These days nghĩa là gì

Đồng nghĩa của these days


The present age
nowadays today in this day and age currently presently at the moment at the present time now contemporarily right now at present at the present moment at the minute at this moment in time at this moment at this stage at this time in the present circumstances in the present climate things being what they are here and now for the time being anymore just now in these times this day in our lifetimes in our time during this time at this instant right at this time present time just only now this minute already present immediately moment modern times present age yet real world present moment reality straight away actuality so soon straight off this instant hic et nunc with immediate effect right off right away the present day

Nearby Words

these folks these islands these people the services theses the seven seas the second in command the second The Sea these The Scriptures the score

Trái nghĩa của these days

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