card game là gì - Nghĩa của từ card game

card game có nghĩa là

1] The premise of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, which is a horrible abomination. 2] A VERY stupid idea. If TEXTING and driving can kill you/others, then playing a children's card game while doing so is going to wind up even worse.


I came..." "WHAT!?" "To this city..." "Oh" "To deliver a message." .... "Card Games on Motorcycles.

card game có nghĩa là

A card game played in a party setting, very fun way to get drunk
what you need:
1] pack of cards
2] alot of beer
3] 4 or more players

to start the game figure out a way to determine who goes first, an easy way is to draw cards and go by who gets the highest, second highest, third.. etc. the structure of the game is the first person going is the president, second is vice president, and each person gets a title of descending importance, until the last person who is the ASSHOLE. now throughout the game, everyone who has power can tell the ppl underneith them what to do. i.e. the president can say [EVERYONE CHUG YOUR BEER] and everyone has to. while the vice president can only tell the people under him to do stuff, and so on.

every player gets and equal ammount of cards, the first person to do anything is the player who has the 4 of SPADES and he has to put that card down. then the next person has to either put down another 4 or any higher card. then the next person would go and if they didnt have a card to throw down that was higher than the card on the table, they would be skipped and they have to drink a beer. If a player puts down a 3 it skips the next person unless they have a 2 to put down. playing a 3 also clears the pile of cards already on the table, and a new pile is started by the person who the round is skipped to. if a player has a pair of cards [say a pair of nines] the next player to go has to have a pair of tens or higher in order to beat it, or they will be skipped and have to drink, if no one has anything that can beat the card[s] on the table, then they would all drink [except for the person who played the card] and the pile would be cleared and the person who played the card would go again.

the game would go on until someone throws all their cards down, they will be the president for the next game, the next person to use all their cards is the vice president and so on. the loser is the asshole for next round.

also the president can make up rules, stupid rules such as anyone that touches their face has to drink. or anyone who says damn it has to drink.

atleast those are the rules ive played by.. spread the knowledge this game is awesome


play Asshole the Card Game and get drunk

card game có nghĩa là

The Game is an invented game which is related to Magic the Gathering. The concept is that a player may use any creatures from any universe [comics, movies, mythology, etc.] and match them up against his opponents, the results of which are then debated. Creating a deck and playing The Game is a complex process, but the idea is simply to foster epic arguments


Carter and I were playing The Game [card version]. He had no chance after my Gandalf ripped apart his Dumbledore N.B. you don't call it The Game [card version]. You call it The Game. urbandictionary required me to write it that way

card game có nghĩa là

One of the many methods employed by unseen political forces to drain people of their funds.


Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, ECT.

card game có nghĩa là

Gambling with a group of friends to pay for food, by placing a credit card from everyone in the bill and telling your server to pick one at random.


"Man, I lost a credit card game last night. There were six of us at The Cheesecake Factory and the bill was $150"

card game có nghĩa là

A 3-person drinking card game. Each person will draw one card from the pile in the middle, and whoever has the card that falls between the two is deemed the "middle child", and therefor is required to take a drink. [Ex. one person draws a 3, one person draws a 7, and one person draws a Queen, the person who draws a 7 would have to drink]. Aces are High. If two of the people playing draw the same card, then they are "twinsies", and they are required to High-Five while the "Odd Child" has to take a drink. In the rare case that all three members draw the same card. Everyone else who is in the room is required to take a shot.


Brit: I pulled an 5.
Alex: BROOOOO, i pulled an 8.
Zach: I pulled a King. Brit: Alex, You're the Middle have to drink. That's how you play "Middle Child Card Game"

card game có nghĩa là

Any type of game involving any deck of cards. This includes: 2s, 3 card brag, 3 card monte, 3 card poker, 3-5-7, 3-5-8, 3-13, 3 in 1, 4 card brag, 4 colour chess cards, 4 of a kind, 5 card brag, all 5's, 5 up, 5's and 3's, 6 card brag, 7 card brag, 7's...etc. To see the full list go to-


Mark: Wanna play a game?
Emily: Sure, I'll get the cards so we can play a card game.

card game có nghĩa là

high/low/jack and game rules


card game có nghĩa là

A card game that is played between 2+ people, where each card will represent a sexual dare. For example:

Can be modiefied if a girl is involved.


King = Jerk them off
Queen = Suck them
Jack = Anal
10 = Just play around

etc.. etc..

Game invented in NY.

card game có nghĩa là

1. when the Odds are against your favor
2. Rigged
3. A women with huge breasts.


Paul: "So did you win the Lotto?"
Brandon " nah that shits stacked like a crooked card game Wayne:"Did you see the tits on that one?"
Brandon: Damn, she is stacked like a crooked card game!"

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