The adventures of tom sawyer review năm 2024

Mark Twain's classic novel THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER takes place in fictional St. Petersburg (a town on the Mississippi that is patterned after Twain's hometown of Hannibal, Missouri), where Tom lives with his Aunt Polly and cousins Sid and Mary. A mischievous, imaginative boy of about 11, Tom is often on the wrong side of the rules at school and at home. Late one night, Tom sneaks out with his friend Huckleberry Finn, and the two witness a violent crime. Afraid for their own safety, Tom and Huck promise each other to keep the night a secret, and Tom carries on his usual activities: playing pirates with his friends, flirting with the pretty Becky Thatcher, and worrying his Aunt Polly. But Tom and Huck soon find themselves in serious trouble, because they can't ignore their consciences, or the fact that the criminal has some treasure they can't resist.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

  • Families can talk about the racist language in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Do you think books with bigoted language should be read in schools? Why or why not?
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was written in the 1870s. What aspects of the book seem "historical" to you, and what seems like it could happen in any time?

To gain further insight into Mark Twain's views on race and slavery, read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The adventures of tom sawyer review năm 2024
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book to read for anyone who loves classic stories. It is about a naughty boy named Tom doing a lot of mischievous tricks and risky adventures. He has a brother named Sid and a sister named Mary. Aunt Polly, who takes care of Tom, loves him even though he is a firebrand. Huckberry Finn, whose nickname is Huck, is Tom’s best friend as well as the partner in all of his adventures.

One of Tom’s crazy adventures is when he and his friend were in a graveyard trying to revive a dead person with a dead cat at midnight. Before they begin their process they see three men, Muff Potter, Dr. Robinson, and Injun Joe in the same graveyard. They quickly hide behind the bushes because they do not want to be seen by the three men. Instead, they witnessed Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson for revenge, and then Injun Joe accuses Muff Potter for the crime. So scared, Tom and Huck run to a shed and complete a blood oath that they will never talk about the crime scene to anyone or they will die and rot.

Besides going on adventures, Tom also likes to tricks the children to do his white washing (putting new coat of paint on his aunt’s fence) and trade his trinkets for the tickets that can be used to trade in for the Bible to impress the new girl, Becky Thatcher– when a student receives a Bible, it shows others that they had been a good student.

I think teenagers today are going to like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Even though this book is a classic, there are still some naughty teenagers and they might want to read about how kids were in the 1800s.

“Can’t learn an old dog new tricks, as the saying is. But my goodness, he never plays them alike, two days, and how is a body to know what’s coming?”

The adventures of tom sawyer review năm 2024

Like most people, I already knew most of the details around the life of Tom Sawyer and I think I might have seen a TV series at some point, but I’m ashamed to admit I had never actually read the original story as it was written by Mark Twain all that time ago. And since I needed to read more classics in the first place, I thought it was a great excuse to finally pick up my copy of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. Unfortunately I can’t say I fell in love with this classic. I’m not saying it is a bad read, but I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Part of the problem might be that I read it too late; I would probably have enjoyed this story a lot better fifteen to twenty years ago. That said, I did think there were too many religious references to my taste, although that can probably be explained by the fact that it was written back in 1876. But classic or not, I did have a hard time to get a proper feel for the story and it only started to get more exciting after their ‘graveyard adventure’. Slow start and stronger ending; I guess it would still make a great middle grade, especially for boys.

The adventures of tom sawyer review năm 2024

Tom Sawyer is not like most of the boys in the Mississippi River town where his lives. He doesn’t really feel like behaving and doing as it is told by the adults around him, and is always looking for a way to escape his tasks. Tom is without doubt very clever, and is able to convince the other boys of just about everything. From the fun in whitewashing a fence to the games they play and the things that happen at school, Tom Sawyer is always a busy boy that normally means he will ends up in trouble. Trouble that might be turning into a really dangerous situation after what happened at the graveyard… But even trouble and danger cannot make Tom to stay away from his adventures and the creativity of his own mind.

The adventures of tom sawyer review năm 2024

I guess I either read this story at the wrong time or it just wasn’t for me, because I can’t say I was convinced by especially the first part of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. It’s not a bad read and I can see why especially younger readers would love this story, but I had a hard time getting into the story. The last part is a lot more exciting though, and the story is quite readable even though it’s written back in the 19th century.

Is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer a good read?

Mark Twain will make us laugh and think with this novel's satire, comedy, and folk narrative. The story of Thomas Sawyer, Aunt Polly, Sid, cousin Mary, and his friend Huckleberry Finn will be one of the first adventure books that most of us must have read.

What age is Tom Sawyer appropriate for?

Product information.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is not merely a literary classic. It is part of the American imagination. More than any other work in our culture, it established America's vision of childhood. Mark Twain created two fictional boys, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, who still seem more real than most of the people we know.

Is Tom Sawyer hard to read?

Tom is about 12 in the book, if I remember right. Susan Tom Sawyer is a fairly easy read because it was written for children. There is a lot for adults to enjoy in it, too, and Mark Twain's satiric nature comes shining through. As an intro to his books, yes, Tom is a good place to start.