kerwin là gì - Nghĩa của từ kerwin

kerwin có nghĩa là

To take the last full cup or serving, of a food or beverage, while leaving a small but less than full serving behind, which often casues the next person to either refill or make more of that item.

Ví dụ

When Ryan filled up his cup with coffee he left less than a cup remaining in the pot. When Rob later went to get a cup for himself, he discovered that he had been "kerwined."

kerwin có nghĩa là

Flatulation ejected through the penis. Also called a "dickfart".

Ví dụ

When Ryan filled up his cup with coffee he left less than a cup remaining in the pot. When Rob later went to get a cup for himself, he discovered that he had been "kerwined."

kerwin có nghĩa là

Flatulation ejected through the penis. Also called a "dickfart".

Ví dụ

When Ryan filled up his cup with coffee he left less than a cup remaining in the pot. When Rob later went to get a cup for himself, he discovered that he had been "kerwined." Flatulation ejected through the penis. Also called a "dickfart". I totally blew a Kerwin when I heard Paradise City! Kerwin CAN be sweet and sensitive but he can also be a selfless no hearted ass. He is in LOVE with a girl who doesn't like him but there is another girl and she likes him but he is 2 blind 2 see this! Nickita: Dude you are pulling a kerwin on Nicky

kerwin có nghĩa là

Vlad: no im not!!!!

Ví dụ

When Ryan filled up his cup with coffee he left less than a cup remaining in the pot. When Rob later went to get a cup for himself, he discovered that he had been "kerwined." Flatulation ejected through the penis. Also called a "dickfart". I totally blew a Kerwin when I heard Paradise City! Kerwin CAN be sweet and sensitive but he can also be a selfless no hearted ass. He is in LOVE with a girl who doesn't like him but there is another girl and she likes him but he is 2 blind 2 see this! Nickita: Dude you are pulling a kerwin on Nicky
Vlad: no im not!!!!
Nickita: Ya u r..
William: seriously dude stop denying it!!!
Vlad: ok maybe i am but i dont like her!!

kerwin có nghĩa là

A phenomena known as liking every single status of everyone on your friend's list. As soon as one posts a status, one likes that status, even if it is a depressing status or has nothing to do with the one liking the status. Also called Kerwinning, to Kerwin, or being Kerwinned.

Ví dụ

Person 1: "Oh yeah, I just posted my new awesome facebook status!"

kerwin có nghĩa là

Kerwin this is a popular loner, they are known but not known for anything,deep thinkers but friendly,observant and very lowkey intelligent.

Ví dụ

Person 2: "I'm going to like this even though it doesn't apply to me whatsoever!" *như*

kerwin có nghĩa là

Short for Kerwin's Kollege of Common Sense. Descriptive phrase for an individual who is unable to make simple decisions. Is often indecisive or makes poor decisions.

Ví dụ

Person 3: "AWW MAN! I just got Kerwinned!!"

kerwin có nghĩa là

A kerwinator can be described as a internet occupying relay made of deep friend corn coating over a highly resilient set of out of this world circuitry, whose throughput increases with uptime [overclocking]

Ví dụ


kerwin có nghĩa là

Lita Kerwin is the funniest person you will ever meet. She is obsessed with coffee and loves theater. She is the prettiest girl anyone has ever seen. She can be very petty and extra but ultimately is one of the best people you will ever know. She is also extremely talented.

Ví dụ

"Aww yeah. I feel like Kerwinning some statuses today." Kerwin is a loving boy that loves taking care of his friends and family. He has a hard time understanding reading but is really good at math. He has a big ego that he carries around with him. He falls in love quickly and gets heartbroken quickly as well. He tries his hardest when it comes to a relationship and does everything he possibly can. Cute, smart, handsome, strong, boy who has his strong beliefs.

kerwin có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

Kerwin this is a popular loner, they are known but not known for anything,deep thinkers but friendly,observant and very lowkey intelligent.

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