Does Google offer desktop as a service?

Google Chromebooks: Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

Home|Blog|Hosted Virtual Desktops|Google Chromebooks: Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

With Googles introduction of the Chromebook in 2011 came a massive demand for the thin client devices, the first of its kind. The portable cloud based server terminal has been gaining traction, attributing to some of its key factors, including the use of no local storage. Users access all their data via a server, where all browser and configuration settings are stored in the users profile in the cloud.

As users begin to leverage the potential of the cloud, Chromebook also rapidly increases its market share. The Chromebook seamlessly pairs high security with the convenience and flexibility of hosting applications and data in the cloud.

Does Google offer desktop as a service?

Which Cloud Services can users run on Googles Chromebook?

After receiving their Chromebooks, users may find it daunting to look for cloud services that their on-premise counterparts ensured. With dinCloud, users can get all the benefits of an on-premise solution paired with offering the flexibility, scalability, security, and convenience of having a solution in the cloud.

Chromebooks allow users to run Windows Applications. dinClouds Desktop as a Service (DaaS) dinDaaS, allows users to access their virtualized desktop via a secure virtual private data center. By downloading a simple dinDaaS extension via Googles Chrome web store, users can access their hosted workspace (desktop, wallpaper, applications, and data).

dinDaaS is simple, scalable and secure. dinDaaS provides quick deployment options to their Chromebook. It doesnt require additional security gateways or a connection broker, enabling users to make a simple and quick deployment to their organization. Scale resources to meet users needs with our cloud orchestration platform, which aims to give users control over their own infrastructure.

dinCloud takes extra measures to ensure data security in the cloud. Multiple physical and virtual layers arm your data. dinClouds virtual private data centers are equipped with security guards, camera, mantraps and more. Network security measures, such as anti-malware, SSAE SOC II Type 2, multi-factor authentication work to ensure our users data is secure.

To learn more about dinDaaS services on Chromebook, visit our dinDaaS page or request information.

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