The person you believe yourself to be in moments of honest examination is your

You have always considered yourself an outgoing person, but moving to a new place has you feeling shy and awkward. In this example, your ongoing sense of being outgoing is part of your _________, whereas feeling shy and awkward is part of your _________.

    a. affinity; empathy
    b. empathy; sympathy
    c. self-concept; self-esteem
    d. self-esteem; self-concept
    e. concord; unanimity
  • You indicated on your college admission essay that you are a 25-year-old who enjoys playing golf and who would like to major in sports medicine. This most accurately reflects your:

      a. self-esteem
      b. self-concept
      c. self-actualization
      d. self-efficacy
      e. self-monitor
  • Growing up, Rick was usually regarded as the smartest student in his classes. But when he arrived at college, he realized he was surrounded by people who were as smart as he was. The notion that how we see ourselves is influenced by the people around is known as:

      a. reflected appraisal
      b. the FIRO Theory
      c. action assembly theory
      d. communitarian ethics
      e. agenda setting theory
  • You predict that the upcoming vacation with your family will be miserable. Your sister will probably throw tantrums, and your brother will keep his nose in a book. As a result of your prediction, you note every time their behavior lives up to your expectations, and the vacation is predictably miserable. This is an example of:

      a. self-fulfilling prophecy
      b. relationship dialectics
      c. the “meaning of meaning”
      d. general semantics
      e. a narrative paradigm
  • You are elated when your sister receives an acceptance letter from her favorite college. Which of the following involves the experience of feeling what someone else is thinking and feeling.

      a. assimilation
      b. perception
      c. empathy
      d. social exchange principle
      e. relational recoil
  • You consider Marcy to be friendly because she smiles a lot and says hi to people she sees. Her efforts to be seen as an approachable person are part of her:

      a. paradigmatic shift
      b. organizing tendency
      c. identity management
      d. social bias
      e. perspective veracity
  • We tend to evaluate people we like more generously than people we don't like. The tendency to reach conclusions based on our preconceived notions is a function of:

      a. attribution
      b. selection
      c. organization
      d. pragmatics
      e. veracity
  • The tendency to judge ourselves more favorably than we judge others is known as:

      a. invisible stigma
      b. rose-colored glasses
      c. relational dialectics
      d. comparative pragmatism
      e. self-serving bias
  • Considering his life so far, Gregory is pleased that he hasn't let stereotypes limit him very much. He feels at home with his female friends and with his male golfing buddies. In other words, he is:

      a. feminine
      b. androgynous
      c. relational
      d. masculine
      e. nonsexual
  • Grant has a “Go Tigers” sticker on his car, so you assume he is either an LSU, Auburn, or Memphis fan. Which of the following involves attaching meaning to behavior?

      a. self-serving bias
      b. attribution
      c. assimilation
      d. perspective checking
      e. social adaptation
  • We often judge ourselves more __________ than we judge others.

      a. charitably
      b. fairly
      c. accurately
      d. harshly
      e. unwaveringly
  • Svetlana had low self-esteem as a child, but has developed high self-esteem over time. Which of the following is most likely as a result?

      a. She does not perform as well in front of others now.
      b. She is more critical of others now.
      c. She communicates with more people now.
      d. She is more fearful of rejection now.
      e. She is less likely to sound like a know-it-all now.
  • “I cannot imagine jumping out of a plane, but I'm eager to know why you find the prospect so exciting.” The aspect of empathy in which we suspend judgment and try to see things through another person's eyes is called:

      a. elaboration likelihood
      b. interactive universalism
      c. perspective-taking
      d. groupthink
      e. relativity
  • The first step in perception checking involves:

      a. describing the behavior you noticed
      b. offering your opinion
      c. asking the other person to change
      d. requesting information
      e. influencing others
  • Your _________________ self is the person you believe yourself to be in moments of honest self-examination.

      a. presenting
      b. relational
      c. universal
      d. perceived
      e. deceptive
  • “I bet you will find snorkeling easier than you think. I was scared myself, but I caught on right away.” This statement addresses the identities of both people involved. That makes it an example of:

      a. facework
      b. the social judgment hypothesis
      c. ethnography
      d. social veracity
      e. social exchange theory
  • Respectful student, joking friend, friendly neighbor, and helpful worker are just few of the roles we might play, each with their own _________.

      a. genderlect
      b. ethnography
      c. identity
      d. elaboration likelihood
      e. triangulation
  • A neighbor is playing loud music that interferes with Loretta's ability to study. Loretta has played loud music herself on occasion. Which of the following is most likely based on common perceptual tendencies?

      a. Loretta will feel that she and the neighbor have a lot in common.
      b. Loretta will focus more on the neighbor's good qualities than on the loud music.
      c. Loretta will judge the neighbor's behavior more harshly than her own.
      d. Loretta will assume the neighbor has friends over and doesn't realize how loud the music is.
      e. Loretta will assume that, when she played music loudly herself, she probably disturbed even more people than her neighbor is.
  • Depending on how you look at it, the ability to strategically to manage your identity online is a plus or a minus. According to research, the majority of people say that they:

      a. feel more inhibited during online communication than face-to-face communication
      b. engage in facework online without considering how others will perceive them
      c. misrepresent their physical appearance online
      d. monitor people's nonverbal displays more closely online than they do in person
      e. trust people online more than they do in person
  • Ted's uncle is dismayed to see the boy playing with dolls and he asks who gave the child such an “inappropriate” toy. His reaction is a reflection of cultural expectations about:

    What is the person you believe yourself to be in moments of honest self examination?

    The perceived self is the person you believe yourself to be in the moments of honesty self-examination. The presenting self is a public-image the way we want to appear to others.

    When a person uses communication strategies to influence how others view them they are engaging in?

    Identity management refers to the communication strategies people use to present the self and to influence how others view them.

    Which of the following is a definition of self

    The individual's belief about himself or herself, including the person's attributes and who and what the self is.”

    What is a benevolent lie quizlet?

    Terms in this set (20) benevolent lie. A lie defined by the teller as not malicious to the person to whom it is told.