Mở file host trên mac

Mở file host trên mac

Nếu bạn hay sử dụng ứng dụng Cr4ck, chắc chắn bạn biết đến việc chỉnh sửa file Hosts để chặn kết nối internet tới ứng dụng, từ đó không bị phát hiện dùng lậu.

Mở file host trên mac

Hostbuddy là ứng dụng giúp bạn dễ dàng để quản lý và cập nhật file nằm trong / etc / hosts trên máy Mac của bạn mà không phải làm thao tác hiện file ẩn rồi sau đó phải ẩn lại.

Ưu điểu của Hostbuddy là bạn không cần cài phần mềm để chặn kết nối Internet ví dụ như: Hand Off hay Little Snitch

Mở file host trên mac









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Mở file host trên mac

The Hosts File is an essential tool to change how your computer views a particular website.

While most users will never need to alter their Hosts File, a web developer or user may need to modify the file to view a new site that is still under development.

To make your computer display your test website rather than the live site, you must add the test site's IP address, along with the domain name, to the Hosts File.

As long as that information is contained in your Hosts File, your browser will redirect the request to display the site on the specified IP address.

This allows us to test functionality without modifying the DNS for our production site.

We've included step-by-step instructions for locating the Hosts file, but you can also watch this video on how to edit the hosts file on Macs:

Hosts File Location on Macs

But where is the Hosts file on our Mac located, and how do we edit it? The Hosts file on a Mac is found in the /etc/hosts folder.

To edit the file, follow the steps below.

1. Launch the macOS Terminal application.
2. Go to the Finder, then Click Go.
3. Click Utilities.

Mở file host trên mac

4. Double-click Terminal to launch the Terminal window.

Mở file host trên mac

5. Now, enter the following command: sudo nano /etc/hosts

6. Then, enter the sudo password for your user to allow edit access to the file.

7. Next, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the bottom of the file. On a new line, enter the testing server's IP address and the domain name you want to use for that IP address. (In the example below, we used the IP address and the domain name mydomain.com)

Mở file host trên mac

8. Next, press Control+O to overwrite the existing file, then press Enter to confirm the overwriting. This saves the changes to the file.

9. Now, press Control+X to exit the nano editor.

10. Finally, to update our browsers DNS records and make these changes go live in your browser, enter the following command: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Mở file host trên mac

Final Thoughts: Finding a Hosts File on Macs

You have successfully edited your Hosts File and can now begin loading your test site from your testing IP address rather than your live server.

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