Mysql Unknown column in field list but column exists

nova37 8 Years Ago

am doing project in c++ using mysql api

i have update query like that

q2<<"UPDATE `dorder` set `ddown_status`= 1 WHERE `Machine ID`= "<<"'"<

but when i execute it , its says Unknown column 'ddown_status' in 'field list'

but ddown_status coloumn already exisits in dorder table ,
so any idea whats wrong with update query

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  • Answered by radhakrishna.p 29 in a post from 8 Years Ago
radhakrishna.p 298 Years Ago

hai darkc99

please check whether these two columns ddown_status , Machine ID are existed in your database table dorder or not

if not matched replace with exact column names

check it once and let me know the status

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RvSon -38 Years Ago

Check for Upper/Lower letters and
also Check that you are getting value in Where statement too.

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nova37 8 Years Ago

ya machine id coloumn also exists and ddown_status too

you can see my another query with machine id works fine
q<<"SELECT * FROM dorder WHERE Machine ID = "<<"'"<

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radhakrishna.p 298 Years Ago

hai darkc99,

can you post the table structure and code once here?

so that we will try to help you out in this regard

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