Which trait is universally valued across almost every culture quizlet?

I would like to know what the professional adherents of Positive Psychology think about the practice of permanent or prolonged restraint from any sexual activity (that is, chastity). Because most other of the psychologists (and psychiatrists) are holding to ideas about sexual activity that are contrary, in direct opposition, to the teachings of many a major religion – for example, of (Catholic and Orthodox) Christianity or (Theravada) Buddhism.


On Chastity | The Catholic Encyclopedia | New Advent

“Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite. It is a form of the virtue of temperance, which controls according to right reason the desire for and use of those things which afford the greatest sensual pleasures. The sources of such delectation are food and drink, by means of which the life of the individual is conserved, and the union of the sexes, by means of which the permanence of the species is secured. Chastity, therefore, is allied to abstinence and sobriety; for, as by these latter the pleasures of the nutritive functions are rightly regulated, so by chastity the procreative appetite is duly restricted. . . . According as chastity would exclude all voluntary carnal [sexual] pleasures, or allow this gratification only within prescribed limits, it is known as absolute or relative. The former is enjoined upon the unmarried, the latter is incumbent upon those within the marriage state. . . . Besides the classification already given, there is another, according to which chastity is distinguished as perfect, or imperfect. The first-mentioned is the virtue of those who, in order to devote themselves more unreservedly to God and their spiritual interests, resolve to refrain perpetually from even the licit pleasures of the marital state.”


Which trait is universally valued across almost every culture quizlet?

Nicole Celestine, Ph.D. on July 13, 2021 at 05:14

Hi Andreas,

You raise a very interesting question! One perspective comes from the ‘father’ of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman. In a recent review (2019) describing the development of the 24 VIA Character Strengths, which is in some ways at the center of positive psychology, he notes that in order for something to meet the classification of a character strength, it must be universally valued and endorsed (e.g., kindness).

People’s attitudes toward chastity differ depending on beliefs (often stemming from religion), so this is a virtue that does not typically appear within positive psychology strength classification schemes.

Likewise, a review of research on positive psychology’s positive vs. negative effects on modern sexuality research suggests that our field has had little impact on research trends within this space (Arakawa et al., 2012).

All in all, I think a positive psychologist is likely to take a fairly neutral stance to the notion of chastity, asking where the practice sits within a person’s make-up of values and beliefs. If the virtues associated with the practice of chastity are important to the individual and their belief system, they would then likely encourage the person to act in ways that are consistent with that value.

I hope that answers your question!

– Nicole | Community Manager


Which trait is universally valued across almost every culture quizlet?

Andreas on July 16, 2021 at 23:57

Yes, thank you, that has mostly answered my question about Positive Psychology.

But I will mention, at the risk of upsetting you and your colleagues (and some other people who might read this comment), that I consider that with the ‘neutral’ stance to be an unscientific ‘the customer is always right’ (even if he/she errs) approach. Why aren’t the psychologists who are formed in the school of Positive Psychology interested to actually study the psychological effects of the wilful and prolonged practice of chastity? (For example: Are the people who practice chastity perhaps better able to concentrate upon tasks? Are they more patient?)

Apropos, have found these:

Carr, D. (2007). “On the prospects of chastity as a contemporary virtue”. In R. Halwani’s (ed.) “Sex and ethics: Essays on sexuality, virtue, and the good life” (pp. 89–100).

Schnitker, S.A. & Emmons, R.A. (2017). “The psychology of virtue: Integrating Positive Psychology and the psychology of religion”. In “Psychology of Religion and Spirituality” vol.9, no.3 (pp. 239-41).

“Another strong case for an understudied virtue could be made for chastity. Chastity, or sexual restraint, is a moral virtue because it maximizes individual and relational well-being when practiced. Yet historically it fell on hard times, even in Christendom, where C.S. Lewis considered it ‘the most unpopular of the Christian virtues’ [it’s also the most unpopular of the Buddhist virtues], or when St. Augustine prayed ambivalently for it: ‘Give me chastity and continence, but not yet.’ In a hypersexualized culture [or society, as are the modernized societies,] it is bound to be seen as quaint at best, and overly repressive, restrictive, and even pathological at worst. What do the data say? Hardy and Willoughby (2017) explore the theological, philosophical, and psychological/public-health perspectives on chastity. They present data from several thousand adults on the connection between religiousness, [sexual] abstinence, sexual behaviors, sexual satisfaction, unhappiness and make a case for the place of religious communities to promote sexual chastity and positive psychosocial functioning through teachings about chastity and providing structures to motivate and enable people to live consistently with them.”


Which trait is universally valued across almost every culture quizlet?

BA Psychology. Camilo Gonzalez on August 1, 2019 at 21:36

I do not see Ambition, Autonomy, Self-Interest, Make others accountable, Respect for others freedom, and Do not cause others harm as values on the list. I have a Bachelors in Psychology myself, and I have been also interested in the “Schema Development” that makes human beings and societies more successful, and I think those ones are also important. Of course, we should first define what success/self actualization is, which I have a theory to define it since every person and social group have different concepts of success; however, from a psychological perspective success has a definition. Also, I am making the assumption that the Character Strength theory are particular Schema/thinking process that are good to have. In summary, self actualization should give us a sense of happiness, peace, and worthiness, and for this to take place, we should also posses those values mention above. I am not sure why they are not mention on the list. Thank you.