Lỗi internet explorer cannot display the webpage windows xp năm 2024

LỖI: “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” là một trong số những lỗi mà các bạn thường gặp khi thực hiện các công việc như: kê khai thuế qua mạng [//nhantokhai.gdt.gov.vn] hay là nộp thuế điện tử [//nopthue.gdt.gov.vn] trên cổng thông tin điện tử chính phủ của Tổng Cục Thuế Việt Nam.Thông báo mà các bạn nhận được là: “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” tạm hiểu “IE không thể hiển thị nội dung trang web này“.


Do các bạn đang sử dụng trình duyệt Internet Explorer [IE] phiên bản quá thấp, không đúng điều kiện mà TCT yêu cầu. Để sử dụng tốt nhất dịch vụ kê khai thuế hay nộp thuế điện tử các bạn nên sử dụng trình duyệt IE 8 trở lên.

CÁCH KHẮC PHỤC LỖI “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”

Lỗi này thường bị với Windows XP

Cách khắc phục:

  1. Kiểm tra và nâng cấp IE 8 trở lên [xem hướng dẫn chi tiết nâng cấp IE].
  2. Nếu bạn đang sử dụng Windows XP Service Pack 2 cần phải nâng cấp Service Pack 3 hoặc Windows mới hơn [hướng dẫn chi tiết nâng cấp Windows XP SP2 lên SP3].

Thông thường những trường hợp gặp lỗi này cần phải nâng cấp hệ điều hành.

Một số anh/chị sử dụng máy tính nhưng không biết mình đang dùng hệ điều hành gì, có thể xem hướng dẫn kiểm tra tại đây.

Hướng dẫn kiểm tra HĐH nhanh:Chuột phải vào My computer > chọn Properties

Nếu các bạn thấy “Service Pack 2” như trên hình, tức là hệ điều hành của bạn đã quá cũ. Cần phải tiến hành nâng cấp để có thể truy cập được hệ thống nhận tờ khai, nộp Thuế.Các bạn có thể yêu cầu nhân viên IT nâng cấp hệ điều hành Windows XP SP3 hoặc mới hơn.Các bạn cũng có thể tự cài đặt với tập tin nâng cấp sau: WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe Tải xuống sau đó mở và cài đặt bình thường. [nên sao lưu những dữ liệu trước khi thực hiện quá trình này, tránh mất mát nếu xảy ra lỗi.]

Sau khi nâng cấp thành công, có thể truy cập được vào hệ thống Thuế điện tử bình thường.Nếu vẫn không truy cập được, vui lòng để lại thông tin liên hệ mô tả chi tiết. Để chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ bạn tốt nhất!

Bạn sử dụng chữ ký số và không thể liên hệ với nhà cung cấp dịch vụ để được hỗ trợ? Lời khuyên của chúng tôi khi bạn lựa chọn đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ Chữ ký số: Lựa chọn những đơn vị Uy tín, có tâm và có chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ. Đừng ham hố những lời quảng cáo, chiết khấu cao [họ cung cấp mức giá lợi nhuận thấp, thì chi phí đâu họ hỗ trợ bạn?]

While Microsoft has launched its latest and greatest Edge browser, millions of users still use the original Internet Explorer. It is because of the browser’s ability to work as per the user’s requirements. However, the problem Internet Explorer can not display the webpage has recently emerged with the browser.

The issue revolves around the internet connection as it says that the webpage is unavailable to be displayed, but the reality is that multiple factors cause the problem. If you are familiar with the error or have experienced the same and are looking for a solution, you have reached just the right place!

In this post, let’s discuss some of the best solutions to the problem and understand how you can fix Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage issue. Let’s get started!

Ways to Resolve the Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage?

While dealing with the issue, multiple factors should be considered. If you are open to exploring the problem more, it will be easier to fix it. The factors causing the issue range from simple issues like an outdated version of Internet Explorer to more complex problems such as errors in cookies and caches for a particular website.

We have curated some of the finest fixes while ensuring that all these factors are covered. Let’s take a look!


1 – Reset Your Internet Connection

Let’s start with the basics! There are times when the internet is the ultimate cause of the error. So, to fix the problem, start by resetting your internet connection. Keep in mind that resetting your connection does not mean disconnecting and reconnecting.

Restart your router to reset the connection completely. To do so, unplug your router and re-plug it to reset the connection. If you are using a mobile device as your source of connection [USB Tethering], turn off your mobile data and turn it ON again.


2 – Stop Using Unnecessary Add-ons

Internet Explorer might be an excellent browser for using the internet in its purest form. However, it has had hiccups while using add-ons and plugins. It is because Microsoft no longer supports it.

When facing the problem, Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. Check the add-ons, as they might be causing the issue. To disable your add-ons –

  1. Go to Internet Explorer Settings and click on manage add-ons.
  2. On the Add-ons page, click on Show, and select All add-ons.
  3. Find the add-ons that are creating the issue.
  4. Right-click on the add-on and click on Disable.

Disabling these add-ons may be your job if you have recently experienced the error. If this fix does not work, move to the next solution!


3 – Reset the Browser Settings to Default

Making changes to Internet Explorer can also result in hindrances while accessing a few websites. The easiest way to handle can not display webpage error on your browser is to reset the settings to default.

To rest your browser settings –

  1. Open Settings by clicking on the settings icon in the top right corner of your browser.
  2. Click on Internet options in the opened menu > switch to the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Reset, and when prompted again, click Reset on the Pop-up.

The configuration of Internet Explorer is crucial; thus, playing around with it might have caused the error. Use the above steps to reset the settings, and the issue might be resolved.


4 – Wipe Cookies & Cache from Internet Explorer

If the webpage is not loading in Internet Explorer or an error appears on a particular website more often, cookies and caches can be behind it. These are fundamental elements of data that are collected by the browser. It supports your browsing experience in loading the pages faster as it saves the last used state of any website.

To clear cookies and caches on your browser –

  1. Open the browser and press Ctrl+Shift+Del on your keyboard.
  2. This will bring a pop-up to delete all the browser data, including the download files, browsing history, cookies, caches, etc.
  3. Uncheck the download files if you want to keep the files, and then click on Delete.

This will delete the cookies and caches for your browser. However, it has been observed that the method could be more effective in completely wiping this data. There still can be found a few traces of these components causing the error.

You need a way to completely wipe all the cookies and caches from the browser. There’s no need to get confused, as there is an easy way. Advanced System Optimizer is a tool that allows you to delete cookies and caches completely without having to open the browser.

Here’s how it works –

  • Download the application here from the link provided.

Once the process is finished, start your browser or relaunch it. You can observe that the error is no longer visible!


5 – End Unnecessary Programs Running On The PC

When certain programs conflict with Internet Explorer, you can encounter cannot display the webpage error. Therefore, to ensure that the problem is not caused by any specific application running on the PC, follow these steps:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  • Right-click each program you want to close and click End task.
  • Every time you close an application, open Internet Explorer and try to open a webpage. If, after closing a specific application, the problem is resolved, contact the app developer for assistance.

Note – We do not recommend closing any process that you are not familiar with, as it may be essential for the functioning of your computer.


6 – Update Windows

If the webpage still won’t load, it is unlikely that an outdated version of Windows can be the cause, but there is no harm in ruling out the possibility.

Note – The screenshots are from Windows 10, but the same steps will work on Windows 7.


7 – Check Proxy Settings

If the proxy settings are invalid, Internet Explorer might fail to load a webpage. To verify the settings, follow these steps.

  • Close Internet Explorer.
  • Press Windows + R to open the Run window.
  • Type inetcpl.cpl and press the Enter key.
  • Click the Connection tab > click the LAN settings button.
  • Check mark the box next to Automatically detect settings and uncheck the other two boxes.
  • Click OK and close the window.
  • Now restart Internet Explorer and try to open a webpage.

This should help.


8 – Check IP Address

IP address conflict and incorrect settings can also prevent Internet Explorer from loading a webpage. To fix it, follow these steps:

  • Press Windows + R to open the Run window.
  • Type ncpa.cpl and click the Enter key.
  • If you are using wired connection right-click on Local Area Connection. However, if you are using Wi-Fi right click on Wireless Network Connection > click Properties.
  • Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 [TCP /IPV4].
  • Select Obtain an IP address automatically.
  • Seelct Obtain DNS server address automatically.
  • Close the window and restart the PC.


9 – Reboot Router /Modem

When establishing a connection with your ISP if there is a glitch with the router you might face connection isseus. In such a scenario to fix the issue reboot the router.

  • Turn it off and unplug it from the power adapter.
  • After 30 seconds plug the adapter back and turn on the router.

The issue should now be fixed.


10 – Reset Windows Socket TCP / IP Stack

Windows Socket is responsible for handling incoming and outgoing network request from the programs like Internet Explorer. If there is an issue with it reset it to troubleshoot the problem. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Run Command Prompt as an admin.
  • Type the following command and press Enter after each command:
    ipconfig /flushdns

nbtstat -R

nbtstat -RR

netsh int reset all

netsh int ip reset

netsh winsock reset

  • Restart the PC to save changes and then try to use Internet Explorer to open a webpage.

Error: Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage – FIXED!

Use the above-listed fixes, and you will overcome the error independently. Keep your browser updated to its latest version and ensure you are not using unnecessary add-ons.

Keep track of the websites you visit, too, as sometimes the error can be from the web page’s end, and you can not do anything about it. That is all for this post. We hope you found your answer and a proper fix to the problem Internet Explorer cannot display on the webpage.

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