Can you connect a laptop to a PC

Table of Contents

  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor | Benefits
  • Use the External Display Connectors on Your Laptop
  • How to Use a Laptop as a Second Monitor for Windows Devices
    • 1. If Both Devices are Windows 10
    • 2. Connect your main device (laptop or desktop)
    • 2. If Your Primary Device is Windows but Laptop to Use s Monitor Is Not Windows
  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Macs
    • 1. Both devices are Macs
    • 2. 2 Devices are Different Operating Systems
  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor for PS4
  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Switch
  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Xbox
  • How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Desktop
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • 1. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for my PC?
    • 2. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for my Xbox?
    • 3. Can I use my laptop screen to play PS4?
    • 4. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for PS5?
    • 5. How do I connect my laptop to my PC via USB?

If your usual monitor has been damaged or you don't currently have one then you might be wondering how to use laptop as monitor. Good news! You absolutely can use a laptop as a monitor in a pinch. It isn't the most efficient option, and shouldn't be your first choice, but if all else fails, you can use your laptop to game or give yourself a little extra screen real estate. Also you can use tablet as monitor, too. We'll show you how to do this for Windows, Macs, and Gaming systems - in that order so just go to the section that applies to you.

That said, if you'd rather just replace your old monitor or get a new one then you might be interested in getting some of our recommended choices:

  • Budget monitors
  • FreeSync monitors
  • 240 hz Monitors
  • Budget Gaming Monitors
  • 144hz Gaming Monitors
  • Bezel Less Monitors
  • 40 inch 4K Monitors
  • Ultra Wide Monitors
  • Trading / Stock Monitors
  • Gaming Monitors Under 100
  • Gaming Monitors Under 400

How to Use Laptop as Monitor | Benefits

There are many unfortunate cases where you might find yourself in need of a monitor with no obvious options in sight and asking yourself how to use your laptop as a monitor? If you have a laptop then you are in business and dont have to worry about dropping everything to go get a new monitor or, if you dont have the cash, you wont have to bother waiting for your next paycheck. If you decide for a serious monitor upgrade, like 1440p, you have to ask yourself, is 1440p worth it?

If you have a laptop that has just been gathering dust then this is a good time to pull it out and breathe new life into it. In that case, you should probably learn how to cool down a laptopto begin with to prevent overheating so you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Looking at two documents on each screen for easy comparison
  • Streaming so that you can see what you're doing and engage with your audience easily
  • Using your 2nd monitor solely for supporting applications like Slack, Skype, or your calendars
  • Multi-tasking as you watch Netflix, Youtube or a sports game as you do some work

Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

Our #1 Recommendation

Our Best Value for Money Recommendation

Use the External Display Connectors on Your Laptop

You'll need to make sure the devices are connected

Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

How to Use a Laptop as a Second Monitor for Windows Devices

Can you use a laptop as a monitor? Yes, Windows 10 has innate support for this functionality and doesnt require any extra equipment other than a PC, a laptop, and a few minutes of your time. We'll go over 2 options:

1 If both devices are Windows 10

2. Primary device is Windows 10 but the laptop you wish to use as a monitor isn't (and is a Mac, Linux, or something else)

Mac users scroll down past these sections.

1. If Both Devices are Windows 10

1. First you need to enable the laptop you want to use as a screen:

  1. On the device you want to use for your 2nd display -right click your home screen (not in your browser or other window) and select Properties
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Projecting to This PC and you'll see the image to the right
  5. Select the option that works best for you.

  6. "Windows 10 PCs and phones can project to this PC when you say its OK" - change to "Available Everywhere"
  7. Ask to project to this PC - "First time only"
Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

2. Connect your main device (laptop or desktop)

  1. On your primary device press Windows Key + P
  2. Choose how you want your screen to be shown
  3. Select "Extend" so that you can use your laptop as a 2nd monitor (like in the screen to the right).You can select duplicate if you want both monitors to show the same thing
  4. Find your laptop device name to connect
  5. Approve the connection request to start using both screens
  6. Voila - you're finished!
Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

2. If Your Primary Device is Windows but Laptop to Use s Monitor Is Not Windows

Make sure you read the above section "Use the External Display Connectors on Your Laptop" so that you can connect your primary computer/machine to the laptop you will be using as your 2nd monitor. Then:

  1. Press the [Windows Key] + p to bring up the projection display settings OR right clicking on your home screen (not in a browser or other window) and select Properties
  2. Select Settings
  3. You'll see 2 screens. Select the one that is off center and drag it next to the screen in the middle to where you want it relative to your primary screen
  4. It will ask if you want to enable this (new) monitor - Select Yes
  5. Ensure that "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" is checked
  6. Hit "Apply"

You may have trouble positioning your monitors correctly so that you can use them efficiently. So you can go back to the display settings and select identify.

How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Macs

If you want to use your laptop as a monitor for Macs, there are 2 possibilities here - either

1. Both devices are Macs

In this case both the main device and the laptop you wish to use as a monitor are Macs. Use Luna Display, a free app and is very easy to use.

  • Primary Mac needs 10.11 El Capitan or later
  • Mac to use as a monitor requires 10.8 Mountain Lion or later
  • Get the latest version of Luna Display on both computers

Connecting The 2 Devices:

  1. Download the latest Luna Display app on both devices
  2. On Primary Mac (main Mac you want to use), follow Luna Display instructions. You'll know that the connection works when the screen of second monitor that you want to use as a display changes to the settings set by your Primary Mac

If you want Retina display to work on both laptops, then both the primary device and secondary device must have Retina capabilities

2. 2 Devices are Different Operating Systems

In this case your main device is a Mac but the laptop you want to use is not - instead, it is a Windows or Linux. If you are the reverse - Windows device wanting to connect to an Apple laptop to use as a monitor, scroll up to "If Your Primary Device is Windows but Laptop Isn't".

  1. Install5Kplayer, a free software tool, on the laptop that you want to use as a monitor
  2. Enable airplay
  3. Your mac will recognize the laptop you want to use as a monitor as a display

As an alternative to 5Kplayer you can use LetsViewwhich is also free.

These apps let your PC/laptop receive airplay from your Mac, allowing them to receive data from your mac. This means the devices need to be on the same internet network (or hot spot) and the responsiveness of the laptop as your monitor depends on your internet connectivity and router & host. I have no problem using my mobile hotspot for both devices (which is slower than my internet connection) and it works perfectly.

How to Use Laptop as Monitor for PS4

Can I use my laptop as a monitor for a Playstation 4? The answer is yes but using a laptop as a monitor for this purpose can be difficult. It isnt as simple as just plugging an HDMI cable into both and playing. Unfortunately, most laptops only support outward connections for projecting their data on another screen but have no support for incoming data. This means were going to have to get creative.

Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

The first option for using your laptop as a monitor requires a little preparation. You can use the PlayStation Remote Play feature to stream games from your Playstation to your Laptop and use it as a monitor in that way, but you will still need a monitor for your Playstation to use at first while you enable the remote play option and configure things. I am primarily a PC gamer and I often use this feature to stream games to my PC when I feel like playing a console exclusive.

To use this method you will first have to download the remote play app from Sony on your laptop, and this option will only work if you have a Playstation Network account, so if you dont already have one, you will have to make one.

Once your laptop is set up, you will need to turn on your Playstation and configure it for remote play. This is done by enabling Remote Play Connection in the settings. After that, you can feel free to put your Playstation in rest mode and you no longer require a monitor for it. You can enable the ability to turn on your Playstation in the Remote Play app on your laptop and configure resolution settings from there as well.

Once you have all of your settings configured all you have to do is connect your controller through the USB port and you should be able to get started playing. As a note, you should know that this option requires a strong internet connection to keep input-lag low.

The second option requires special equipment. You can use a capture card to transmit data between your Playstation and your laptop. You just have to enable file sharing on the Playstation and connect both devices to your capture card. After everything is connected, you should be able to stream games from your Playstation to your laptop. Also, for more detailed instructions check out the dedicated 'How to Use Laptop as Monitor for PS4' post.

How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Switch

Unfortunately, you face many of the same challenges with the Nintendo Switch as you do with Playstation and Nintendo does not have an analog for Sony Remote Play. That said, you can do something similar to the capture card setup discussed in the Playstation section, but it is a little more complicated.

You will either need a USB-C to HDMI adapter, or you will have to play with the Switch in its dock. Either way, once you have a way to output to HDMI, you should connect your device to the capture card. This will enable you to transmit the data from your console to something else, in this case, your laptop.

You need to connect the capture card to your laptop, but that isnt enough to be able to play. The data will be transmitted, but you have no way to see it. For that, you will need some kind of special software. Some capture cards come with built-in software for viewing the data that is being transmitted, which should work just fine.

If your capture card doesnt come with software like that then you could use streaming software like OBS to view your game. You dont have to be recording the data to view it in the software.

How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Xbox

Microsoft's Xbox One does have its own version of the Playstation Remote Play app and, just like with that service, you will have to have a monitor for your Xbox to get things set up, but once that is done you can switch over to your laptop whenever you need to.

First things first, you have to enable connectivity with the Xbox Companion App for your Xbox. You can access this option from the guide in the preferences setting, it is called Xbox App Connectivity. Once you have set your device to allow game streaming to other devices and allowed connections from other devices to interact with your Xbox you are ready to swap over to the laptop screen.

On the laptop screen, you should open the Xbox Companion App and connect to your Xbox using the Connection panel. This will give you remote control of the console. After all of that configuration is done all you have to do is click on stream, then launch a game from the library. It should automatically start streaming the game from your Xbox to your laptop.

Can you connect a laptop to a PC
Can you connect a laptop to a PC

Our #1 Recommendation

Our Best Value for Money Recommendation

How to Use Laptop as Monitor for Desktop

If you are trying to use your laptop screen as the primary monitor for your PC, you have two options. You can choose to use the Miracast technology the same way you did to set up your laptop as a second monitor and simply choose Second Screen Only or Duplicate as your display option. This should work fine and doesnt require any cables or other connection devices.

If you prefer not to use that solution, it is also possible to connect an HDMI cord from your PC to your laptop which should allow you to switch to that display.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for my PC?

Yes, you can. First, you'll need to obtain the proper display cable for your laptop to connect it to a monitor. Your laptop may come with an HDMI cable, a DisplayPort cable, a mini-DisplayPort cable, or a docking station; therefore, find the appropriate cable for your needs and connect it to your monitor.

2. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for my Xbox?

When playing Xbox, you can use your laptop as a monitor. If your laptop lacks an HDMI port, a USB HDMI adapter can be used. 2. Wirelessly connect your Xbox One to your laptop by downloading the XBOX app from the Windows Store.

3. Can I use my laptop screen to play PS4?

Yes, you can use the HDMI port on your laptop to connect your PS4 and enjoy gaming on the go. There are a few steps you must take before you can finally sit back and enjoy your PS4 games on a laptop screen.

4. Can I use my laptop as a monitor for PS5?

Yes. Individuals who own a PS5 console have access to Sony Remote Play, which is software that enables them to stream PS5 games to your laptop screen. This system utility enables remote connection of the PS5. As a result, you can enjoy your gaming without interruption.

5. How do I connect my laptop to my PC via USB?

Connect one end of the cable to the USB port on your first computer and the other end to the USB port on your second display. Wait until both PCs detect the USB cable. Additionally, this should initiate an installation wizard.