chicago cubs là gì - Nghĩa của từ chicago cubs

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

Despite their consistant lack of success, a team that's hard to hate. Sold out every home game for over the past 10 years, and has a reputation for having good pitchers that are constantly hurt. A wonderful team to love with a great stadium, however unsucessful since 1908


Did you hear Kerry Wood of the Chicago Cubs is hurt?

No, but what else is new

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

A traditionally unsuccessful team that is hard to hate. The Cubs, lacking a World Series victory since 1908, still consistently have over 39,000 fans attending their games. A large majority of this can be contributed to Chicago's bustling North Side and the conveinent location of Wrigley Field.

Cubs fans are famously known as some of the best in the world. This can directly be discovered by the fact that people of all attend games religiously, no matter win or lose. Unlike Chicago White Sox fans, Cubs fans never quit on their team and will watch games like its the last one they'll ever see.


The Chicago Cubs haven't won since 1908, but they have the greatest fans and the greatest home field in the world.

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

The greatest baseball team in the history of history. Some people currently know them as the 'Lovable Losers' however in November of 2009 this name will no longer be approiate. They are gonig to win the World Series this year and I don't care if you think that a different team will win. I respect your opinion but you are absolutley WRONG. Epic Fail. The Cubs will win 101 games during the regular season and will go on to win the World Series [btw 101 years ago they won their last world series, that is why it will be 101 wins]


Bret: The Chicago Cubs are going to win the world series!!!
John: No they aren't
......November 2009......
John: Hey Bret, I heard the Cubs won the World Series
Bret: Yeah! What now bitch!

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

a major league baseball team who plays their home games at Wrigley Field on the north side of Chicago, Illinois. A few notable facts about the Cubs:
- One of the original National League teams
- Mostly known for their long World Series drought [101+ years]
- The first team to appear in back-to-back World Series [1906-1908]
- The first team to win back to back World Series [1907-1908]
- Biggest rivals are the Chicago White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals
- Have played in the same ballpark since 1916, longer than all teams except the Boston Red Sox
- 1st team to win 10 000 games playing in a single city [2nd team to win 10 000 games overall, after the New York/San Francisco Giants]


Fans of Chicago Cubs vs. Fans of Chicago White Sox: Which are better?
- Loyalty: Cubs
- Knowledge: Undecided
- Tradition: Cubs
- History: Cubs
- Sheer numbers: Cubs
- Consistent winners: Sox [i don't know if it's good or bad]
- Die-hard fans: Too close to call; Cubs a slight edge, maybe.
- Fair-weather fans: Sox have more.
- Bandwagon fans: Cubs have too many.
- Passion: Can't call
Overall: The Cubs have the better fan community aside from all of the bandwagon jumpers. That is not to say that Sox fans are not true baseball fans [aside from the whole DH thing, but that's another story].

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

The Chicago Cubs are a baseball team that overshadow the more competent White Sox. Contrary to popular belief the White Sox have about as many real baseball fans as the Cubs, give or take a few. Most of the Cubs fan base is made up of occasional watchers who figure it would be fun to hang at Wrigley for one or two games each season, not true fans. These fans tend to blame their troubles on preposterous curses and/or other fans [ex: the goat and Steve Bartman], and as long as the Cubs are hovering around .500 they think they're going to the World Series. The Cubs also have talented baseball players who are either hurt all the time [Mark Prior/Kerry Wood] or just can't get it together.


Maybe they should build Mark Prior a bionic arm, then the Chicago Cubs might actually make the playoffs for once!

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

1. A Major League Baseball team from Chicago, Illinois. [n]
2. A team that has not won the World Series since 1908. [n]
3. A team that blames their misfortunes on a goat. [n]
4. A team that blamed a 2003 Game 6 loss on a fan rather than their manager and players. [n]
5. A team whose fans think that they will win the World Series before the season begins, but loses their thinking after they see their team on the bottom of the division 10 days after the season starts. [n]
6. A team whose fans do not know the game of baseball, but attend games to get intoxicated. [n]


-The Chicago Cubs fans screamed their rallying cry: "maybe next year"
-A Chicago Cubs fan ordered another beer and asked a fellow game attendee what the score was.

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

The Chicago Cubs are the single most loser organization in the history of sports. I talk not only about the numbers but the quality of talent and fan base. The tradition is losing. For a country that is largely made up of losers and those who have never won anything in life it is easy to see why there is so many Cubs fans. It is sad that people, grown ups teach their children it is acceptable to root for a team that time and time again embarrass' it's city. The Chicago Cubs play at the worst field left in the majors. It is in the heart of boystown in Chicago, IL. This may explain the sheer number of homosexuals who frequent the games. Cubs fan are not real sports fan and they do not care for the game itself. Being a Cubs fan is a NOVELTY. the Cubs are a novelty act that is more of a show going on while there is a drunken homosexual party in the stand. For a person to call themselves a Cubs fan they admit that they are, 1] Gay, 2] A Loser, 3] is a phoney, 4] a drunk, 5] has a small loser shaped penis, OR 6] an unhealthy combination of 1-5. So there you have it. That is the true definition of the Chicago Cubs.


1908-2012 "chicago cubs lose again... like it ever matter, we are here for the forced entry"
2012 numbers dont lie

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

One of the greatest franchises in baseball. A true Cubs fan loves the game, loves the Cubs, sticks with the Cubs no matter what, and doesn't worry about the Sox or how any other team does.


Wrigley Field, the Chicago Cubs home park is a beautiful and fun place.

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

Major League Baseball World Series Champions


Ladies and Gentlemen, the starting lineup for YOUR WORLD CHAMPION CHICAGO CUBS!

chicago cubs có nghĩa là

A team that finally won a World Series after not winning one for 108 years


Finally I can die in peace after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series

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