Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?

Linear Multimedia 

Linear Multimedia is a type of a multimedia that is designed to be presented in a sequential manner. It has a distinct beginning and end. It goes on a logical flow from a starting point to a conclusion.

It is usually intended for display purposes with not much interaction or distraction from the audience. Because of its nature where audience participation is not expected, Linear Multimedia may also be referred to as “Passive Multimedia.”

In this kind of presentation, the creator of the multimedia is in control.

This kind of media is preferential if interaction is not necessary in the presentation

Main goals include: to entertain, to transmit knowledge, and to make people familiar on a certain topic WITHOUT any form of diversion.

Examples may be:
o A powerpoint presentation
o A slideshow of pictures that goes on with a specific direction
o A storyline/ A movie
o An anime episode
o A Youtube video


  • Audience gets to focus and concentrate on a specific topic.
  • There is logical order in the presentation. Organized
  • Presenter controls the flow of the presentation
  • Effective when we need our audience to absorb the information well


  • Minimal interactivity, or none at all
  • Audience has no say on the topic they want to dwell into.

Non-Linear Multimedia

Non-linear multimedia is a nonsequential type of multimedia where the person’s participation is crucial.

In this type of media, the person needs to interact with a computer program, thus making him in control of the experience.

With the presence of an interface, the person and the computer interacts with each other.

From a starting point, the person using a nonlinear multimedia is given a range of options that, according to his own preferences, will lead him to a new information.

Examples may include:

o A Website
o A search engine’s home page
o A DvD menu screen
o A Youtube Channel
o An anime or Korean drama streaming site


  • The person is in control and may use the multimedia according to his preferences and needs.


  • Requires a level of computer literacy from the user
  • May be unorganized if not used well.

Imagine a movie. Normally a movie goes on a linear format, starting from point A and ending on point B. The viewer watches and needs not to do anything in order to enjoy the movie. However, if viewed on a DvD, the viewer is now given the option to choose which scenes to watch, which subtitles to use, and can now even pause and rewound the movie. Awesome, right?

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Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?


  • Any two-dimensional figure or illustration 
  • Could be produced manually (by drawing, painting, carving, etc.) or by computer graphics technology.
  • Used in multimedia to show more clearly what a particular information is all about (diagrams, picture).


  • The illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. 
  • In multimedia, animation is used to further enhance / enriched the experience of the user to further understand the information conveyed to them.

Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?


  •  A broad term for something that contains words to express something. 
  • Text is the most basic element of multimedia.
  • A good choice of words could help convey the intended message to the users (keywords).
  • Used in contents, menus, navigational buttons

Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?


  • Is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures. 
  • Video is more towards photo realistic image sequence or live recording as in comparison to animation.

Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?


  • Produced by vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing. 
  • In multimedia, audio could come in the form of speech, sound effects and also music score.



Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?

  • It is not interactive. 
  • The user have no control over the content that is being showed to them.


Is a type of multimedia in which the user is given the option in controlling the elements?

  • It is interactive Users have control over the content that is being showed to them.
  • Users are given navigational control.


  • When the user is given the option of controlling the elements


  • A combination of hypertext, graphics, audio, video, (linked elements) and interactivity culminating in a complete, non-linear computer-based experience. 

When the user is given the option of controlling the elements?

Interactive Multimedia • When the user is given the option of controlling the elements. Hyper Media  A combination of hypertext, graphics, audio, video, (linked elements) and interactivity culminating in a complete, non-linear computer-based experience.

What type of multimedia elements are used?

Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements.

What are the 5 multimedia elements?

There are five basic elements of multimedia: text, images, audio, video and animation. Example - Text in fax, Photographic images, Geographic information system maps, Voice commands, Audio messages, Music, Graphics, Moving graphics animation, Full-motion stored and live video, Holographic images.

Is an extension of multimedia and it uses the basic multimedia elements of imagery sound and animation it requires terrific computing horsepower to be realistic?

Virtual reality (VR) – It uses the basic multimedia elements of imagery, sound, and animation. – It requires terrific computing horsepower to be realistic.