homeschool là gì - Nghĩa của từ homeschool

homeschool có nghĩa là

Someone smart enough to get out of sitting through the daily 7 hours of bullshit our nation calls "school". Generally the all-around coolest people ever, along with being the best educated element of society.

Typically hated by governments who want to indoctrinate youth, and clueless fucktards who secretly wish they didn't have to go to school either.


Damn! That homeschooled guy just got laid twice last night! Too bad the guys who go to school are socially inert, castrated sheep, or they could have some fun too...

homeschool có nghĩa là

If you know someone with a matter-of-fact attitude who regularly makes awkward jokes/statements out of turn, exhibits hyper-White characteristics, or simply possesses a number less-than-desirable eccentricities, this is likely the agency to blame.


"I found out that Noah was homeschooled. Everything about him suddenly makes sense."

homeschool có nghĩa là

The best way to secure the fact that you're going to spend your teenage years a depressed, lonely, suicidal wreck who'll spend there days watching tv and stealing their dad's Klonopin and vodka. Occasionally you actually do school work, but you usually just cheat cause it's a computer program and all you need is a password to get the answers. Which is defidently not good considering that you weren't that smart to begin with and will spend your life in a minimum wage job due to the the fact that you have no dreams or expectations for life. This is as good as it's gonna get.

This isn't the case for everyone, some homeschool kids have parents that, you know, bother to actually homeschool them and give a shit if they take 4 sleeping pills a night because they've got no reason to wake up, and it's much easier to sleep your life away instead of having to deal with the anxiety and disapointments of the outside world.

Also, some people don't hate themselves and the rest of the world.


person 1: Dude, my parents are gonna homeschool me, Yes, I can't wait to get to sleep in late and go to the mall during the weekday when there's no crowds! super fun! is fun at first...until 9 months go by and you end up sleeping all day because you've got nothing else to do and you've practically destroyed any social skills you had because you've gone so long without human contact. Super fun indeed.

homeschool có nghĩa là

It's hell on earth. Basically your parents control every aspect of yout life. AHH!!!!!


homeschooler: What is sex?
Parent: A bad word! Don't ever say it again!!!
homeschooler: Oh Papa, im so very sorry! I will never speak of such thing again.

homeschool có nghĩa là

the leading producer of those anti-social kids who live with their moms and are level 20,000 world of warcraft players


dammit, i just got pwned on world of warcraft. FUCKIN homeschoolers

homeschool có nghĩa là

1.) To spend your time at home watching TV when you should actually be getting an education.

2.) A method of systematically ruining one's social skills.

3.) When a parent clones their closeminded beliefs/morals into their child without allowing their child to be exposed to opposing viewpoints and opinions. Ususally results in their child growing up to be Kent Hovind.


did you see that kid praying in a corner during Kyle's party? Yeah, he was totally homeschooled.

homeschool có nghĩa là

the worst thing ever that will have you depressed in your teenage years, locked up in your room and crying yourself asleep. i am homeschooled and now i see no point in waking up every day.


lucille: hey so how is school going?
me: pretty good. exept for the fact that i havent any friends, my mom yells at me all day and so does my dad, i am bored most of the time, i hate my life, i will never have decent social skills or a boyfriend or go to parties, i cannot go to school because my dad says it is a horrible slow paced world in there, i can never escape my mom ect...
lucille: well that sounds nice... thats what you get for being homeschooled.
me: i hate you sooo much right now.

homeschool có nghĩa là

The worst, worst, worst, worst possible thing to do to your child. As soon as most kids hear it they think, "Ooh super fun, I'll hang out with my friends all day and go to Seaworld every day!" Um, no. You don't meet anybody because, um, you're homeschooled. Your parents almost definitely won't 'educate' you because they are doing their own things. You end up desperately sad, depressed, and wanting to kill yourself. You end up wishing to go somewhere like the bamk or the doctor's office even though most people would hate to do that, just because you want to talk to another person. The only fucking thing to do in homeschool is watch hours and hours of TV, smoke four thousand cigarettes a day, munch out, and not even bother to get dressed so you live in an old bathrobe for about a year.

It also results in a complete waste of your teenage years, not ahving the experiences of a prom, and not having a boyfriend til you're fucking 25.


My mom enrolled me in homeschool because she found out I was a built-in unpaid fucking babysitter.

homeschool có nghĩa là

A form of education that should be outlawed. Education by wannabe-teachers who are just parents with teacher textbooks and don't have a degree of any sort. The reason for homeschooling is probably to 'protect them' which is only going to screw them even more in the real world. Teaches no social skills.


"See that freak over there? She must've been raised by wolves!"

"I heard she was HOMESCHOOLED."

homeschool có nghĩa là

that which is less than desirable, thrown together in a poor format, or just a simple solution.


The way you fixed the toilet with a hanger was homeschool.