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Is surface acting more stressful than deep acting?

In contrast, deep acting works on modifying arousal or cognitions to create a state of emotional consonance between the displayed and felt emotions [4]. Research widely suggests that surface acting has the most detrimental effect on employees' well-being [5,13,18], job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion [6,19,20].

Is deep acting better than surface acting?

Because deep acting is considered consistent between feelings, displayed emotions, and organizational expectancies, there are fewer negative aspects, such as emotional dissonance and stress, associated with deep acting in comparison to surface acting.

Is deep or surface acting more emotionally taxing?

Most scholars believe that deep acting is more psychologically taxing than surface acting is.

What is the difference between surface level and deep level acting at work?

Surface acting occurs when employees display the emotions required for a job without changing how they actually feel. Deep acting is an effortful process through which employees change their internal feelings to align with organizational expectations, producing more natural and genuine emotional displays.