Systematic approaches to a successful literature review PDF

This new interdisciplinary book on preparing and using systematic reviews is the single-best resource on the topic I have encountered. It is exceptionally comprehensive, yet readable and practical. Every human service professional and social scientist who uses the research literature will benefit from reading this great new book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will consult it frequently
Bruce A. Thyer, Ph.D., LCSW
Professor of Social Work, Florida State University
Conducting, structuring and presenting a clear and concise literature review is a challenge for anyone conducting research, from undergraduate level to the ′post-doc.′ This book provides a comprehensive and scholarly guide to the how, what and not least the why of doing literature reviews. It shows the reader how to be critical, a difficult art, in an important section on ′quality assessment′. The authors also explain the vital knack of making the review manageable and finite, discussing ways of avoiding the neatly termed ′scope creep′. Finally, the most important task of all is to synthesise the review to make it a coherent whole - rather than a catalogue-style list of one item after another- and then to write it up in a palatable yet scholarly way. These tasks are explained fully in the final chapters thus completing the full guide to the how, what and why of systematic reviewing. I strongly recommend this text
Professor Jerry Wellington
Head of Research Degrees University of Sheffiel

This book offers a comprehensive account on how to conduct a good literature

review. The book is clear and concise. The use of summary boxes and further

reading at the end of each chapter are excellent. This book would suit

students as well as those teaching research methods courses, at all levels
Dr Kalwant Bhopal
Reader in Education

and Director of Social Justice and Inclusive Education Research Centre, University of Southampton

This book fills a long-standing gap in the market for a practical and scholarly guide to planning, carrying out and evaluating a literature review. It places literature review in a position in which it can stand as a credible form of inquiry as part of the research community. The comprehensive content takes the reader through guided exercises and activities in order to systematically build up a useful and valid study. It will be of great value to both postgraduate and doctoral students and to those supervising them
Sue Schutz
Senior Lecturer, Department of Continuing Education, Oxford Brookes University

Andrew Booth is Reader in Evidence-Based Information Practice at the School of Health and Related Research [ScHARR], The University of Sheffield.Diana Papaioannou is a Research Fellow at the School of Health and Related Research [ScHARR], The University of Sheffield.

Anthea Sutton is a Senior Information Specialist at the School of Health and Related Research [ScHARR], The University of Sheffield.


Clark, I. 2016. Book Review: Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review. Educational Psychology Research and Practice. 2 [2], pp. 67-68. //

AuthorsAbstractJournalJournal citationISSNYearPublisherPublisher's versionDigital Object Identifier [DOI]Publication datesPrintPublication process datesDepositedCopyright holder
Clark, I.

Ian Clark reviews: A. Booth, A. Sutton and D. Papaioannou, 2016, Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review, SAGE Publications, ISBN: 9781473912465

Educational Psychology Research and Practice
2 [2], pp. 67-68
School of Psychology, University of East London

Educational Psychology Research and Practice 2016 12 Clark.pdf


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Dec 2016
20 Jan 2017
© 2016 The Author


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Chapter 1: Meeting the Review Family: An Overview

What is a Literature Review?

When do I do a literature review?

Why not a literature review?

What is not a literature review?

How do I prepare to do a literature review?

Chapter 2: Getting Started on your Literature Review

Why is the literature review so important?

Why review the literature?

A brief history of research synthesis

What is the place of theory in literature review?

Introducing the SALSA framework

How do I plan and conduct my literature review?

Managing your literature review

Updates to existing reviews

Converting your review to a different format

Chapter 3: Choosing your review methods

Our “Survival Kit” of review options

Chapter 4: Defining your scope

Introduction: Why is defining your scope important?

Further defining your scope

Toolbox - Defining your Scope

Defining your scope: challenges and pitfalls

Chapter 5: Searching the literature

Who should conduct the literature search?

Aims and purpose of literature searching

How to prepare for your review [the scoping search]

How to construct your search strategy

How to search bibliographic databases

How to use supplementary searching

How to manage your references

How to report the search process

Chapter 6: Assessing the evidence base

Assessing your included studies – first steps

Assessing the evidence-base in detail

Chapter 7: Synthesising and analysing quantitative studies

Synthesis-analysis, analysis-synthesis?

Revisiting the review question[s]

Chapter 8: Synthesising and analysing qualitative studies

Overview of approaches to qualitative synthesis

A step-by-step guide to qualitative synthesis

Getting started in qualitative synthesis

Progressing to advanced forms of synthesis

Chapter 9: Synthesising and analysing mixed methods data

Undertaking a Mixed Methods Review

A step-by-step guide to mixed methods synthesis

Points of integration for quantitative and qualitative evidence

On the role of the Narrative Review

Chapter 10: Writing up, presenting and disseminating your review

Considering your audience

A sample review structure

Toolbox for presenting your findings

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