halen là gì - Nghĩa của từ halen

halen có nghĩa là

One of the greatest bands of all time. This band redefined the term of shredding and good fuckin' Rock and Roll. I love them in a very hedero way and Eddie Van Halens influence on todays guitar players such as me is extremely strong. Other bands such as POD, Sum 41 and Blink 182 should bow down to Van Halen because Van Halen is such a better band then those poor,low fuckin' excuses for a rock and roll band. Such rockin' songs by Van Halen were Runnin' With the Devil, Panama, Hot For Teacher, Ain't Talkin' Bout' Love, and the ultimite example of Eddies excellence of playing, is Eruption. Probably the greatest 1:32 seconds of any Van Halen fans life. That song is like orgasmic! Overall Van Halen is one of the best Rock and Roll bands of all time and will get their place in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Next year baby! They will get in!!

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Person 1: Hey dude whats that awsome fuckin music??
Person 2: Its Van Halen dude!

halen có nghĩa là

Listen To Eruption, and youll know why they got number 2 in 100 best solos

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Person 1: Hey dude whats that awsome fuckin music??

halen có nghĩa là

Person 2: Its Van Halen dude!

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Person 1: Hey dude whats that awsome fuckin music??

halen có nghĩa là

Person 2: Its Van Halen dude!

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Person 1: Hey dude whats that awsome fuckin music??
Person 2: Its Van Halen dude! Listen To Eruption, and youll know why they got number 2 in 100 best solos

halen có nghĩa là

Eruption was just PRACTICE for eddie van halen, it wasnt even suppose to be in the album!

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The Best Most Kick Ass Rock band ther ever is was and will ever be. Van Halen led by guitarist eddie van halen who cannot be stopped or topped.

halen có nghĩa là

Van Halen is the best period.

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is very caring, understanding and has a big heart for everyone, he can always make you laugh. Likes to have long conversations and really gets the meaning of life. he is truly one in a million. He is a great person to be around at any given time. Is very picky with certain foods but he mans it up. He's extremely lovable! he loves excitement and will try anything at least once. Really knows how to love his woman and treat her like a queen. He's extremely smart and handsome. He really knows how to have a great time. Basically he's the type of guy you would want to spend the rest of your life with. :)

halen có nghĩa là

"Woman1" who's that guy?

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"woman2" i don't know but i hope he's not taken!
"woman1" he looks like he's a halen

halen có nghĩa là

A "special" person on many different levels. Slightly bizarre and sort of a weirdo. Likes to sprawl out on the classroom floor during math class and make whale noises. Is prone to breaking out into song and "cloud dancing." I'm gonna build a treefort with her!

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You're such a Halen. Halen is a rare guy who is SUPER intelligent. He seems weird but he is actually a great guy who may not seem attractive, but has a really big heart. He has a secret wild side that comes out when he is comfortable, and is really cool at the time. He would make a great addition to a team because his intelligence and skills in technology will make a team soar to the top. He would also make a great advisor(even better if he is a Virgo!) However, NEVER betray him or he can make your life a living hell. So, if you find a Halen, keep him by your side, because he will be the bestest friend you can have.

halen có nghĩa là

I need a Halen on my team to get things done fast.

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Halen is a very caring,smart,intellegent person who can sometimes be mean but is just showing tough love she is beyond most one of the greatest friends you could ever have

halen có nghĩa là

"Bạn có biết cô ấy không?"
Yea I think that’s Halen she’s so open minded” Halen is a beautiful, creative and artistic girl. She draws on a daily and people love her art. She is sometimes loud, chatty and annoying, but once you know her she is the kindest and prettiest girl in the world! Person 1: Did you see halens drawings?
Person 2: Yeah, They are so good! A kid whos parents are bad at making names and thinks he's cool. Can't take a joke but his brother is always a lad. Halen is a low level prostitute. What a Halen, I bet he's brother is really cool. A girl that has been through a lot but you would never know it. She’s a good housekeeper, loves her children more than imaginable. Everyone in her life knows how important she truly is. HALEN May fall but bounces right back up better than ever. She’s a special girl and everyone knows that but she thinks she’s not. Never conceited and deserves a chance to be able to laugh and be happy with her accomplishments. Definitely #Wifey material that you need to have a happy life.

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Do you know Halen .... I wish she was my wife & mother of my children.. #Halen keeps a smile on my face just to know that she’s mine.