Problems with Microsoft Remote Desktop for mac

Michael-6828 asked Apr 15, '21 | MariaRobison-7145 commented Apr 16, '21

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac clear cache

I am having problems connecting to a remote desktop using the MS Remote Desktop (Version 10.6.0 (1872)) on a MacBook Pro 2020 (with intel chip) with OSX 11.2.3. I think the problem requires me to clear my cache for MS Remote Desktop but I can't find it anywhere. I have already looked in ~/Library/Caches but there is no remote desktop files or folder in there. Can I do a hard reset of the application to clear any saved setting that may have been applied?

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Patrick-9540 · Apr 15 at 05:09 PM

I think you can factory reset your MS Remote Desktop configuration by deleting this folder. You'll probably lose all your setting though. You could try moving it it instead of deleting it as well.

~/Library/Containers/ Support/Microsoft Remote Desktop

I'm also having problems with Microsoft Remote Desktop version 10.6.0 (1872) since the upgrade a day ago. When I try to connect to a remote PC it just hangs on "Configuring remote PC..."

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MariaRobison-7145 · Apr 16 at 12:42 PM

I did update to that version 10.6.1 and still have the same remote connection issue so luckily I saw someone posted here to download a beta version 10.5.0 (1836) and when I did that I was finally able to connect to my work remote pc again. Also, reporting the bug with the new update is not as easy as it sounds. I followed the link support... but it only took me to forum pages so I posted my problem there and continued to browse through the page and that's when I found where someone had the same issue and recommended to download a previous beta version that works.

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KarlieWeng-MSFT answered Apr 16, '21

Hi all,

How about update to the newest version 10.6.1.

This release fixed a hang that occurred when connecting via an RD Gateway.
If you encounter any errors, you can always contact us via Help > Report an Issue.

Best Regards

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Michael-6828 answered Apr 15, '21

@Patrick-9540 I just did a full reinstall after getting rid of that folder. What you describe is pretty much what I'm experiencing too. It hangs at the 'Configuring remote PC' window longer than it ever has before. I then either get a black screen that doesn't go away or I'm able to click OK through my organisation's blue IT agreement page. But if I get to my desktop, I can't click on anything or use my keyboard. Then when I try to quit MS remote desktop it then hangs on a 'Remote Desktop is shutting down...' window that never ends - I have to click 'Quit now' to get past it.

I'm guessing this just a bug with the new Mac version? I tried installing the 'Beta' version that I had seen as a suggestion on another thread but I had exactly the same result. Hopefully it all gets fixed up with the Mac version soon.

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MariaRobison-7145 answered Apr 16, '21 | KarlieWeng-MSFT commented Apr 16, '21

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KarlieWeng-MSFT · Apr 16 at 07:50 AM

Thanks for sharing the link.

Kindly mark useful reply as answer, which would be much more efficient for other community members to find useful information.

Let us know if further assistance is required.

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