Splashtop enter code from your admin

Avez-vous déjà utilisé Splashtop Business Access ? Écrivez votre avis !

Splashtop Business Access est une solution de bureau à distance pour les professionnels et les petites équipes. Gérer de manière centralisée les accès à distance des utilisateurs.

En savoir plus sur Splashtop Business Access

Avantages et inconvénients

Easy to use and less expensive in time, learning curve, and capital investment than other better known remote-in software.

I was a bit confused about finding the correct software package on the website.

Splashtop Business Access a reçu une note globale de 4.8 étoiles sur 5 d'après 389 avis d'utilisateurs publiés sur Capterra.

Cabinets médicaux, 11-50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Très bon support informatique pour l’installation et sécuritaire.

Avantages :

Comme si c’était votre ordinateur au travail! Génial!

Inconvénients :

Je n’ai rien à signaler, c’est comme au travail, donc aucune plainte!

Employée de bureau [France]

Formation professionnelle et coaching, 501-1 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 9 mois

Avantages :

L'installation a été facile, la prise en main fluide et aucun bug. Le logiciel est fiable, stable sur des journées complètes en continu.

Inconvénients :

Je ne parle pas anglais et parfois il n'y a pas de traduction. Cela dit, c'est assez intuitif et l'assistance ne se fait pas attendre. Second point, durant la période d'essai je ne savais pas que j'utilisais la version la plus chère. Du coup j'ai perdu la fonctionnalité du "double écran sur le double écran" lors du paiement de la version la moins chère.

Énergies renouvelables et environnement, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

Son utilisation est ultra facile et pratique

Inconvénients :

son tarif un peu élevé pour une année . On espère une remise l'an prochain

il y a 2 ans

Bonjour Olivier, Je vous remercie pour la tres bonne note que vous nous avez donne ! Splashtop est repute pour ses prix abordables et nous sommes tres fiers quant a la simplicite d'utilisation de notre logiciel. Pourriez-vous nous dire lequel de nos produits vous utilisez actuellement ? De plus, si jamais vous avez des requetes particulieres ou vous souhaitez discuter directement avec un membre de notre equipe, n'hesitez pas a nous contacter //www.splashtop.com/contact-us

CEO [É.-U.]

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Électronique grand public, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Every employee is working from home. The software is fast, transparent and seemless.

Avantages :

I have used quite a few solutions to remote access software. Most are very complex and difficult to use. VPN was almost impossible for the users to use. Splash top was a breath of fresh air. I chose it because of the reviews it had. I downloaded the trial and installed it on the desktop server in minutes. That process was seamless. Then I had each user integrate the access from their remotes. Not a single user had any connection issues. We are now all working from home as if we were in the office. This software is excellent. We are accessing from laptops, iPhones, androids, iMacs and notebooks. No issues!

Inconvénients :

I have no reservations at all. This software is by far, the best remote access software I have ever seen.

Alternatives envisagées : Microsoft Teams et TeamViewer

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : Teamviewer was very difficult for my users to implement at home.

Logiciel antérieur : TeamViewer

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : The tests I ran were very successful. There were no connectivity issues and the product operational speed was phenomenal.

l’année dernière

Hi Daniel, Thanks a lot for the amazing scores and the review. I am Antonia from Splashtop Customer Success team. We are proud to be contributing to your business continuity and hope to have you as our customer for many years to come.

Executive Assistant [É.-U.]

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Immobilier, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 3 mois

Commentaires : It solved the printing issues we were having when needing to give someone physical copies of things, as all of our employees are not computer savvy. I can get into their computers, convert files to off, transfer to anyone's computer or print directly to their printers when needed. This is the main reason why we needed a remote desktop software in the first place. It has made genie working so much easier for our office.

Avantages :

The ease of accessing files without having to physically bring your hard drive, thumb drive or use a cloud to share files has been critical to remote working for our office.

Inconvénients :

So far I love every feature and have not run into any issues with using the software. As far as I'm concerned, it's perfect!

Amministratore [Italie]

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Logiciels, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Essai gratuit

Source de l'avis

4 il y a 7 jours Nouveau

Avantages :

La piattaforma è completa per quanto riguarda le funzionalità e le modalità di uso. é di facile utilizzo e distribuzione.

Inconvénients :

Le policy di vendita diventano riduttive nel nostro settore dove saremmo obbligati ad acquistare nuove licenze anche per effettuare un accesso singolo ad un nuovo cliente.

Logiciels, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

3 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. I have logged into a customer, rebooted and when the customer opens the splashtop app it goes away and there is no way to log in using splashtop. The video is sketchy and the file transfer works most of the time. Support is clueless and the follow up is very poor. If you need to service your clients in a timely manner, this may not work for you.

Avantages :

It's very user friendly and allows many features

Inconvénients :

Sometimes it is slow, the video quality varies from good to poor.

Assurance, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 3 mois

Commentaires : Been using it for two years and have never had an issue connecting or setting up.

Avantages :

Super easy to install and deploy. Doesnt take long to setup and get remoted into a clients software.

Inconvénients :

Cant deploy more than one Splashtop account on a computer.

Head of IT Operations & Support [R.-U.]

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Internet, 11-50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 5 mois

Commentaires : Very good, would definitely recommend

Avantages :

The setup was straight forward, simple agent communicating over HTTPS rather than non-standard ports. It allows us to connect to customer servers, easily.

Inconvénients :

The computer and user groups could be more intuitive

Alternatives envisagées : Remote Support

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : Much easier to use and the pricing was much more accessible for an SME

Cabinet d'avocats, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 10 mois

Avantages :

It lets me use my office PC from home and vice versa. Sometimes that just comes in handy.

Inconvénients :

Nothing I can think of. It works well for me.

Exploitation minière et métaux, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 6 mois

Commentaires : Remote access for remote workers has become a necessity with the covid crunch, Splashtop solves the issue with easy to administer and easy to control software. The company is also very efficient, and very helpful - great to do business with Splashtop

Avantages :

easy to implement, easy to configure, easy to administer

Inconvénients :

so far no cons discovered, and no support issues

Assistant Property Manager [É.-U.]

Immobilier, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Essai gratuit

Source de l'avis

5 le mois dernier Nouveau

Commentaires : Overall splash business access provided us with the most seamless option to remote into one of our employees desktops.

Avantages :

The user interface is very easy to use & reliable.

Inconvénients :

The only aspect of the software that I didn’t like was the overall speed.

Alternatives envisagées : Microsoft Visual Studio

Comptabilité, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Essai gratuit

Source de l'avis

5 la semaine dernière Nouveau

Avantages :

Multiple Screen, dual monitor, low lag time

Inconvénients :

Need high speed internet, little slow in initial

Comptabilité, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

5 l’année dernière

Commentaires : Splashtop gives me the freedom to work remotely. The platform makes you feel like you're sitting at the computer you're accessing remotely. I love it!

Avantages :

I am very grateful that one of my clients introduced me to Splashtop. The platform allowed me to access his computer remotely and it worked very well. I had been using another platform for my own computers in my office. When that platform stopped providing free access, I started researching other platforms. Many had ridiculously high prices that were too high for my little business. I was pleasantly surprised at the price when I researched Splashtop. Thanks to them, I now have all the accessibility I need at a reasonable price.

Inconvénients :

At first I couldn't find out how to log someone out if they had forgotten to log off when they were done. After some searching and clicking around, I found the disconnect option. It would be nice if that was a little easier to find. Other than that, I have no other complaints.

Alternatives envisagées : GoToMyPC et GoTo Meeting

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : TeamViewer no longer offered to the free option to me. Their pricing was not affordable for my small business.

Logiciel antérieur : TeamViewer

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : The pricing for Splashtop was reasonable and affordable for my small business needs.

Cabinet d'avocats, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

5 l’année dernière

Commentaires : We needed a replacement product for remote access of our local desktops both from our satellite office as well as in the event stay at home orders went back into effect. Other products I've used in the past for this purpose have been so slow and unresponsive that even with fast internet it was painful to try to work using remote access. Splashtop is very fast and works very well. It was also available at an incredibly reasonable price for the number of users our firm needed.

Avantages :

Probably the most important aspect of this software is how fast and responsive it is. Programs I've used in the past have had a lag where my curser doesn't track as quickly as my mouse movements, or text is entered more slowly than I type. Splashtop feels almost like I am working on the desktop locally rather than remotely accessing it. It also has nice features for transferring files, printing locally or remotely, locking the screen and controls of the remote desktop, and a live chat feature [although I do not really use the chat feature].

Inconvénients :

It is a bit tedious to set up the program on different computers due to all of the authentications emails, it takes a little while to familiarize oneself with the admin controls, and you need to take steps to make sure that the Splashtop Streamer app is running in the background when you try to launch the remote access, which can be confusing to explain to users that are not technologically savvy.

Alternatives envisagées : Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : ShareConnect, a program offered with our Citrix ShareFile subscription, was going to be discontinued as a SaaS offering, and the replacement option that would have been available was not a good fit and would have been much more expensive.

Logiciel antérieur : Citrix ShareFile

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : Splashtop was a cheaper, better fit. Even the Citrix salesperson did not recommend that we try to replace ShareConnect with the Virtual Apps and Desktop program. Once I saw how fast Splashtop operated, I did not even consider looking at some of the programs we had used prior to ShareConnect.

Administrator [Égypte]

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Services et technologies de l'information, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

4 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : It has been very good experience with software, it works ok with our needs.
there are few options and features if they are added it will be perfect software and compete with advanced solutions that have been in the market for years.

Avantages :

The software is straight fw....client download the software, generate the code and the tech can use the code to log into the computer remotely. It is stable, fast and work great. can see connected sessions or that were connected from the admin console. depending on your license you can have more than 1 tech connected to same session and u can have unattended access as well depending on the license.

Inconvénients :

with mac we have to enable settings in system to allow splashtop to take control but this is mainly Mac os system issue. The client has to generate the code every time from his end.....if it can work the other way it will be easier....I mean we generate the code for him or he can just install software then it appear on our end. If there is an icon on the desktop that the client can click on to appear on the admin console it will be great. it doesn't capture windows user password for reboot.

il y a 2 ans

Hello, Thank you so much for the rating and review. Sounds like you are using our Splashtop On-Demand Support [SOS] which is designed for having a quick and efficient connection to your users' Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices with a simple session code and the code will be generated each time automatically to provide an extremely secure on-demand remote access solution. Regarding your comment, Splashtop is integrated with freshservice and allows a workflow similar to what you describe for technicians who want to have remote access to their end users. The technician can reply to a ticket embedding an SOS link and later connect to the end user's computer without the end user needing to provide a session code. Here's more information for your reference: //support-splashtopbusiness.splashtop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031448651-Freshservice-Integration If you would like to discuss specific points, we are at your disposal. Feel free to reach us at any time at: customer-success

Arts de la scène, 2-10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : It has been excellent. Support is great and they have never tried to sell me more than I need

Avantages :

Very easy to use Easy to configure Great support Works on every PC I have and iPhones! I use this every single day Excellent value

Inconvénients :

Can only access one remote PC at a time Wish there were a bit more customizations Need to be able to remove their icons [mouse, etc]

Alternatives envisagées : Join.Me

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : They went from free to an extremely high cost with no improvements

Logiciel antérieur : TeamViewer

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : Price and ease of use and functionality

il y a 2 ans

Hi Steve Thank you so much for the review and rating. We've been dedicating to deliver the best value remote access and support solutions to our customers. Unlike other service providers, our pricing remains the same for customers and allows them to stay with their chosen package without unannounced price raises. With Splashtop, each user can access more than one computer at a time, in fact up to 10. And the Splashtop agent Streamer tray icon can also be hidden. In addition to that the Streamer can also be installed silently. Feel free to contact our support team so we can assist you regarding the above. Thanks again for choosing Splashtop! Regards, Antonia Wang Splashtop Customer Success team

Corporate Accountant [É.-U.]

Services environnementaux, 51-200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : I had been using another software prior to switching to Splashtop in March, it was a free version because I had only need to access my work computer from home minimally and that was only to access our accounting software, everything else I needed was in the "cloud". The free software I was using had a horrible lag and terrible visual quality and once our state got stay at home orders, I began working from home full time, the lag and poor visual quality was not an efficient way to work. I looked into upgrading the free version but couldn't verify if the lag would be fixed and the price was outrageous so I opted to look for an alternative. That is how a came across Splashtop and decided to give the trial version a whirl and I am so glad I did, I knew with a day or 2 that I would be purchasing a license.

Avantages :

Super easy to use, with a lot features including fast access anywhere from Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Chromebook, HD quality, file transferring. remote print, ability to switch between multiple monitors, all for as low as $5/month [$60 per year].

Inconvénients :

I access a computer with 2 monitors and will I can switch between the 2, I wish I had an option to make all everything open on one monitor because dragging between the monitors is not the smoothest when you can only have 1 monitor visible at a time. Although I believe viewing multiple monitors simultaneously is a feature in the Pro version, I am using the Solo version as working from home should only be temporary but if it were more permanent then I'd probably upgrade to Pro.

il y a 2 ans

Hi Angie, Thank you so much for the scoring and telling us your user experiences. It's truly our pleasure to have an environmental protector/maintainer as one of our customers. Regarding your feedback, have you tried our monitors switching hotkeys? Here are the articles for your information: //support-splashtopbusiness.splashtop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014465512-MULTI-MONITOR //support-splashtopbusiness.splashtop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014349892-Splashtop-Business-App-Supported-Shortcuts-Hotkeys If you would like to have any further assistance, feel free to reach out any time at: //www.splashtop.com/contact-us. We are at your disposal Stay healthy and take care!

Gestion d'organisme à but non lucratif, 11-50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : We used LogMeIn for years until they almost quadrupled their prices. We looked and found Splashtop. It offered almost all of the same functionality at a fraction of the cost. It was lacking some polish at first but over the years they have greatly improved upon their product. I use it daily to manage the users at my company remotely and I haven't had any issues.

Avantages :

The cost versus LogMeIn. We pay a fraction of what we were paying with LogMeIn even before their price hike. Also it allows for a lot more client machines at the same price

Inconvénients :

It was lacking some polish in the beginning but they have steadily been rolling out new features. They are on par with LogMeIn now.

Alternatives envisagées : Remote Desktop Manager

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : Price!

Logiciel antérieur : Central

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : It worked with both Mac and PC with the same client and manager console

Formation professionnelle et coaching, 10 000+ employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : Controlling machines, the fact that it supports UAC prompts, file transfer ability, all of those are reasons that this works well for our business.

Avantages :

To be honest value is the number one reason I love this software. Compared to other solutions the cost is lower, but the product is high quality and is used on a daily basis.

Inconvénients :

No support for Linux. We have several Linux machines that we would like to manage, but the support for Linux has been little to none. They have an old version for Linux, and it has not been updated in a while.

Alternatives envisagées : Pro, Remote Desktop Manager et GoTo Meeting

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : Cost, Logmein went up dramatically in price, so other solutions were searched for.

Logiciel antérieur : Pro

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : Cost vs Features, Splashtop wins every time.

Technical Operations Manager [É.-U.]

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 11-50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

4 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : I use it for tech support of all our computers inside or outside my network. Great for those road warriors that are gone all week.

Avantages :

Can remote into existing computers from a list it gives you at will using the small client software or buy the SOS module and have the user go to a website, give you a number, and you remote into any computer. You can setup different admins to see a different list of computer to remote into. Once you setup the credentials you can remote in easily at will.

Inconvénients :

When doing a file transfer sometimes you closes the connection. They have been working on this and may have it fixed by now.

Alternatives envisagées : Rescue et VNC Connect

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : Cost went way up.

Logiciel antérieur : GoToAssist

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : Cost and ability to remote into a computer without user interaction along with ability to remote into a computer by having the user go to a website and give me an access number to get in without install any software prior to getting in.

IT / Fire Sprinkler Design [É.-U.]

Construction, 11-50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

5 l’année dernière

Commentaires : Value, product functionality, and quick replies for help without having to spend unreasonable amounts of money to do so.

Avantages :

Remote control software that works well with all of the features of Teamviewer for excellent pricing that anyone can afford.

Inconvénients :

The only issues after moving from Teamviewer is when installing trying to figure out the streamer vs. just installing one .exe file that does everything.

Alternatives envisagées : VNC Connect

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : Was using free version and needed commercial use licensing. The price was extremely unreasonable for what our small company can afford.

Logiciel antérieur : TeamViewer

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : 1. Price 2. As close as I could get to Teamviewer funcationality without the insane pricing from Teamviewer.

Matériel informatique, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : Most of the support tasks that I perform now are with Splashtop Business Access, and physical visits to clients are now rare. Much of the work is after hours when businesses are closed, so it works very well for me.

Avantages :

The one thing that had me committed was the low cost after the massive price increases I was experiencing from Logmein. Splashtop has improved in performance, reliability and feature-set considerably over the several years I've been using it, and I cannot praise it more highly. The company also listen carefully to their users and have fixed minor issues along the way. All versions of Windows from XP upwards are supported, including servers.

Inconvénients :

There are very few cons. Very old PCs with poor graphics capability maybe rather slow, but there is an add-on driver that helps. Thankfully these issues are very rare, and those machines should have been upgraded anyway. Full Dual Monitor support is an additional paid option, but I can live without that.

Services et technologies de l'information, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : It has been good. I was searching for an alternative to TeamViewer that wasn't going to kill my one-man-company. This lets me manage the few servers I need too without having to pay a ton of cash. The file transfer works great, and the screen sharing is solid. Stays connected for DAYS.

Avantages :

It works way better than other screen sharing apps I have used. It just works. I also like the cost - compared to teamviewer, it is more reasonably priced and I don't have to fight bugs all the time. It works when you switch to wifi - long time teamviewer bug!

Inconvénients :

The only problem I have had [and it was short lived] was that it is easy to close the remote client accidentally. Once you realize it needs to stay running [and don't close the tray icon] - you don't have any problems. I caught this very early on.

Alternatives envisagées : Remote Desktop Manager et Remote Support

Pourquoi choisir Splashtop Business Access : TeamViewer wouldn't work on devices connected to wifi - it was bizarre. Never used to work like that, but the software just kept getting buggier and buggier. Also, the disconnects were horrendous. Now that i am using the same connections / computers without issue - I know it was the software.

Logiciel antérieur : TeamViewer

Pourquoi passer à Splashtop Business Access : It was a better fit for my small business.

Managing Director [Canada]

Formation professionnelle et coaching, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

5 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : I would also like to mention that their Customer Support is excellent. I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with their rep, discussing the merits of Splashtop and the various options available. He was thorough and extremely patient. I started with the 7-day trial of Splashtop Business Pro, which they extended for an extra 7 days when I needed more time. I've needed support a couple of times, and they were very responsive. Another thing I love about the choice I've made is the affordability. Some other services were going to be unjustifiably expensive for me, which led me to the search for an alternative. I don't need to offer 24/7 remote support, since I use it on an "as needed" basis, which fluctuates week by week.

Avantages :

After a relatively short learning curve, I was able to use this software exactly as required. I offer remote computer and device support to people who are, for the most part, over 75 years old. As such, it can be challenging to guide them through resolving their problem. Being able to offer remote access, is crucial with clients like this, because I can explain as I offer the visual. The seniors I deal with are easily confused with technology, which made guiding them through installation of the Splashtop Streamer at their end a bit tricky. This was probably the most difficult part of laying the groundwork for helping my clients. So I prepared screenshots of every step of the installation process for myself, which allowed me to guide them through installation one step at a time.

Inconvénients :

For the most part, Splashtop Business Access covers all bases for me and is definitely a crucial tool in accomplishing my work. Even so, there are two things on my "wish list", that would make the experience even better... 1. I would prefer not having to use my telephone to speak to the client, and would really appreciate if Splashtop had an audio component built into it. 2. Many of my clients have only iPads or iPhones and, to my knowledge, Splashtop does not allow for me to offer them remote support from my computer to their device. That possibility would be fantastic!

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