collegiate là gì - Nghĩa của từ collegiate

collegiate có nghĩa là

Collegiate is the nation's oldest currently operating school, founded in 1628 to educate the children of Dutch settlers. Today it is located on the Upper West Side of New York City and is brimming with young, educated boys.

Collegiate is often considered elite because of its rigorous academics; it is not unnormal to see nearly 50% of a graduating class attending an Ivy League school or a college or university of equal calibre. Collegiate also boasts great track, wrestling, and baseball teams.

Collegiate boys are also known to have an upbeat social life, hanging out with girls from nearby Brearley, Chapin, Spence, Nightingale, and other girls' schools. Alcohol is often part of the mix and drugs occasionally surface at wild house parties where kids from many different schools belonging to the "Interschool" [a group of private schools in NYC] community hang out.


The Collegiate school kids are so cool

collegiate có nghĩa là

A school in Manhattan for really smart kids who have a sense of humor and for kids that know how to have a good time. Collegiate School has a great sports program. And well Dutchmen just rule.


I wanna fuck a collegiate school student. They are hot and smart. Also they're rich.

collegiate có nghĩa là

Collegiate is a place where guys can hang out with girls freely, and enjoy each others company. This is contrary to Collegiate's rival school, St. Christophers where all they have time to do is gloat about how pretty each others flowing hair and matching fluorescent costumes look, because there are no girls to do this job. The life of a Collegiate student is a life lived to the fullest, dominating in outstanding athletic and academic achievements, as well as dominating the competition on having a good time, which is why the Saint Catherine's girls join the Collegiate girls, leaving the boys to give each other their own kind of fun.


Collegiate Guy: Man, doesn't it feel good knowing that we aced that test?
Collegiate Guy 2: Yeah, but this St. Catherine's girl made me feel a whole lot better last night, in the saddle.

collegiate có nghĩa là

another sucky richmond private school that thinks its okay so totaly ruin middle school girl-boy relationships by seperating the girls and boys witch causes to eventually ruin high school because theyre all prude.


freeman boy: i fucked shelby last night!
collegiate boy: oh gosh. we kissed!

collegiate có nghĩa là

One of the utmost respected high schools in America and has been named the #2 high school in PA for many years. It is known for it's extreme nerdom and it's ASL team who are considered the elites of the school by the administrators, but in reality no one really cares about them.


Billy: Hey Tommy i just got accepted to Collegiate Academy!
Tommy: That's great, you just proved you are a nerd.
Billy: Well at least i won't end up working at Taco Bell for the rest of my life like the central kids.
Tommy: That's true.

collegiate có nghĩa là

A theory posed by a Penn State student, contending that "survival of the fittest" applies to the social life of college students.


Collegiate Darwinism: 3-5 friends go on a road trip to a college where they have no friends. Everyone must find a bed. House parties, bars & late night pizza joints are recommended places to find a bedmate. As the night progresses, friends will see that the strongest survive, no matter what it takes. Those that sleep with fat chicks or ugly guys [girls is pimps too] should be congradulated for finding a bed, not admonished for lowering any standards. Meet up at a diner the next morning to tell your stories. Compare strategies, learn from your mistakes, and go to a different school and try it again.

collegiate có nghĩa là

High school student, usually a sophomore or junior, who visits college campuses periodically throughout the year. They are usually accompanied by parents and younger siblings and travel in small groups. They invade dining halls, bookstores, libraries and gyms. Collegies are characterized by sense of displacement and bewilderment. The brave ones will ask for directions, but most of them stand around with parents looking stupid.


Today at the dining hall there were three groups of Collegies that were wandering around aimlessly.

collegiate có nghĩa là

Music done by college students involving only voices and no instruments. Usually sounds stupid and worse than the original hits because the performers are drunk and care more about getting laid. There are some good groups, but mostly just a soloist sucking and the rest of the group going "doo-doo."


Kayne West: Yo Off the Beat, I'm really happy for you guys, and I'm gonna let you finish, but the original artists had better versions of the songs you covered. Ivygate blog: Worst College A Cappella group is Chord on Blues Oscar Wilde: Collegiate A Cappella? Sounds like getting dildo up my ass.

collegiate có nghĩa là

The relationship between co-workers working towards a common goal. Owing each other a higher sense of treatment because of said co-worker stance.


Smell my vagina"..."NO, that crosses the line of collegiality!

collegiate có nghĩa là

To do with a College atmosphere ie: Spring break Students or a Campus, as defined by a high school teenager while touring a University campus or beach...


I went the beach but the people were so Collegy.

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