Same old same old là gì

a chip off the old block

a boy who is like his dad, the apple doesn't... Eric is a chip off the old block. He's just like his dad.

a golden opportunity

a good chance to succeed, a good investment The Royal Hotel is for sale. What a golden opportunity!

a household name

"a name everyone knows; name of a famous person" Mario Lemieux, the hockey star, soon became a household name.

a little bird told me

someone told me, one of your friends told me """How did you know that I play chess?"" ""Oh, a little bird told me."""

an old hand at

a person with a lot of practice or experience Tom's an old hand at cribbage. He's played since he was a boy.

an old warhorse

a veteran, an old soldier, a classic story or tune The band played marches and overtures - the old warhorses.

any old thing

any word, any answer When the teacher asks him a question, he says any old thing.

at the ripe old age

"at a very old age; being unusually old" He could still play checkers at the ripe old age of ninety-eight.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

each person has a different idea of what is beautiful, one man's garbage... "To him, the statue is elegant; to me, it's ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

blood runs cold

one is terrified or horrified My blood ran cold when I saw the man fall off the ladder.

can't hold a candle

[See hold a candle]

catch a cold

get a cold I caught a bad cold last week and had to miss three weeks of work.

catch a cold [catch cold]

be sick with a cold, come down with a cold I caught a cold while we were in Vancouver.

catch one's death of cold

become very ill [with a cold, flu etc] The little boy was told to be careful in the rain or he would catch his death of cold.

chip off the old block

[See a chip off the old block]

cold call

a visit to an employer or customer without an appointment Sam got a job by making cold calls - by knocking on doors and asking for work.

cold comfort

small comfort, very little relief Having Jim's money is cold comfort for his wife if he dies.

cold feet

a loss of courage or nerve I planned to go to Europe with my cousin but he got cold feet and decided not to go.

cold fish

person who is unfriendly or doesn

cold hard cash

cash, coins and bills I paid for the stereo in cold hard cash.

cold, hard cash

"actual money, dollar bills; not a cheque or credit card" No cheques - I want cold, hard cash for that car.

cold shoulder

[See give you the cold shoulder]

cold turkey

abruptly, completely, not gradually Barb stopped smoking, cold turkey. No plan, no program.


punch without warning, jump Buddy coldcocked the pitcher - hit him when he wasn't looking.

don't hold your breath

it is not going to happen soon, be prepared to wait The City will repair the street but don't hold your breath.

everything old is new again

fashions and trends are repeated or revived Hey, if miniskirts are back, everything old is new again!


quit, stop operating The store folded during the recession - went bankrupt.

get a hold of

talk to, phone I tried to get a hold of Pierre when I was in Montreal.

get cold feet

become afraid at the last minute He got cold feet and cancelled his plan to go to China.

get hold of [someone]

find a person so you can speak with him or her I tried to get hold of him last week but he was out of town.

get hold of [something]

get possession of When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes.

give someone the cold shoulder

be unfriendly to someone He gave her the cold shoulder at the party.

give you the cold shoulder

be unfriendly toward you, turn away from you, stand away If you forget her birthday she

golden age

best years, time of most prosperity He said the decade after World War II was Canada's golden age.

golden opportunity

[See a golden opportunity]

golden rule

[See The Golden Rule]

golden years

65 years of age or older, sunset years Dad is retired now, enjoying his golden years.

heart of gold

a kind, generous or forgiving nature My grandmother has a heart of gold and is always willing to help a stranger.

hold a candle

do as well, compare with, measure up The Buick is nice, but it can't hold a candle to the Cadillac.

hold a candle to

be in the same class or level with [used with a negative usually], can be compared with As far as good service goes that restaurant can

hold a grudge

stay angry for a long time, bad blood He gets mad, but he never holds a grudge. He forgives easily.

hold a meeting

organize and conduct a meeting The club will hold a meeting on Monday at 7:30 p.m.

hold all the trump cards

have the best chance of winning, have full control It will be difficult to do well in the negotiations with him as he holds all the trump cards.

hold back

stay back or away, show unwillingness, prevent someone from doing something He always holds back during meetings and never says anything.

hold court

act like a king or queen among their subjects He always acts like he is holding court among his subjects when I see him in his office.

hold down

keep in obedience, keep control of The government was able to hold down the people for many years but finally they revolted and got rid of the government.

hold down a job

keep a job He has a serious drinking problem and is unable to hold down a job.

hold forth

offer, propose The company held forth a promise to give all of the employees an extra bonus in the summer.

hold good

continue, endure, last The demand for air conditioners held good during July but decreased rapidly in August.

hold her liquor

drink but not get drunk, hold your drinks Thelma can hold her liquor. She looks sober after five drinks.

cùng một cũ, cùng một cũ

Điều tương tự luôn được thực hiện hoặc điều đó luôn xảy ra. Nó thường ngụ ý rằng một thứ như vậy là nhàm chán hoặc đơn điệu. Cụm từ được nhân đôi để nhấn mạnh. Chúng tui luôn ngồi xung quanh và làm cùng một cũ như cũ. Tuần này chúng ta hãy đi chơi. A: "Bạn đang làm gì vào mùa hè này?" B: "Cũng cũ như cũ - chất lên xe và đi đến bãi biển.". Xem thêm: cũ, cùng. Xem thêm:

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