Why does my laptop stay on after shutdown?

laptop Shutdown button's light stays on after shutdown



I had the same problem in my Dell Inpiron 5437. If I would leave my laptop idle for long [ like more than 10 minutes or so ] the laptop would freeze or i don't know what it's called. I had to long press the power button to shut down my pc and then start
it again. For this I did some research and the best option for me was I changed all the settings from power options that would put my pc to sleep. Go to power option and change all the settings that puts your pc to sleep. This solved my current problem but
gave rise to a new one.

Each time I would turn off my pc the power light would still keep glowing and i had to long press the power button to switch off my pc completely. I did some googling and found out a way to prevent this. There are three steps to this solution. In most laptops
like hp only the first step does the job but it didn't for me. So here are the three steps :

Step 1:

The first one is the most common step that you must have encountered a lot of times while looking for a solution if you're facing this problem so I am not going to go in detail about this one.

Go to power option and turn off fast start up option.

Step 2:

1. Press windows button -> search for device manager and open it.

2. Look for system devices option and double click on it.

3. Look for Intel[R] management Engine Interface -> right click and open properties

4. Look for driver version

5. If the version starts with 9.5 the you're good to go the the 3rd step if not then perform the

following steps.

6. Google Intel management engine interface 9.5 for windows 10.

7. Select your laptop's brand's website like mine was dell.

8. Download the driver -> open it and install it.

9. After installation you might be asked to restart so do that.

10. After restart check for the Intel[R] management Engine Interface driver version again

using above steps-> now the version should start from 9.5 [ mine was] .

Step 3:

1. Press windows button -> type command prompt -> right click ->select run as

administrator. [Doing this is important and simply opening command prompt from run

isn't gonna work]

2. type-> powercfg h off -> hit enter

3. type-> exit -> hit enter

I hope this helps

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