruses, etc

I've run a disk cleanup, defragmentation. Initially this provided great benefit when I ran it a few months ago, but now I'm back where I'm started and it is providing no benefit. Was wondering what else I could do to potentially address the issue.

As an aside, I get this error when booting up " Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer because of a problem that occurred with your paging file configuration when you started your computer. The total paging file size for all disk drives may be somewhat larger than the size you specified." I tried turning off the paging file per another thread but that didn't seem to do anything. I figured the two errors are probably interrelated so I thought I'd bring that up.

Thanks for any help provided!

How do I fix Windows created a temporary paging file?

Step 1: Open the Run window, type systempropertiesadvanced, and click OK. Step 2: Under the Advanced tab, click Settings from the Performance section. Step 3: Go to Advanced > Change. Step 4: Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers, click Custom size, and enter 0 for Initial size and Maximum size.

Does page file affect gaming?

Paging file size is important for gaming because it can affect the performance of the game. If the paging file size is too small, the game may lag or stutter. If the paging file size is too large, the game may take up too much memory and cause the computer to slow down.

Does paging slow down computer?

Increasing page file size may help prevent instabilities and crashing in Windows. However, hard drive read/write times are much slower than what they would be if the data were in your computer memory. Having a larger page file is going to add extra work for your hard drive, causing everything else to run slower.

What happens if I remove paging file?

However, disabling the page file can result in some bad things. If programs start to use up all your available memory, they'll start crashing instead of being swapped out of the RAM into your page file. This can also cause problems when running software that requires a large amount of memory, such as virtual machines.

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