the isaac là gì - Nghĩa của từ the isaac

the isaac có nghĩa là

The Isaac I know is very funny, handsome, athletic, sweet, and he will flirt every once and a while. He is one of the best friends you will ever have. He has a pretty long fuse when it comes to anger and rage but when he does get mad, give him space! If you ever get the chance to date one, make sure you stick with him, he will do what he can to entertain you and keep you happy and will protect you. He is not like those other guys that if you cry, he will comfort you and make you feel better! He is the best!


;) I love you Isaac! <3 I will be here for you when you need me!< div>

the isaac có nghĩa là

Isaac is one of the strongest people you will ever meet. Physically and mentally. One of his biggest strengths and weaknesses is his big heart. Hands down, one of the naturally brightest and most intelligent beings you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. You won't ever hear yourself saying he was wrong, because it's so rare that he is wrong and that is because he chooses his words wisely and only speaks on what he knows to be true, and does not have any problems admitting he doesnt know something. He can light up a room with his laugh, or he can make grown men piss their pants. He is completely oblivious whenever a woman likes him. Hes a guy you can literally tell anything,and you wont feel judged or embarrassed. There's not one person in this world he cant make laugh. Not one. He is also very wise. He's been on top of the world, and to the bottom of the depths of hell. If you ever meet an Isaac, he will be the best friend you've ever had and will be there for life. It takes 10 people to equal what he would be willing to do for you. Dont take his friendship and love for granted,for if you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life because you'll never have another one like him. We need more people like Isaac in the world,but only there is nobody else like him and being rare makes him that much more desirable!


Guy#1: Man, so what happened last night? You look fucked up! Guy # 2: You know ISAAC right? Well he beat my ass and then cleaned me up, and sat me down and talked to me like he was my brother.. I actually kind of glad that he did. Guy #1: You're HAPPY he kicked you ass?! What the fuck? Guy #2 : Look bro, I fucked up, and have been fucking up. He was right and I took the advice he gave me and now me and my girl are back together and I'm ready to be better. Guy# 1: wow.. maybe I should call ISAAC and have him kick my ass or somethin

the isaac có nghĩa là

a guy who has a huge heart; one who you can always go to and who will help you out in any time of need; da best guy evaa!!!!; a real heartbreaker, but not because he causes it, but because girls are so attracted to him; one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet; supa handsome!


Isaac is da best!

the isaac có nghĩa là

An Isaac is the perfect mix between a bear, wolf, and buffalo. The amount of love he can give is more than everyone in the worlds love put together. Just looking at his hair can cure aids, cancer, Ebola, and herpes. Brawny paper towels tried to use him on their product, but had to stop because the only way they could've kept up with the demand for their product was to kill every tree on earth on use them for paper towels. Legend has it that if you pluck one of Isaac's chest hairs and place it on top of a horses head it will turn into a unicorn. If you end up in a relationship with an Isaac just deal with the fact that he will always love you more than you love him. No burrito is too big for an Isaac to eat and he could eat roast beef sandwiches for every meal for the rest of his life


You're eating that roast beef like an Isaac.

the isaac có nghĩa là

The sexiest man alive. A true Jah at swimming, able to qualify for the Olympics with his 1:00:83 100 Breaststroke. He gets hella bitches, has a six pack, and sexy hair. His hair is bleached from all the swimming he does(chlorine in the water). He’s also smart and really chill. Perfect in every way.


Hot girl: dammmmnnn who that
Me: that’s my man Isaac wanna hookup with him?
Hot girl: Omg he’s so hot yeeesssss

the isaac có nghĩa là

A name


Hey Isaac, how are you?

the isaac có nghĩa là

The word Isaac means laughter which fits perfectly not only cause they have the laugh that makes you smile no matter how hard you try not to smile but also because they are the best at making you laugh. Isaacs have a way of making the hardest of hearts open up and fall so deeply in love with them. They are the best at keeping your heart from feeling the slightest pain infliction. They live to protect the ones they love and they do a damn good job. Their short fuse is only lit when someone is threatening harm on those they care about in this world. They seem to always be in a good mood and don't let people hurt them or change them. Their natural instinct is to shake off everything and stay true to themselves. Isaac's tend to be really easy on the eyes. They tend to have an odd taste for music and clothes but they can pull of anything due to their charming looks, perfect smile, and enchanting eyes. If you know any Isaacs you should do all you can to befriend them cause you will find no one better to care for and protect you.


My heart belongs to and is carefully cared for by Isaac.

the isaac có nghĩa là

a pp


person: hey look its isaac
person 1: pp

the isaac có nghĩa là

A nibba to remember.


John: Remember tha nibba Isaac?
Ian: Now that's a nibba to remember.

the isaac có nghĩa là

isaac is dat meme boi that is the king of memes


hey isaac hows it going dis be isaacs answer breath in boi