Laptop for SALE IELTS Listening

ielts listening practice test 2017 with answers

Laptop for SALE IELTS Listening
section one you will hear a male student talking to a union representative about placing an advertisement to sell a laptop first you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5 you will see that there is an example which has been done for you on this occasion only the conversation relating to this will be played first hi I'm Debby how can I help hi my name is David I'm just looking to place an advertisement on the Maine Union notice board to sell a laptop and a few accessories if
Laptop for SALE IELTS Listening
that's possible the answer is advertisement so advertisement has been written in the space now the


will begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five hi I'm Debbie how can I help hi my name's David I'm just looking to place an advertisement on the Maine Union notice board to sell a laptop and a few accessories if that's possible sure that's not a problem I
take it you are a member of the Students Union yes right then I'll just get a form up and as there is no one around and it looks as if it's going to be quiet for a while I'll just type the details straight into the computer for you thanks very much no problem shall we just title it laptop for sale yeah okay can you describe it generally well it's in very good condition in fact it's hardly been used why are you selling it if I may ask well I've got another one which is
much lighter and I don't really need to I say what weight is the one you're selling it's 3.5 kilograms that is heavy these days can you give more details about the one you want to sell right well it's an Allegro and it's got all the la


programs okay what about the memory the memory is only not 0.5 gigabytes and what about the screen size and the other features well the screen is let's see it's 37 point 5 centimeters


a standard sized keyboard and a touchpad
but I've got a cordless mouse that I can put in


it if necessary well some people don't like using a touchpad what about ports or holes for attaching things to the laptop it's got two ports hmm more modern laptops have more than two ports for all the extra attachments they do let's see what else is important oh yeah the the battery lasts for two and a half hours which is okay but not enough for long train journeys but one thing is that it's not Wireless right okay not
Wireless before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen and answer questions six to ten anything else I can put on the advertisement there's a webcam built at the top of the screen and I can throw in a printer scanner and headphones which I got


it in a special deal it also comes


its own case for carrying it around but actually the case is quite smart I'm hoping these things will help itself they should do right I think
I've got all that how much do you want for it I'm not sure about it's worth about 900 pounds 2,000 pounds new yeah but you won't get that much if it's used and even if it's in good condition what about 500 pounds I doubt if you get as much as that more like 200 pounds or 300 pounds if you look at the notice board there is one on there which is comparable to yours and it's not more than about 250 pounds I think as little as that I'm afraid so shall we say 300
pounds okay put that can I take some contact details for the advert the name's David Bristow be ah I s T Oh W yes that's it and a mobile or email both if you want it's D I be underscore seven seven nine one at okay and the mobile that's all nine eight seven five four two three three eight seven that's it if you send the picture I'll add it and print it out and stick it up for you okay I can get that to you today right I'll type in here advert placed the
22nd of October fine and good luck


the sale Thanks that is the end section 1 you now have half a minute to check your


- section two section two you will hear a talk at an open day at an alternative health club first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15 now listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 15 good morning and welcome to the open day of our new alternative health club here at Chelsea bridge I have to say it is very pleasant to have so many people turn up my name
Laptop for SALE IELTS Listening
is Harry wilkinson and I work as one of the nine permanent staff members employed here at the club the main aim of the open day is to give you a quick tour of the building but before we do that I'd like to introduce you to a few people employed at the club not all of us are here at the same time in case you need to contact any of us contact details are here on the notice board below the photographs first of all this is Sean bond who is the technical manager and his job is to supervise
equipment like computers and all the electrical equipment and this is Margaret Lloyd her main function is to oversee training and she is therefore in charge of all the full and part-time therapists the next important person I need to introduce you to is James Todd he is our liaison officer what he does is manage bookings for the club rooms and equipment as they are open to different organizations from the local college to corporate clients like banks and so on last but not least is our
physiotherapist Edward Marx who works part-time Monday Wednesday and Friday Edward plays an important part in the life of the club his main role is to prevent injuries before you hear the rest of the talk you have some time to look at questions 16 to 20 listen carefully and answer questions sixteen to twenty now for the various amenities you see that the club has quite a large capacity and is arranged over three floors there is a lift by the reception and the stairs on the ground floor there are
two large halls which are used for yoga tai chi pilates and dance and fitness classes for different age groups


a shop and cafeteria over here on the first floor we have a full range of fitness machines which are available in the large central hall around which there are various offices the changing rooms are also on this floor on the second floor there is a series of small therapy rooms


waiting areas for clients these may be booked by individual therapists there are also three class
rooms which are used for teacher training and group therapy classes we have a very extensive therapy training program accredited to the University of manwich


training in counseling for which we have three programs at the moment as regards the various types of yoga acupuncture and the Alexander Technique there are currently nine different training classes going on information about the training can be obtained from the brochure which you can pick up at reception and from the club website
there will be a chance to talk to trainers for those interested in counseling this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. for yoga etc there will also be an informal gathering of trainers on Thursday at 4:30 p.m. so if you are interested in becoming involved this is your chance that is the end of section 2 you now have half a minute to check your


now turn to section three section three you will hear a female and a male student talking to a female tutor about a self-evaluation form first you have some
time to look at questions 21 to 26 now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26 now mark and Anna I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your joint presentation on the application of robotics in a non industrial setting to the group on the 2nd of December and it is clear that you have both devoted quite a lot of time and effort to it have you had a chance to fill in the self-evaluation form for the session yeah we have so mark what do you think overall well generally I felt the
presentation worked very well in fact we seem to hold the attention of the others throughout and the pace of delivery was fairly even as


a range of activities we organized I agree


mark but I'm not sure we were comprehensive or academic enough no comment really except that I don't think there was any question of it not being thorough I think we were a bit too chatty and too jokey at times rather than formal ok what do you think were the best areas and which do you think can be
Laptop for SALE IELTS Listening
improved on where everything could have been improved on I felt very good about the handouts we'd spent a lot of time putting them together they had a very professional appearance as we bound them into a booklet to me the handouts were the best part as we had a very extensive bibliography and the booklets seemed to go down well the booklet you did for the handout certainly showed you had done a lot of work but I think that you put too much material into it and people got distracted by it
perhaps you could have cut the handouts by about a third I see well I come to think about it maybe you're right ok but there were times in the middle of the presentation where things did go a bit astray I think that was my fault when I got the PowerPoint slides out of sequence and I had difficulty getting back on track I also think we rated our technical ability too highly especially when operating under pressure I had never done a presentation


technical equipment before so it was a
steep learning curve for me in particular yes I think you could have done


a bit more



the equipment beforehand before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 27 to 30 now listen carefully and answer questions 27 to 30 what about the next item on the feedback form the aims and objectives no I think they were very focused and we followed them through well I think we wanted to show how Europe was lagging behind other areas of the world yeah I
think they were clearly set out yes agreed no comment there the diagrams and charts were appropriate yes I have put that too they did work well in helping to illustrate and break up the presentation by cutting down on the number of words and text on the screen what about delivery well I think our performance was average it was difficult to coordinate speaking and presenting the material at the same time I was quite self conscious of what I was doing it was down to a lack of experience
unfortunately both of you had the habit of standing in front of the projector so you kept blocking the image on the screen to me this is the area that requires the most improvement the section on the predictions of the commercial application in the future I think appeared a bit haphazard to me it was a weak point of the presentation and I think that some of the slides could have had fewer words and we could have done some fancy graphics


the words if you had to give yourselves a mark overall
how much would you give out of 10 6 maybe I'd be happy


that though bits were probably nearer 7 so I'd say 6 Anna what do you think I think for me it's perhaps a 7 ok did you find the task and the evaluation useful I think that is the end of section 3 you now have half a minute to check your


- Section four Section four you will hear a talk on local businesses at a university Business Center first you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40 now listen carefully and
answer questions 31 to 40 the subject of this evenings talk at the north bank business center as local businesses in the area surrounding the University and the benefit they bring to the employment prospects of people in the local area especially young people at the beginning of their career we established the center in response to approaches from several business people in the area who had wanted to start up new businesses but who had not managed to find any help locally and did not know where
to turn moreover they had all


out exception come up against enormous bureaucratic obstacles we therefore invited the men as a group to meet the members of the department and the students stemming from that is the center which now focuses mainly but not exclusively on business startups just after the center was set up snapshot research conducted by the department over the telephone gave some startling results the information about local businesses revealed that 3 out of every 10 local
business startups that we could collect information on had failed


in the first six months and another five had gone


in the year leaving only two the most common reasons given for the businesses closing were first high rents which are 33% higher than the national average due to the area being very central second lack of knowledge about grants basically because of ignorance about how to access them and thirdly a lack of business support because they did not know where to obtain advice from
since the center came into existence three years ago we have helped change this climate of failure the current statistics show a remarkable turnaround in the fortunes of local businesses and now after a year only two businesses close out of every ten compared to eight before the center was set up six local businesses are now taking part in a work placement and monitoring scheme which is of mutual benefit to ourselves and the companies involved o foods a small startup company


nine employees
involved in organic food and based at a local market has one final year graduate during a year-long study on improving the stock turnaround this was a particular problem because the company found that they were losing sometimes up to 30% of their stock another startup is innovations which deals


producing video games this company which employs only five people all under the age of 25 is receiving support in attracting business partners and achieving production targets in the smaller business
category Sampson's limited a courier company which is interested in developing a taxi service is being offered help


their business expansion plans another small niche company called vintage scooter which specializes in revamping old scooters is taking part in a product monitoring scheme offering customer service up to a year after purchase to check the quality of their restoration the first of the two medium-sized companies that the scheme is monitoring is build Limited which employs 47
people a comparison of their products and services


other businesses in the area is being carried out by a researcher who is trying to support them in their efforts to extend the company's product range the last company Jones systems is perhaps the most interesting because it has been the victim of considerable personal problems which have been affecting the day-to-day operations of the company and so we are looking at conflict management and team-building


in the company to sum up
Advisors help the companies look at different business options and models apply for grants deal


employment issues systems creation and also provide accommodation at the center to help them start up a mentoring for fledgling businesses is also in operation for those who find it difficult to attend the center personally the program is funded by grants from local authorities that is the end of section 4 you now have half a minute to check your



Source : Ielts Listening