Preview plugin WordPress

WordPress plugin to share a link to anonymous users to preview a draft of a post [or any other public post type] before it is published.

Have you ever been writing a post with the help of someone who does not have access to your blog and needed to give them the ability to preview it before publishing? This plugin takes care of that by generating an URL with an expiring nonce that can be given out for public preview.

This plugin was previously maintained by Matt Martz and was an idea of Jonathan Dingman. Thanks to Hans Dinkelberg for his photo.


Note: There will be NO settings page.

For an automatic installation through WordPress:

  1. Go to the 'Add New' plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Search for 'Public Post Preview'
  3. Click 'Install Now' and activate the plugin

For a manual installation via FTP:

  1. Upload the public-post-preview directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in your WordPress admin area

To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the 'Add New' plugins screen [see the 'Upload' tab] in your WordPress admin area and activate.


  • To enable a public post preview check the box in the "Status & Visibility" section of the document settings. In the classic editor it's in the "Publish" meta box.
  • The link will be displayed if the checkbox is checked, you can copy and share the link with your friends.
  • To disable a preview uncheck the box again.

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't find the option for preview links. Where is it?

The checkbox is only available for non-published posts and once a post was saved as a draft.

After some time the preview link returns the message "The link has been expired!". Why?

The plugin generates an URL with an expiring nonce. By default a link "lives" 48 hours. After 48 hours the link is expired and you need to copy and share a new link which is automatically generated on the same place under the editor.

48 hours are not enough to me. Can I extend the nonce time?

Yes, of course. You can use the filter ppp_nonce_life. Example for 5 days:

add_filter[ 'ppp_nonce_life', 'my_nonce_life' ]; function my_nonce_life[] { return 60 * 60 * 24 * 5; // 5 days }

Or use the Public Post Preview Configurator.


It’s very convinient way to show some link preview before clicking it. Thanks to linkpreview webservice, we created LinkPreview WordPress plugin that operates in 2 different view modes. You can modify settings according to your needs in dashboard -> settings -> link preview.

These are the features available:

  • Use LinkPreview through WordPress shortcode: [link_preview]//url[/link_preview]
  • Dynamically modify links on content load and create preview tooltip on mouse over
  • Exclude URL’s that point to downloadable content such as images or archives
  • Check for url’s favicon if it exists
  • Plugin is using WordPress transients for keeping fetched content as temporary cache so it doesnt affect website loading speed performance. Cache time can be changed if needed, or even turned off

Tooltip example

Shortcode example


Filter & Refine

370 results Clear all

analytics-event#sendFilterPanelEvent click->toggler#toggle data-toggler-target=toggle data-toggler-expanded-aria-label=Collapse Category Filter data-toggler-collapsed-aria-label=Expand Category Filter aria-label=Expand Category Filter data-analytics-event={"hitType":"event","eventAction":"click","eventLabel":"category"}>

analytics-event#sendFilterPanelEvent click->toggler#toggle data-toggler-target=toggle data-toggler-expanded-aria-label=Collapse Price Filter data-toggler-collapsed-aria-label=Expand Price Filter aria-label=Expand Price Filter data-analytics-event={"hitType":"event","eventAction":"click","eventLabel":"price"}>

analytics-event#sendFilterPanelEvent click->toggler#toggle data-toggler-target=toggle data-toggler-expanded-aria-label=Collapse On Sale Filter data-toggler-collapsed-aria-label=Expand On Sale Filter aria-label=Expand On Sale Filter data-analytics-event={"hitType":"event","eventAction":"click","eventLabel":"discounted-only"}>

analytics-event#sendFilterPanelEvent click->toggler#toggle data-toggler-target=toggle data-toggler-expanded-aria-label=Collapse Sales Filter data-toggler-collapsed-aria-label=Expand Sales Filter aria-label=Expand Sales Filter data-analytics-event={"hitType":"event","eventAction":"click","eventLabel":"sales"}>

The Public Post Preview plugin enables you to give a link to other people so they can preview your post before it is published without being added as a user to your site.

It’s useful for situations where you are writing a post or page and need editing help of someone who does not have access to your site.

Once you activate the Public Post Preview plugin in Plugins > All you use it as follows:

1. Go to Posts > Add New

2. Write your post.

3. Click Save Draft.

4.  You’ll now see a ‘Enable public preview‘ checkbox under Status & Visibility if you are using the block editor or on the Publish module if you are using the classic editor.

5.  Select the checkbox next to ‘Enable public preview‘.

6.  Click on the Copy the preview URL icon to copy the URL to share the preview link.

Please note:

  • The preview link remains live for 48 hours.  After 48 hours the link expires and you need to copy and share a new link which is automatically generated on the same place on the publish module.
  • You only see the ‘Enable public preview‘ checkbox on posts that have been saved and haven’t been published.

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