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IELTS Speaking Test Part 2: Describe A Gift You Recently Gave

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IELTS Speaking Test PART 2 Sample Question and Answer

by Jane Lawson at

Question:Describe a gift you recently gave to someone. You should say:

  • who you gave it to
  • what kind of person he/she is
  • what the gift was
  • what occasion the gift was for
  • and explain why you chose that gift.

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Answer: I recently gave a gift to my friend Juliet, who is my oldest friend. I have known her since I was four years old, as our parents are friends and we went to the same school. Our friendship has grown even stronger now that we are adults .

Juliet is one of the kindest, strongest and most lovely people you could ever wish to meet. She is also extremely intelligent and great fun to be with. She is a successful actress and mother of two gorgeous girls, and is also a tower of strength in her extended family.

The gift that I gave her was a piece of amethyst crystal, with a hole cut in it for a small candle, which will light up the crystal when the candle is burning. Amethyst is a beautiful deep purple colour, and symbolises creativity and clear thinking.

I bought the gift for Juliet's birthday, even though I actually gave it to her much later than her birthday as she was away at the time. It was what we call a big birthday - in other words, a significant one so I wanted to get her something special to mark the occasion.

The reason I chose that gift was that I wanted to give her something unique and which will last forever, like our friendship, and which will be a beautiful addition to her possessions. It will look good in the daylight when there is no candle burning in it, and will catch the sun when it shines through the window. Then at night, if she lights a candle in it, the amethyst crystal will glow a deep purple colour and cast colourful shadows on the wall. I hope it will also remind her that I will always be there for her if she needs me.

This sample answer took around 2 minutes, which is the maximum time you need to speak without stopping in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam. Now, try this yourself, and if possible record your answer so you can listen back to it.

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