Explain the difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency

Explain the difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency

January 4, 2022/in Glossary/

Explain the difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency

Escape Contingency is one of the three negative reinforcement contingencies. An escape contingency can be defined as when performing a specific behavior stops an ongoing event.

Some examples are:

  • for a child dropping onto the floor followed by the child crying stops the event of the child having to enter the classroom.
  • for a student “ending” a math fluency exercise on the computer after finishing three exercises.
  • to spit out food to get rid of a bad taste.
  • to turn down the volume on the radio to lessen the loud music.
  • to put up an umbrella when it is raining to stay dry.

Other Negative Reinforcement Contingencies

  • Avoidance Contingency
  • Free-Operant Avoidance

Children who are on the spectrum tend to participate more in escape behaviors because they tend to get overwhelmed during transitions and interactions in non-preferred activity situations which brings on the feeling of astounding demands in their eyes.

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ABA Therapy Examples

Explain the difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency
Explain the difference between an escape contingency and an avoidance contingency
How is Applied Behavior Analysis Different From Psychology?

All paradigms are done using a Shuttlebox

Med Associates, Inc.


Active Avoidance 

Active avoidance is what is typically thought of as avoidance learning. Due to the different associations that can be formed by the mouse during avoidance learning, it has been thought to involve both classical and operant conditioning processes (most famously characterized by Hobart Mowrer's Two-Factor Learning Theory).

Branchi & Ricceri (2013)

Active avoidance paradigms require the mouse to learn to avoid an aversive stimulus (a shock) by initiating a behavior (locomotion). The mouse is placed in one of the two shuttlebox compartments. They are exposed to a conditioned stimulus (light, tone, etc.) followed by the delivery of a footshock (unconditioned stimulus). Two types of responding can emerge directly after this exposure phase: a conditioned response (avoidance learning) and an unconditioned response (escape learning)--often times,escape responses precede the emergence of avoidance responses. Avoidance is characterized by responding where a mouse actively avoids the oncoming shock by moving to the opposite compartment after the CS is presented. Escape is characterized by responding where a mouse does not respond to the CS, but responds to the US by escaping to the opposite compartment. 

Passive Avoidance

Branchi & Ricceri (2013)

Passive avoidance paradigms require the mouse to suppress a (innate) behavior to avoid an aversive stimulus (a shock). A shuttlebox is arranged so that one compartment is "dark" (through the use of opaque walls or an external cover) and one is "light." Mice have an innate tendency to prefer dark areas over light ones, so their natural instinct will be to move, through a connecting door, from the light compartment they are placed in to the dark compartment. During acquisition, this innate behavior results in the connecting door shutting and an aversive shock being delivered to the mouse in the dark compartment. The mouse should, therefore, learn that moving to the dark compartment has negative consequences. During the test phase, the mouse is again placed in the light compartment and monitored. Passive avoidance is evaluated as the suppression of the (innate) behavior of moving into the dark compartment. As such, the latency to enter the dark compartment (if the mouse does at all) is measured. This measure is correlated with memory. 


Escape conditioning occurs when an animal learns to perform an operant behavior to terminate an aversive event or stimulus. In a shuttlebox, this occurs when a mouse learns to escape (i.e. move to) the opposite compartment after receiving a footshock in their current compartment. It is a classic example of negative reinforcement.

Learned Helplessness

Learned helplessness occurs when a mouse has been exposed to an inescapable aversive event or stimulus. Using a shuttlebox, a mouse is placed in one compartment with the door to the opposite compartment closed. The mouse then receives a footshock and cannot escape it. After several presentations under these circumstances, a mouse has difficulty learning to avoid or escape the footshock even when able to do so. After the unavoidable presentation of aversive stimuli (footshocks), a mouse learns that it has no control over these presentations (or its environment).  This leads to generalized helpless behavior (learned helplessness) that persists even when the environment/contingencies change so that the aversive stimuli are no longer unavoidable. Learned helplessness is a behavior associated with and influenced by depression in humans. 

What is the difference between escape and avoidance contingency?

Avoidance is characterized by responding where a mouse actively avoids the oncoming shock by moving to the opposite compartment after the CS is presented. Escape is characterized by responding where a mouse does not respond to the CS, but responds to the US by escaping to the opposite compartment.

What is an escape contingency?

Escape Contingency is one of the three negative reinforcement contingencies. An escape contingency can be defined as when performing a specific behavior stops an ongoing event.

What is the most important difference between escape and avoidance?

In escape behavior the occurrence of the behavior terminates the aversive stimulus. In other words the dog escapes the stimulus by doing another behavior and that behavior is then strengthened. In avoidance behavior, the occurrence of the behavior prevents the presentation of an aversive stimulus.

Which of the following is an example of escape contingency?

An example of an escape contingency would be moving under a tree to wait for the bus when it is raining to diminish the amount of rain falling on your head. (the rain has already happened and it was already falling on your head).