Online book review jobs

Have you just finished an earth-shattering novel and are itching to let others know what you thought about it? Well, you are in luck because we’re currently in the process of putting together a panel of book reviewers to write interesting and engaging book reviews for our readers.

The type of books you review is up to you but we prefer contemporary novels from American, Australian, British, Canadian, Irish and New Zealand authors. If those authors have been nominated for book awards such as the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction, British Books Awards, Costa Book Awards, Hennessy Book Awards, Indie Book Awards, Irish Book Awards, Man Booker Prize Awards, or the Stella Prize all the better.

Those book reviews must not have been previously published elsewhere either online on personal blogs and/or websites such as Goodreads or offline such as book reviews in local and/or national newspapers.

From time to time, we are looking for voracious readers but for people who have their finger on the pulse of books in their favourite genre and can write comprehensive and insightful book reviews that add to the conversation. If you become a trusted book reviewer we may consider offering you a job as a paid book reviewer.

How do I become a book reviewer?

We are seeking passionate readers who read a wide range of different genres but we prefer contemporary fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction, realistic fiction, speculative fiction, narrative non-fiction and memoirs. If you think this sounds like you, submit your application below with as much information as possible including links to your social media accounts and other sources where you have previously written reviews.

* Requirements for Book Reviews

i] Reviews must be honest and fair

ii] Reviews must not be libelous

iii] Reviews must add value to readers

iv] Reviews must not plagiarised or published elsewhere

v] Reviews must not infringe on the rights of others

vi] Reviews must not be abusive or offensive in any form

vii] Reviews of certain titles may not be considered

[viii] Reviews must be no shorter than 350 words

[ix] Reviews must not be a synopsis of the book

[x] Reviews must conform to certain conventions and standards

Where to download advance review copies [ARCs], digital galleys and free ebooks?

It is the responsibility of the reviewer to become members of the sites below to download ARCs of titles that interest them. Trusted book reviewers may be sent selected review copies from us or our partners.

Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program where members receive books in exchange for reviews. The best way to be invited to join is to write lots of ‘helpful’ book reviews on Amazon that others up-vote for.

Book Nook

Book Nook is a Hay House review program for book reviewers who read self-help and inspirational books.

Direct Request

Book publishers are happy to send digital copies of books to book reviewers. It is a good idea to let them know where you intend to review the book and to send them the link when the review is complete.

Individual Authors

Authors are happy to send review copies of their books to passionate fans of their work. It is always a good idea to let the author in question know which of their previous books you have read and where your review is going to be published. As above, you are expected to send the author a link to the review when it is published.

Edelweiss +

Edelweiss has an extensive database of catalogues and review books from a wide range of publishers. Members can request to review the latest frontlist titles or can download backlist titles straight away.

First to Read

First to Read is a destination for readers and those who love to talk about and discover new books published by Penguin Random House. First to Read provides members with the chance to be the first to read the best new books, before they are released to the public.

LibraryThing Early Reviewers

LibraryThing has a large selection of books. One of the only drawbacks is that there is a limited quantity of each, with lots of potential readers and reviewers and members required to enter drawings for a chance to win review copies.


Netgalley have an extensive selection of digital galleys from major publishing houses as well as a large selection of titles from independent publishers. Anyone can sign up for an account, but individual publishers have to approve you before you can receive galleys from them.


Overdrive is my first port of call for best-selling authors, classics recently published books as well as a massive selection of backlisted titles. My local library usually stocks books that have been nominated for major Australian book awards.

Story Cartel

Story Cartel has a list of books from thrillers to romance novels, literary fiction and non-fiction. Their platform boasts 48943 people who have downloaded 101964 books, helping 2009 authors get reviews.

Should you send examples of recent book reviews?

Yes, you are welcome to send us a recent book review below. The only caveat is that it must not have been published elsewhere, such as Amazon or Goodreads or on any other book review blogs or websites. If we like it, we will email you and let you know that we are interested in publishing it. We are currently only accepting contemporary fiction, historical and literary fiction and some non-fiction reviews of books that have been published in the past 12 months. We don’t accept genre fiction such as erotica, romance or books that don’t have a broad appeal.

Related: We are inviting authors, book bloggers, content creators and editors to submit guest posts to us. Articles and should be related to the book and publishing industry and of interest to both readers and writers. We’re particularly interested in hearing from black, Asian and minority ethnic [BAME], members of non-white communities [POC], the LGBTQ+ community and other marginalised voices.

Where to submit a guest post?

Please Note: We are not currently accepting any new book reviewers at this time!

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* Terms: Book reviews are counted over a six month period from the first review being published. Book reviewers must have a minimum of six reviews in each six month period to qualify for rewards. Reviews are ranked according to [i] the amount of traffic they get [ii] the amount of social shares [iii] the amount of website visitor engagement. Certain book reviews that are submitted may not be considered for publication. By submitting an application you agree to all terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change terms and conditions at any time without notification.

Do you like to read? Do you want to earn money? If so, you might be able to find some side hustle gigs that pay you to do what you love: read books.

Check out this list of companies that will pay you to read books, and think about whether a partnership with one of these book reviewer companies is a good way for you to make some extra cash while doing something you love to do.

Get Paid in Cash to Write Book Reviews

This is a list of companies that pay cash for book reviews. As you’ll read later, not all companies pay reviewers in this manner.

Kirkus Media is a company that specializes primarily in book reviews. That means they are often hiring reviewers to read books and write reviews of roughly 350 words.

You need to submit your resume’, writing samples and a list of reviewing specialties to Kirkus if you want to be considered for the job. Adding talents or experience to the email address on their web site will help too.

The company also occasionally hires for copy editors and editors as well, meaning you have three opportunities with Kirkus to get paid for reading books.

2. Online Book Club

Online Book Club is a company that pays between $5 and $60 for book reviews, depending on the length of the book, etc.

The company is looking for honest reviews of the books they send to members, and it is free to become a member. Online Book Club sends out books to you at no charge.

You have to do your first review you do with Online Book Club for free. This is the company’s way of being able to determine that you’re right for a job as a book reviewer with their company.

You will get paid for any subsequent reviews done for Online Book Club.

3. Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly is a weekly news magazine that focuses on the book publishing business. Their website does have a career page that often features job opening information for editors, copyeditors and book reviewers.

However, they also occasionally look for book reviewers. All reviewers hired by Publishers Weekly are paid an honorarium, although the site doesn’t specify what that amount is.

The company looks to publish reviews for all types of fiction [including graphic novels] and non-fiction books.

Publishers Weekly wants reviews for both traditionally published and self-published books. You need to send the company a resume’ as well as a 200-word sample review of a recently published book if you want to apply as a potential reviewer.

4. The U.S. Review of Books

The U.S. Review of Books is a company that publishes book reviews of thousands of books in a variety of different genres. The company regularly seeks reviewers to write 250-300 word reviews of books for publication on its company site.

You request reviewer status for this company when they post available books for review on their site. You’ll earn pay for reviews you complete on a monthly basis.

5. Women’s Review of Books

The Women’s Review of Books is a publication that, well, reviews books written by and about women. The site is based out of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College, in collaboration with Old City Publishing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

You must send in your resume’, samples of published reviews and a cover letter to be considered for assignments.

That’s not to say that they won’t accept someone who hasn’t reviewed for pay, but it’s important that your review samples are “lively, thought-provoking and accessible to a broad audience of interested readers”.

Timeliness and professionalism are important as well to the powers-that-be; they want reviewers who can meet a deadline. Most reviewers get fourteen cents per paid word, and the company welcomes suggestions for books to review as well.

6. Upwork

Upwork, a freelancing network that connects freelancers with those in need of help, may offer some positions for writing reviews on books for websites or blogs. Of course, job availability varies.

Upwork offers thousands of jobs in a variety of genres, often including jobs for book reviewers that are paid as independent contractors.

Related Post: How to Make Money Writing a Book

Get “Paid” with Free Books

Some sites that look for book reviews won’t pay you in actual cash, but they will give you a free hard copy of the book you review for keeps.

Here is a list of some of the sites that will send free books for you to review and keep:

7. Bethany House

Bethany House is a publisher that focuses on publishing books that represent historic Christianity. The company requires that those who review for them own their own blog and be willing to post Bethany House reviews on that blog site.

As a reviewer for Bethany House, you must write reviews at least 75 words in length [not including the plot synopsis] and publish the review both on your personal blog and on a retailer website such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

The company chooses reviewers on a first come, first served basis. Bethany House sends out both a fiction and a non-fiction list of books available for review each month. Approved reviewers who respond first get a book copy for reviewing purposes.

Note that they do have a limited number of each copy of the books they need reviews for. For that reason, it’s important to act fast if you want to be accepted as a reviewer of a book after the lists are published.

8. Book Browse

Book Browse is an “online magazine for book lovers” that publishes reviews and other information. They are looking for reviewers who want free books in exchange for a review.

Members get books on a varying schedule depending on how many publishers are sending books to Book Browse. Review opportunities range from every three months to more often, and occasionally less often, based on opportunities.

9. Chicago Book Review

The Chicago Book Review is a popular literary site with the goal of highlighting “Chicago’s publishing world and the great books it produces”. The site shares reviews of many of the books birthing from Chicago’s 125+ book publishing companies.

The company is looking for reviewers who are “dedicated to providing quality, considered, well-written reviews that go beyond ‘I love this book!’ and ‘What a great book!’”.

If you love writing thoughtful and detailed book reviews and getting free books to do so, consider sending The Chicago Book Review your resume’ and writing samples.

10. Moody Press

Moody Press Publishers also pay reviewers in the form of free books – books that their company publishes.

As with Bethany Publishers, Moody wants reviewers who own a blog and are willing to share their book reviews on that blog as well as on a retailer site such as Amazon.

You can browse books that are available for review after you submit your online application and are accepted as a reviewer. Reviewers select one title at a time to be sent for review.

Once you’ve made your selection, Moody sends the books to you within 7 to 10 days via U.S. Postal Service Media. You have to return your review within 60 of receipt of the book.

11. Net Galley

Net Galley is looking for librarians, booksellers, educators, reviewers and bloggers to read the books promoted on the Net Galley site and write reviews for those books.

Know that Net Galley only gives away digital copies of books in exchange for a review.

12. New Pages

New Pages is a site for “Engaged Readers and Creative Writers”. If you like to read books, you can sign up to send them suggestions of books you’d like to read or write a review on and they’ll send you a copy of the book.

The company is looking to hire reviewers that can write a lively, engaging review in easy-to-read yet intelligent language.

Honest reviews are important, but they prefer reviews that are about books you love and not about books that weren’t so great.

There are several companies out there that actually pay people to read books. Imagine indulging in one of your favorite pastimes – reading – and getting paid to do so.

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