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This Is How Often You Should Shut Down Your Computer

Updated: Sep. 01, 2021

Do you shut down your computer every night or leave it in sleep mode? Tech experts explain how often your computer needs a full reboot.

There are pretty much two types of people in the world: Those who shut their computers down every night, and those who close their laptops without turning them off. Youve probably heard mixed messages about which one is better for saving energy and keeping your hardware up to snuff, so were here to set the record straight. Also, dont forget to read up on when its better to restart versus shut down your computer.

What are the computer low-power states?

Most computers have three levels of low-power states when theyre not in use: sleeping, hibernating, and shut down.

In sleep mode, your computer shuts down portions of itself but saves a snapshot of what you were doing so you can get right back to where you were, says Geek Squad Agent Derek Meister. Hibernate mode is similar but shuts more things off for deeper sleep and less power. The main difference youd notice is the time it takes to boot back up, says Brad Nichols, a technician with technology repair service company Staymobile. Sleep mode will boot your computer back up within a few seconds of moving the mouse, but it might take a few minutes to come out of hibernation. Shutting down your laptop fully means your computer is totally powered off and uses almost no power. Dont miss these hidden reasons your Internet is running slow.

Does shutting down a computer use more power?

You might have heard shutting down a computer completely actually uses more power in the long run because the system is more stressed than usual during the shutdown and boot up. That might have been true in older models, but its not an issue with modern computers. You might remember the loud noises like whirring fans from your first PCs, but newer models have solid-state equipment instead of a bunch of moving parts, says Meister. The newer technology also makes shutdowns go more smoothly. Modern computers dont really draw much more powerif anywhile starting up or shutting down than when normally being used, he says. Youre better off sticking with these tricks for a longer-lasting laptop battery.

While sleep mode does suck up a bit more power than a laptop thats shut down, the difference is pretty negligible. Youre talking maybe a dollars worth of savings on your electric bill, says Meister. If youre worried about cutting down your energy costs, youre better off unplugging chargers that arent in use or turning off a printer until you need it, he says.

If youre constantly back and forth at the computer, leaving it in sleep mode might save your sanity when you first open your laptop. If you use it less often or just want to power it down, though, no harm done, says Meister.

How often should you shut down a computer?

Even if you do keep your laptop in sleep mode most nights, its a good idea to fully shut down your computer at least once a week, agreesNichols and Meister. The more you use your computer, the more applications will be running, from cached copies of attachments to ad blockers in the background. Those things just have to be reset at some point so theyre not always running, says Nichols. It just builds up over time, and the more you use it, the slower it will get.

Plus, a weekly shutdown can avoid buggy technology. Youve probably had computer issues that a simple reset fixed, and making that reboot a habit can nip those problems in the bud, says Nichols. It resets the computer and gives it a fresh start, he says.

Next, learn how to tell if your computer has been hackedand what to do about it.


  • Derek Meister,Geek Squad Agent
  • Brad Nichols, Staymobile technician
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Marissa Laliberte
Marissa Laliberte-Simonian is a London-based associate editor with the global promotions team at WebMDs and was previously a staff writer for Reader's Digest. Her work has also appeared in Business Insider, Parents magazine, CreakyJoints, and the Baltimore Sun. You can find her on Instagram @marissasimonian.

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