What is a successful public relations campaign?

Let’s take a look at some of the best public relations campaigns examples over the last 5 years.

Case in point, despite adversity, especially during the pandemic situation, some of these brands persevered through creative thinking and a well-executed PR strategy. So, if you ever find yourself running out of ideas, these public relations campaigns should be more than enough to give you a dose of a healthy dose of inspiration.

1. Uber – Thank You For Not Riding

Uber’s ‘Thank you for Not Riding’ campaign was a prime example of a company playing its role during the Coronavirus pandemic situation.

The company thanked its customers for maintaining social distance, but also made sure that the majority of the Uber Drivers in different parts of the world were compensated for not being able to work for several months.

Also Read: Uber Australia Confirms It Will Compensate Drivers Who are Quarantined or Diagnosed with Coronavirus – Paying Them Their Average Weekly Earnings

Uber also committed to giving free rides and food deliveries to front-line healthcare workers, senior citizens, and anyone who was going through challenging times.

2. Ikea – Stay Home Campaign

Just like Uber, Ikea also played its part in ensuring that the company is committed to advocating the importance of social distancing and vice versa.

Ikea’s message execution is what makes it a worthy public relations campaign example that needs to be mentioned here. They reminded people of how cozy, warm, and inviting their homes are – and it’s best to spend a few weeks inside during the lockdown period.

3. Lego – Rebuild The World Public Relations Campaign Examples

Lego has always been aggressive about honing creativity in kids and adults from time to time. If you haven’t seen the company’s recent products, you should check them out.

The ‘Rebuild the World’ PR campaign was a phenomenon on Lego’s part that hadn’t happened before in decades. The company asked its clients and the common public to share their DIY projects. Afterward, Lego aggregated those handmade creations into a three-dimensional globe on the company’s official website.

Online users were able to interact with the globe to see their own projects (i.e. if Lego selected them) and check out other people’s creations. It’s a nice example of a brand-building strategy that just sticks out in the crowd.

4. Star Wars – Passing the Box Office Baton

What is a successful public relations campaign?

Who doesn’t like Star Wars? Although the movie franchise is known for its massive revenue, Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War recently bypassed ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ revenue record, by grossing over $250 million.

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LucasFilms was quick to acknowledge the efforts of Marvel studios and applauded them through a special social media update. We think that this is one of those photos that speak a thousand words without requiring any need for elaboration.

The heartwarming congratulatory tweet was overshadowed by a message that sends deep respect for LucasFilms and the entire Star Wars team.

5. Airbnb – Night at Blue Planet

Airbnb’s Night at Blue Planet is the next one on our list of public relations campaigns examples that worked in the past.

BBC Earth’s team working with Blue Planet II wanted to give people an idea of what it feels like to be in the field, under the stary night, amongst wilderness and whatnot. To do so, BBC Earth collaborated with Airbnb and ran a contest where the lucky winners were invited to spend three days and two nights in the Bahamas on the exploration vessel used during the filming process.

These lucky winners dove deep into the Atlantic ocean with the filmmakers to get a firsthand account of nature in action from various different perspectives. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that couldn’t have been made possible without the creativity of the Airbnb team.

What is a successful PR campaign?

PR or public relations is a strategic process that builds positive relationships between a company or brand and its audience. A PR campaign is an organized set of activities designed to positively impact a brand's reputation. It involves engaging and interacting with the target audience to achieve a specific goal.

How do you know if a PR campaign is successful?

You can measure a PR campaign's success by considering the number of new followers and average monthly post reach on your social media channels. The number of likes, retweets, and shares can help measure engagement after the campaign on social media channels.

What makes a successful PR?

To run a good PR campaign you need to identify and understand your target audience. Really understand them. This means everything from their basic demographics to where they 'hang out', what they love, what they loathe, and most importantly, what turns them into customers.

What is an example of a PR campaign?

For instance, when brands are about to launch a new product, they do press releases and social media announcements to let people in on what's about to be expected on the launch day. When executed properly, public relations campaigns can not only garner results but also create hype to affect buyers' shopping decisions.