Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up

  1. #1

    Hello. I built a new pc about 2 weeks ago. (Well new to me) My friend gave me his cpu (phenom quad core) and ram. I bought a motherboard and solid state drive and everything else i took from my old pc and imported to this one and it was running awesome for 2 weeks, until today. I was getting on vent for the first time in 2 weeks. My friends said they couldnt hear me very well so i turned my volume up. They said they could hear me but my voice was super duper scratchy. (Same mic i used on previous flawless working pc). I thought maybe my MIC was going so i got my other mic and plugged it in.... same problem. I thought 2 bad mics? So to verify i signed on vent on my laptop and talked with both of my mics and they said i sounded fine now... I was messing around in my control panel/sounds settings.. After messing around my mic stopped working at all. (Sound still worked fine)... I use my very very old sound card. (Creative Audigy 1 gamer) that i musta bought 8 to 10 years ago. The only reason i keep it is because I like the Creative Soundblaster control options instead of your typical on board sound card programs. However, I did some forum digging and googling and found that because this card is so old the Win7 64bit drivers are experimental and the microphone especially has problems. Many others confirmed my problem and said they had experienced it as well... Well, fine I thought. I guess i dont have 7.1 surround sound speakers I just have 2 speakers and a sub.. so i guess i can deal with on board sound - It's finally time to retire my Audigy 1 card. So i cracked open my case.. pulled the sound card out and after that to my dismay my computer would not power on.. I looked around where my hands were to see if anything got knocked loose (which my hands was nowhere near the actual motherboard.. because my tower was on its side when i pulled the card out so my hands were a good 8 inches above the board itself). Pressed power again.. Nothing. Great, I thought. I started disconnecting things one at a time and one thing that happened is when i took my video card out of the PCI-E slot it powered up... I had experiences where cards werent pressed in all the way the computer refused to start... so i pressed it back in and it powered on. So i assumed this was the problem that somehow it got moved loose.

    Ok good I thought.. so i tightened everything back up and closed the case.. Again it didnt turn on again. Wtf i thought.. One thing I noticed when my PC was plugged in, all 3 of the lights on my keyboard(caps lock, num lock, and the 3rd one) would blink on, blink off, blink on, blink off every 2 seconds or so. My pc did not turn on again from this point, with video card in or out and everything stripped down to barebones no drives or anything connected. Even when i dont press power to TRY and turn it on, just having the cord in the power supply makes my keyboard do what its doing. I am lost. I just got the motherboard. Did something happen to it? My power supply is about 4 years old. Did it coincidentally die during this process? I've had power supplies that have failed show symptoms of "semi working" like the fans would spin ever so slightly but not actually power up to full speed... but now thats not even happening. The only trace of power is the keyboard lights.. The lights on the motherboard itself arent even on. I'd hate to order one item or the other, wait for shipping, only to find it doesnt fix the problem, and have to ship back, order other, repeat, etc. Help!

  2. #2

    Quoted from this website: http://www.computerknowledgeforyou.c...d_failure.html Your computer will simply black out and refuse to boot. In some instances, the death of a PC motherboard will also lead to a premature death of your power supply unit. When it fails, the motherboard can give off quite a strong power surge that can disable your power supply. The power supply usually dies while handling this surge, but in doing so it has protected your other internal computer components from the harmful current. That is at least a bit of good news to hear.

    Sounds like its died, I think the sound-card give a backward surge and pooped the rest, you mention fizz when you used your mic sounded like a bad connection that went even more wrong

    Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up

    Might be wrong tho
    Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up
    since I don't know everything and I ant sure what I said is even possible! But I imagine that might be the case.

    Suggestion, get another psu and see if you can boot it bare-bones style, one defo way to test it!

  3. #3

    Sounds like you touched your motherboard to me. Either that or you accidently made a cable lose, theres hundreds of them so youd have to check each one first. You have 2 options. Take it to a shop or have a second PC. pull everything you can out of your PC WITHOUT touching your motherboard, stick them in a 2nd PC and see if they work. Thats your graphics card, RAM, and sound card. If they work they are fine which it sounds like they are otherwise youd just be gettin bleep codes.

    Its probably the motherboard and power supply or maybe even the processor. Its unlikely they will plug into your second computer to check them. If you do have other parts you can check them with you risk frying a 2nd power supply or frying a 2nd motherboard as I found out once so its risky. Best to take it to a shop at this point.


Thank you for posting on the HP Support Community.

I see that your HP notebook does not start up when you open the notebook lid,
Don't worry as I'll be glad to help, however, to provide an accurate resolution, I need a few more details:

  • When was the last time it worked fine?
  • Have you tried any troubleshooting steps?

While you respond to that, I recommend you to perform the following steps to isolate the issue and arrive at a fix:
Let's perform bios restore:

  1. Turn off the computer and wait five seconds.
  2. Press the Power button to start the computer and repeatedly press the F10 key to enter the BIOS setup menu.
  3. On the BIOS Setup screen, press F9 to select and load the BIOS Setup Default settings.
  4. Press F10 to Save and Exit.
  5. Use the arrow keys to select Yes, then press Enter when asked Exit Saving Changes?

Follow the prompts to restart your computer.

In Windows, click start and type into the search field, "Change what closing the lid does".

Choose one of the options: (sleep or hibernate )

Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up

Hope this helps! Keep me posted for further assistance.
If I have helped you resolve the issue, feel free to give me a virtual high-five by clicking the 'Thumbs Up' icon below, Followed by clicking on "Accept as solution" from the drop-down menu on the upper right corner, Thank you for posting in the HP Support Community.  Have a great day!

I am an HP Employee

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Hi. I have a ASUS FX504GD Laptop(i5-8300H, 24GB RAM, GTX 1050, Asus BIOS 317, 250 GB SSD and 1TB HDD) . I had a keyboard dust and spill issue where if I press a key, say "7" it would type in "7mdk" sorta thing. I took it down and started cleaning. While I was at it, I also reapplied the thermal paste. I have done all this before and it usually goes smoothly. But not this time. I tried booting it but it didn't. I tried all the common fixes(Checking RAM, SSD, power button connections, battery). But still it didn't boot. No signs whatsoever. Fans didn't start up, no lights and display. I tried draining out the charge from the mobo(by removing the battery and holding the power button for a min). When I plugged the battery back in, I was able to see a brief 5 second flash of all the keyboard backlights and the power button light. That was weird but still upon booting it, nothing. Also, while plugging in the AC adapter, usually a light glows indicating my laptop is getting charged, but now there is no light. Has the spill fried or short circuited the board? Well, I cannot see any burnt spots or smell anything weird. What may have caused this?

I'm desperate. Please help me out.

I see a lot of "I took my laptop apart and now it's broken" posts. Did you use static electricity (ESD) precautions? You might have "zapped" something. I hate seeing all the youtube video where no precautions are taken. Kind of like running the same stop sign every day. You can do that for a while and never get hit but one day..... You might have to send this machine back to the factory for service. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

I see a lot of "I took my laptop apart and now it's broken" posts. Did you use static electricity (ESD) precautions? You might have "zapped" something. I hate seeing all the youtube video where no precautions are taken. Kind of like running the same stop sign every day. You can do that for a while and never get hit but one day..... You might have to send this machine back to the factory for service. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Yes, I did take the precautions. The thing is I'm able to get to the uefi start screen now if I drain all the charge out of the motherboard, but if I use it like normal, i.e. just turning on with a full battery, nothing happens

You might try loading a USB with diagnostic software (you can find that on the internet), booting from the USB and running the diagnostic. I suggested that exact course of action to another person a few days ago and they found, and fixed, a RAM problem. The difference when the battery is connected or not is weird. So if you unplug the battery (I don't know what you mean by "draining the charge" the UEFI screen will come up but if you shut down, plug in the battery and start again it won't come up? I assume you are hitting whatever key needed to start the UEFI screen.

You might try loading a USB with diagnostic software (you can find that on the internet), booting from the USB and running the diagnostic. I suggested that exact course of action to another person a few days ago and they found, and fixed, a RAM problem. The difference when the battery is connected or not is weird. So if you unplug the battery (I don't know what you mean by "draining the charge" the UEFI screen will come up but if you shut down, plug in the battery and start again it won't come up? I assume you are hitting whatever key needed to start the UEFI screen.

Na, I'm not hitting any key, not even the power button. If you disconnect the battery and just plug in the ac adapter, it automatically boots up till the asus logo and shuts down automatically. Draining the charge is basically disconnecting the battery and ac adapter and pressing the power button for a minute. It removes all the electrostatic charges in the motherboard. I did check the ram and the ram slot. They were perfectly alright. I have my pc for service, it's been 2 days and they still haven't figured out the problem

A couple of comments. There are no "electrostatic charges" in the motherboard. If the battery is pulled and the power cord is not plugged in, there is nothing left but the little CMOS battery on some machines. Any capacitors that may hold a charge will drain off quickly unless the designer was a total dufus. If you are messing inside the machine and not taking static electricity (ESD) precautions, you may induce electrostatic charges and blow out components!

Checking that the RAM is plugged in well is not the same as running a RAM diagnostic. The RAM could still be defective. The reason for suspecting the RAM is that initial startup doesn't depend on RAM operation (sometime there is a quick RAM test but not always). Shortly thereafter, RAM is used starting with the boot process and an error in the RAM operation could cause boot to fail.

A couple of comments. There are no "electrostatic charges" in the motherboard. If the battery is pulled and the power cord is not plugged in, there is nothing left but the little CMOS battery on some machines. Any capacitors that may hold a charge will drain off quickly unless the designer was a total dufus. If you are messing inside the machine and not taking static electricity (ESD) precautions, you may induce electrostatic charges and blow out components!

Checking that the RAM is plugged in well is not the same as running a RAM diagnostic. The RAM could still be defective. The reason for suspecting the RAM is that initial startup doesn't depend on RAM operation (sometime there is a quick RAM test but not always). Shortly thereafter, RAM is used starting with the boot process and an error in the RAM operation could cause boot to fail.

I just went to the service center and they said that the motherboard was damaged. They said it costs a 1000 dollars which was unreasonable. Also I did take was precautions by sitting on the floor and grounding myself

I agree that is pretty steep. Is this an ASUS service center? Do they offer factory service? A new machine like yours costs less. You might be better off with a new machine that you upgrade with some of your existing components.

I'm curious as to what kind of floor you were sitting on and how you were grounded. I do all my work on a workbench with an antistatic mat (grounded) and wearing a grounded wrist strap. Second best option is to lay aluminum foil on the kitchen table. Work on that mat keeping one finger on a ground point in the machine. Lay any parts removed on the foil. Try not to touch any circuit board traces or component leads. And try not to wiggle around too much!

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Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up
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Laptop won t turn on but keyboard lights up
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