Share playlist Samsung Music

Share playlists

If youre on your mobile device or at your computer, you can share your own playlists or ones created by other YouTubers. When you share a playlist, a link is created that you can give to somebody else. You can share it on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

If your playlist includes any private videos, you'll need to invite your friends to view the videos first.

Follow the instructions below for the YouTube app or mobile site.

YouTube app

  1. Go to any Channel page.
  2. At the top, tapPLAYLISTS.
  3. Next to the playlist you want to share, tap More
    Share playlist Samsung Music
  4. TapShare to share via email, text, or other social networks.

You can also share the playlist URL by tappingCopy link.

Mobile site

Only videos can be shared on YouTubes mobile site. More features for playlists on will be coming soon.
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