Virtual desktop oculus Quest 2 lag spikes


I am having a lot of trouble after my GPU was upgraded from a GTX 970 to a 1070.

Oculus games have a weird stuttering almost like the frames arent lining up. It's like a weird ghosting but crystal clear images. This only happens when I turn my head and only happens in the headset.

I am using virtual desktop streaming to a quest. If I view the game flat in virtual desktop inside the HMD it runs fine.

Flat games run fine.

I have tested the 1070 in a friend's PC and it ran beautifully.

My system:

iMac late 2015 running windows
I7 6700k
16gb ram
GTX 1070 connected via an external GPU over thunderbolt 2

I know it seems like it may be the egpu but it worked fine with a 970 and the GPU inside the Mac while slow doesn't have the same problem.

Things I have tried

-Driver change new and old
-reinstall oculus app
-run oculus process at realtime
-reinstall virtual desktop streamer and app on Quest

-turn off nvidia overlay
Turn off ASW via debug tools and OTT
-other things I can't remember

I don't think it's the network settings because this all works with the other video cards.

Please help me. I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix this.

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