fuck yours là gì - Nghĩa của từ fuck yours

fuck yours có nghĩa là

To do something so bold simply to be an asshole. The phrase began on an episode of Dave Chappelle, in which Rick James utterly destroyed Eddie Murphy's couch, causing Eddie and his brother, Charlie Murphy to completely pwn Rick by the way of a beatdown administered to his legs.


Rick James grinds mud into Eddie Murphy's new couch.

Rick: Fuck your couch!

Eddie and Charlie Murphy beat Rick's legs.

Rick: Darkness Motherfuckers!

fuck yours có nghĩa là

An expression given to another person who is annoying, or full of bullshit, used to insult the person and suggesst that they are useless.


"Yeah, so what if you bought a new tv! Go fuck your hat!"

fuck yours có nghĩa là

N. What you say to a person, when you honestly do not care what they think or feel about a particular person, subject, or action.


Girl: OMG how could you fuck my best friend, you know how i felt about you!
Guy: When we were together, you cheated on me anyway. Fuck Your Feelings. Parent: I don't appreciate the foul language you use in your Facebook statuses. there's kids on this site you know! Guy: Fuck Your Feelings, If you don't want your kids exposed to vulgarity, get them off the computer and make them watch Nick Jr.

fuck yours có nghĩa là

Fuck Your Shit- Like "Fuck You" , only used in more thought and depth. Used in strong disagreement , anger or dislike. Fuck what you think, fuck what you have, fuck what you need, fuck what you want, fuck what you are, what you will be, where you've been.Everything to do with you and your issues.


Boss to employee- I need you to lie about what happened here. I can't tarnish my reputation for this, it'll be too much. My business will be fucked! You have to lie and take some of the responsibility for me. Employee-Fuck Your shit !

fuck yours có nghĩa là

A branch off of your face in which any and all insults can be answered with Fuck Your Face. Its more potent and final than just saying your face.


As a put off:
1. Hey lets go get a cheeseburger.
2. Fuck your face. As an insult:
1. Fuck you.
2. Fuck your face. As a comeback:
1. You're a fucking asshole.
2. Your asshole fucks your face.

fuck yours có nghĩa là

A joke involving usually three or more parties, a cannibal tribe, and some form of utensil used for stabbing.


An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Czech are out exploring, and they're captured by cannibals. The king of the cannibals says "We're going to eat you now, because we're cannibals and that's what we do. But we're not savages like we used to be, so we're not going to torture you for three days first...in fact, you can kill yourselves any way you like, we don't care." The explorers all look rather crestfallen at this news, and the chief hastens to reassure them: "Oh, I know what you're thinking, we've seen it before---you're thinking your life has been a waste, you're going to die out here for nothing, and so on. Well, let me assure you, that just isn't true. We'll use your skin to make our excellent canoes, your hair to make twine, and we'll eat every edible part of you. So really, it's not a waste at all. Now, please get on with it." The Frenchman says "vive la france", and slits his throat. The Englishman takes his gun, says "God save the Queen", and shoots himself in the head. The Czech pulls out a fork and starts stabbing himself---first in the thigh [ouch!], then in the side [yow!], then in the lower leg [argh!]...finally the king of the cannibals says "My god, what are you doing??!!" And the Czech stabs himself with the fork again and says..."Fuck your canoe."

fuck yours có nghĩa là

Thug life moment usually said after something you can't do


"I can't tie my shoes but I can fuck your bitch"

fuck yours có nghĩa là

often used by kids who play fortnite after you beat them in a game.


Fortnite kid: "I fucked your mom last night!".

fuck yours có nghĩa là

1. When you don't have time for bullshit
2. used to show that the person is a waste of time/waste of anything
3. When you have nothing else to say


Man whore: let's hook up but keep this between me and you
Girl: nah, fuck your time. Girl:can u come over and bring me ice cream?:]
Boy: if we don't makeout or some shit after then fuck your time

fuck yours có nghĩa là

A catchphrase that alludes to the infamous “To my ex” or “hot dog husband” video that can be found on YouTube.
Definition #1
This phrase can be used casually to reject someone’s attempts to take control of a situation, or to reject someone’s actions/existence in general. Sunglasses are used to control the amount of sunlight one’s eyes perceive, worn to seem mysterious or intimidating, or as a choice of fashion. All of these have assertive intentions, therefore, the phrase “fuck your sunglasses” is reject someone’s attempt to utilize metaphorical “sunglasses.” Definition #2
Rejecting someone else’s perspective, as in the metaphorical sunglasses one perceives something.


Example of #1
A: We should go out tonight. B: We? No, I do not want to do that.
A: Come on, you never do anything fun with me. Let’s go out and have a good time. B: Fuck you, and fuck your sunglasses. I do not want to spend time with you. Definition #2
A: I think roller coasters are fun
B: I don’t, fuck your sunglasses.

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