Bad Review Generator

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Generate More Positive Customer Reviews and Eliminate Bad Reviews!

Having a large number of positive online customer reviews can be the single most important on-line selling tool for your contracting business.

We are currently charging our Happy Contractor clients $49.50 per month for the Review Generator program. We may charge more in the future but for our existing Happy Contractor clients who sign up for this service before November 30, 2017 we intend to keep this price for them indefinitely.

Call us at (800) 990-5811 or fill out the form below and we will contact you to see if the Review Generator is a right fit for your business.

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Bad Review Generator

All The Reviews Your Company Deserves

With our new program you can collect reviews easily on your website. If a 5 star review is left, the review is automatically posted on your website and the customer has the option to leave their review on other review sites. Anything below 5 stars will still get submitted but will not be posted on your website. You will have a chance to respond to make things right.

Bad Review Generator

Post to Social Media

Post your positive reviews to your social media profiles with Buffer. On the backend in your website you have the option to queue your positive reviews to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and more.

Bad Review Generator

Crush Negative Reviews Before They Happen

Many negative reviews can be prevented by just a little finesse and understanding. By only allowing the 5 star reviews to get through to the website, our plugin allows you to handle the bad stars privately. This helps your business make things right with the customer potentially creating a better relationship and more business.

Bad Review Generator

Build Up Your Social Profiles

After a customer submits a five star review they have the option to post their review to Yelp, Google, Angies List, and Facebook. Make sure you have these profiles set up and ready to go! If not, we can help!

Bad Review Generator
Start your SEO services today

Whether youre looking for a way to display your work or gain more customers, we can help. In your free phone consultation we will talk about everything you want to get out of your website.

Every website we create is catered toward completing our clients goals. We can recommend the right paths to take in order to get your objective completed. Our services range from website hosting to website maintenance to advanced SEO. After a brief phone call we can advise on the best direction to take.

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