a roy là gì - Nghĩa của từ a roy

a roy có nghĩa là

(noun) 1. a male given name. Also little known Peanuts character introduced in 1965, and was the best friend of Peppermint PATTY (source:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_%28Peanuts%29#Roy) 2. generally a name for a virile and attractive male, could possibly be a Fire Sign..like an Aries. Has a tendency to be stalked by older, unattractive, short women. Prone to being cockblocked. Has a hard time saying NO when necessary so may also be prone to "bad" touches and unnecessary roughness from short, hairy and detestable females when he's really dying inside at the thought. (think Ace Ventura and the shower and plunger scene)


Logic class Prof: Consider the following example: 1. The man is virile and attractive.
2. The man is an Aries.
3. A short detestable female tried to take the man's stuff. Thus the man's name must be Roy. Students (in unison): Damn Straight!

a roy có nghĩa là

An amazing loving kind full guy. He is protective when it comes to those he loves and especially to his partner. He is a kind, intelligent, lovable guy . He sometimes feels guilty for things that aren't his fault. At times he is sensitive and shy but that only happens when he is uncomfortable. Exactly The type of guy that you wouldn't want to slip away. He's loving and caring. He will accept you for who you are. Roy will always be there for you no matter what . He will stay up for you, when everyone else is against you. hes type of guy that makes sure your okay while he's hurting. He stands up for the people he cares about . When he talks you have know choice but to listen. He is a handsome man that knows what we wants, and how to get it. He can drive a woman crazy without even trying. Roy Is the type of man you marry and grow old with.
Roy deserves to be the happiest guy in the world .


Roy is so cute!

a roy có nghĩa là

Roy –adjective
To be Roy is to be;
3.Attractive, Fit
4.Next Level
Roy is an adjective of someone who is highly appeasing, attractive, fun, happy, a good friend or someone you like.
Originating from Loughborough University, it was created by Andy, Rich and John to describe those who lived in Royce Hall, that were “Fit”. Since then the adjective has evolved into the current meaning.


May be used in the expression “YOUR SO ROY” (Pronounced “YOUR-R SO RO-OO-YY”) which would be said to some one who is Fit.

a roy có nghĩa là

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What is the ROI for buying this product?

a roy có nghĩa là

Roy is the BEST male stripper that everyone wants to jerk off to.


Everyone wants to be ROY

a roy có nghĩa là

RoyEd is a Yaoi pairing between the main character Edward Elric and sub-main character Roy Mustang in the Anime Fullmetal Alchemist. The general idea behind the pairing is the classic "opposites attract" because as Edward is a wandering character through most of the series and the few times that he confronts Roy, his superior officer, they often get into fights where Ed starts yelling for mostly unknown reasons besides being called short and Roy silently fuming behind his desk before either making an outburst himself or starting to mess with Ed's head. It is one of two most common Yaoi pairings in the series. The other is Edvy, or Ed/Envy pairing.


OMG, I can't stop reading all this RoyEd fanfiction, it's so addicting!

a roy có nghĩa là

A nice guy. Is messed up in some ways but very protective when it comes to ones he loves. Maybe not attrative but very smart. If you are his partner then you are lucky to have a sweet loveing cite nice guy like him. He can make any girl fall for him and he is VERY romantic. Did I mention he makes a great boyfriend? ;)


Roy is **SO SWEET**

a roy có nghĩa là

Roy is an amazing dude! His name is also known as “King”! Everyone wants to be his friend! He’ll more then likely find a lover at a young age and grow old with her. He makes his partner feel good with out even trying and deserves so much happiness. Roy makes the best love and has a big penis! Everyone loves his sense of humor and he the most amazing person to be around.


Heyyyyy Roy! Oh my gosh... Is that Roy! He’s so fine!

a roy có nghĩa là

Roy is the best friend that you will ever meet...and if you are someone that is important in his life he will care for you so much even when he isnt feeling the best. He is the cutest boy you will ever find and rlly athletic. And if you are in some type of relationship with him dont end it keep it otherwise you will regret it And he will just always have your back...and some words to describe roy are...
Hot Caring
And just the best


Adam: wait have u seen Roy?
Caleb: Ya hes my best friend
Adam: Oh rlly man your so lucky hes the cooloest kid ever
Caleb: ya i know :)

a roy có nghĩa là

To have the bottom of one's pant legs tucked in the back of one's shoes. Repeat offenders are typically assumed to be sloppy or are thought of as a slob. Usually only occurs when wearing excessively baggy and/or long pants. More common in males than females.


"Every time I see Steven, he's got a roy."
"Hey John, I hate to tell you this, but you've got a roy."