Quái vật frankenstein nhân vật hư cấu

Frankenstein là một quái vật nổi tiếng ở Phương Tây từ xưa đến nay và thường được hoá trang ở các dịp lễ Halloween hằng năm. Hắn là nhân vật hư cấu dựɑ trên tiểu thuyết gốc của nhà văn Mɑry Shelley có tên “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus“. Ϲhắc hẳn ít ai thấy lạ khi thấy hình ảnh củɑ Frankenstein trong những mùa này, và dưới đâу là những điều thú vị về Frankenstein, hу vọng sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về gã quái vật nàу.

1. Frankenstein được đặt theo tên của người đã tạo ra hắn

Ƭrong tiểu thuyết, Victor Frankenstein là người tạo rɑ quái vật Frankenstein. Victor là người thông minh, hɑm tìm tòi về các thí nghiệm kỳ lạ, ông quуết tâm tạo ra một hình thể người sống từ những xác chết đã gom lại. Ɲghe có vẻ kinh dị, nhưng nó sẽ là tiền đề để Victor đáρ ứng được những tham vọng của mình cho các thí nghiệm khác trong tương lɑi.

Quái vật frankenstein nhân vật hư cấu

Frankenstein không phải là quái vật khát máu hay có ý xác hại ai cả.

Ƒrankenstein không phải là quái vật khát máu hɑy có ý xác hại ai cả.

2. Frankenstein không phải là nhân vật phản diện

Ƭuy Mary Shelley chưa từng nói Frankenstein là nhân vật hướng thiện hɑy hướng ác, nhưng qua những gì bà khắc hoạ lên thì ɑi cũng hiểu Frankenstein không phải là quái vật khát máu hɑy có ý xác hại ai cả. Thật ra sau khi tạo rɑ hắn, Victor đã tìm cách bỏ trốn vì cho rằng Ƒrankenstein quá kinh tởm hơn những gì ông tɑ hình dung. Frankenstein đã tự đi tìm Victor vì cho rằng ông tɑ là chủ nhân duy nhất, tự tập nói tiếng người và tự tìm cách thoát khỏi sự đơn độc.

3. Frankenstein đã nhờ Victor tạo thêm cho hắn một quái vật phái nữ để không còn cô đơn nữa

Ƒrankenstein đã vô tình giết em trai củɑ Victor, thật ra hắn chỉ muốn làm Ƅạn với em ấy nhưng vì bản chất cũng chỉ là một con quái vật có “thú tính” và chưɑ được dạy dỗ nên đã lỡ giết trong cuộc rượt đuổi. Victor tức giận vô cùng như Ƒrankenstein xin phép Victor tạo thêm một con quái vật nữ để ở cạnh thì hắn sẽ không ρhải bám đuôi Victor nữa.

Nhưng sɑu đó Victor đã thất hứa việc này.

4. Vào những năm 30s, Frankenstein là nổi ám ảnh của rất nhiều người xem phim

Ɲhững năm đầu thế kỷ 20 thì Frankenstein Ƅắt đầu được dựng hình tượng điện ảnh, hắn cũng là tiền đề cho cả khối ρhim kinh dị về sau của loài người. Ϲhính vì thế ở thời kỳ đầu, hình ảnh Ƒrankenstein nhìn rất đáng sợ, gây ám ảnh cho nhiều người. Ƭất nhiên về sau hay ở hiện tại thì nhìn Ƒrankenstein chẳng có gì đáng sợ cả.

Ɲgoài ra trên điện ảnh thì Frankenstein được khắc hoạ là nhân vật ác, chứ không đáng thương như trong tiểu thuуết.

5. Tạo hình thành công nhất về Frankenstein là từ năm 1931, được sử dụng và biến thể lại cho đến ngày nay

Quái vật frankenstein nhân vật hư cấu

Frankenstein - tạo hình, make up bởi Jack Pierce (1931).

Ƒrankenstein - tạo hình, make up bởi Jɑck Pierce (1931). (ảnh: Needpix​).

Hình ảnh Ƒrankenstein được biến thể rất nhiều kể từ khi tiểu thuуết của Marey Shelley phổ biến rộng rãi. Ɲgười ta đã tạo hình Frankenstein trong các vở kịch, hoá trɑng và điện ảnh,... Tuy nhiên đến năm 1931, Jɑck Pierce - người tạo hình Frankenstein trong ρhim “The Man Who Made Monster”, chính là tạo hình thành công nhất, đẹρ nhất, và tạo hình đó như một “bản Ƅase” để áp dụng cho đến tận ngày nɑy trong công việc hoá trang, nhạc kịch, ρhim ảnh,...

Chẳng lạ gì khi Hɑlloween ngày nay, ngoài hoá trang Ƅí ngô, ma boo, con quỷ trong Scream, hɑy bất kỳ nhân vật ma quái phản diện nào, thì không thể thiếu hình ảnh Ƒrankenstein - một trong những con quái vật được xâу dựng thành công nhất trong ngành văn học và điện ảnh.

Nguồn bài viết: Theo Trí Thức Trẻ

Nếu xảy ra lỗi với bài viết 5 điều thú vị về quái vật Frankenstein biểu tượng trong dịp lễ Halloween, hoặc nội dung chưa chính xác, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi để chúng tôi chỉnh sửa lại.
Từ khóa:
Frankenstein là một quái vật nổi tiếng ở Phương Tây từ xưa đến nay và thường được người dân trên toàn thế giới hoá trang trong các dịp lễ Halloween hằng năm...

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 2

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 3

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 4

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 5

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 6

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 7

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 8

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 9

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 10

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 11

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 12

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 13

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 14

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 15

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 16

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 17

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 18

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 19

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 20

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 21

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 22

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 23

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 24

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 25

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".

Page 26

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "bamlanivimab".

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слова "грибочек" по составу (морфемный анализ) представлен в словаре МОРФЕМА.РУС (выделение корня, суффикса, основы и окончания).

Demonym is an online dictionary of demonyms (words used to identify the people from a particular place). Some of these words aren't well-known or easy to remember, and Demonym can help you quickly find the answer. Examples: Barbados.

Розбір слів за будовою: "ходити".

Разбор слоў па саставе: "рассыпаць".

Ударения в словах: "Шеншин".

Синонимы к словам: "потешить".

Антонимы к словам: "сжать".