a nina là gì - Nghĩa của từ a nina

a nina có nghĩa là

More mature than MOST adults. Her experiences in life is worth more than the weightless brain, heart and soul you carry around and is nothing you can buy or squander although some try. Labeled an array of things but doesn’t let any of it get to her heart or head. Because none of you are God, despite your egotism and power hungry antics and tactics of all sorts to try to get in her way. Holds herself to a no bullshit kind of standard so why would anyone expect any less for them from her. Goodness and greatness inside of her saved for the elite. Becomes weary at times, asking herself why she allowed such people to even bestow their insufficience in her presence, is more aware than you’ll ever give her credit for out of pure jealousy and envy. Chooses to focus on soul evolvement rather than petty ass stagnation with the blind leading the blind. If she wanted to keep you as a friend or anything there after, you would of been kept. Her past years didn’t involve too many worthwhile or wholesome individuals, so while they have continued to plot and scheme and talk the diarrhea from their mouths, she’s steady preparing for the life that is elevating her heart and soul even further. The ones who would rather try to exploit her than to befriend her. Use her rather than appreciate her. Friendship and anything there after is a two way street and most expect her to carry all the weight. Wishing bad karma on her, you will soon discover that yours is not too far behind as well.


Nina will always be that one in a million.

a nina có nghĩa là

Nina is the best person you will ever meet. She has 3 of the best friends anyone could ask for. The four of them are at the very top of the social pyramid at their school. Nina has beautiful brown hair that in the summer becomes close to blonde. She gets quite tan in the summer and stays that way year round. She is very smart and knows a lot about current events. Nina is a person that if you know her you also know you want to be her. Nina is literally the perfect person. Now if you were wondering about her boyfriend, well he is super funny, a little rough but not too much. He is not too much taller than her but enough for it to look like the perfect couple. Pretty much Nina is the perfect girl that everyone wants to be.


Wow! She has got to be that girl Nina everyone is talking about.

a nina có nghĩa là

Nina is a beautiful young girl that often doubts her self worth. she loves acting and usually has brown hair and brown eyes. she loves spending time with her friends but suffers from anxiety which doesn't help with trying new things. she needs to learn to love herself for who she is and she may need constant support, but she will always be there for you no matter what. Sometimes it's hard for her to accept that life isn't fair. she is constantly trying to help people but sometimes she is the one who needs help. Sometimes she might come across as needy but she is really just needing some love. she is also amazing at hugs :) When she wants to she can SLAY.


Oh, look there's Nina! she gives the best hugs
I'm gonna text Nina I'm feeling pretty low rn

a nina có nghĩa là

Cooler than Josh


Is that Nina? She's cooler than Josh

a nina có nghĩa là

A 9mm handgun


Your boyfriend an op, I’ll make Nina blow him -Chief Keef

a nina có nghĩa là

The best fucking person you will ever meet. Acts like a whore but is actually a hopeless romantic. Has Chandler Bings personality and loves herself like Kanye loves Kanye. Acts like she rules the world and knows what she fucking wants. Is hot af and has a heart go gold.


Person 1: Dude look, god is coming over!!
Person 2: Its not god its just Nina...
Person 3: Same thing bitch.

a nina có nghĩa là

A woman whom I did love with all my heart.


Nina my gummy bear I'm sorry

a nina có nghĩa là

Nina means many things in many languages, but whenever you see one on the streets you'll most likely be reminded of sunshine. They can seem quite intimidating at first, but all of that comes down to a loving, warm and quirky persona on the inside. They usually have a perculiar and attractive taste in fashion, a loud lively laugh and a great smile. If you ever have a chance to come across a Nina in your life, keep them close.


Person A: Damn I wanna talk to her what's her name??
Person B: That's Nina.

a nina có nghĩa là

How do you describe a nina ?
First, she’s incredibly hot, skinny and sexy. She has brown hair with some lighter streaks. Her deep chocolatish eyes make you melt. She is very popular and very funny, everybody either wants to date her, be friends with her or be her. She is very smart and you’ll feel very dumb texting her. All of her ex’s were jealous of her relationship with guys or are just dumb of having let her go. If you re one of these exes try to get her back, of course I don’t gurantee that you’ll get her back. She’s not human, she’s too perfect. She loves memes, vines especially and likes all music from rap too oldies. She is very social but only with people she wants to be social with. If she’s not really social with you, she either thinks you’re boring or a douchebag, she’s not mean tho. You’ll catch yourself glancing at her a lot and thinking of her a lot. She HATES liars, snakes and twitter somehow. But she loves sports, movies and listening to music alone and hanging out with her friends or lover. She also has the best ass in town 💁🏻 ♂️🤭


Wow, that new girl, Nina, she’s so smart, we talked yesterday and i felt dumb af..

a nina có nghĩa là

Nina is a gun


Pull up on your block im bangin out that nina