to implode là gì - Nghĩa của từ to implode

to implode có nghĩa là

To collapse in on ones self, to explode inwards. Also, to fail miserably at something.

Ví dụ

Shit, i fucking imploded on that math test.

to implode có nghĩa là

The exact opposite of explode

Ví dụ

Shit, i fucking imploded on that math test.

to implode có nghĩa là

The exact opposite of explode

Ví dụ

Shit, i fucking imploded on that math test.

to implode có nghĩa là

The exact opposite of explode Not only did she suck the skin off my dick, but, she made my balls implode. I think even my ass caved in. To try not to laugh because your boss is there while you are receiving hilarious IMs

Ví dụ

Shit, i fucking imploded on that math test. The exact opposite of explode Not only did she suck the skin off my dick, but, she made my balls implode. I think even my ass caved in. To try not to laugh because your boss is there while you are receiving hilarious IMs Dan totally IMploded when Katy recounted her weekend over IChat. His boss asked what the hell was wrong with him. A person with the amazing ability to suck the vicinity completely clean of any productive attributes.

to implode có nghĩa là

This is usually the result of an overwhelming lack of understanding combined with an extensive ability to confuse, but it can also be the result of being generally annoying in one way or another.

Ví dụ

1 - Hey, how did the meeting go? 2 - Well, we made some great progress until Sarah appeared like an imploding star and turned the meeting into a black hole of logic and reasoning. 1 - again huh? 2 - yeah, we're back to discussing our main topic again Something that is so intensely amazing or spectacular that it can't be described by words. It causes one's mind to collapse inward on itself due to the sheer awesomeness.

to implode có nghĩa là

Pete: Hey dude check out my tricked out ride!

Ví dụ

Paul: Damn bro this thing is head-imploding!


Dan: Yo dude you won't believe this, but last night my girl was frisky and I became a man; I am a virgin no more.

to implode có nghĩa là

Rob: Nice dude, how was it?

Ví dụ

Dan: One word: Head-imploding

to implode có nghĩa là

An Explosion and Implosion that happen at the exact same time, causeing the object to remain exactly the same. All you would see would be a puff of smoke.

Ví dụ

WTF! That Cow just Ex-Imploded!
Đáng kinh ngạc!

Ex-Implode! When you have to repress a fart and it kind of goes off inside you and you feel it bubble its way back up in out of sight before it escapes. Imploding is a techincal word by a Georgie where a fart is repressed when youre in awkward situations like a que, a date or an interview, even in a swimming pool! All applies and we all implode. Dont do it for too many hours though or you might explode and die. Commonly said during a disagreement of ideas in which there is no rebuttal and signifies the speaker's victory. The term was first said in a discussion about the Big Bang or the end of the world. (Tôi nghĩ...)

to implode có nghĩa là

Uncle Kenny: The human race will die off long before the earth. Earth will continue existing until the sun explodes.

Ví dụ

Commonyoshi: Not if it implodes. hoặc

to implode có nghĩa là

When a friend is trying so hard not to bite at banter directed towards them, that he explodes from the inside out, causing extreme distress and an excessive knock in confidence.

Ví dụ

Zook: Weedle is the coolest pokemon ever.
Commonyoshi: Not if it implodes.
Zook: Dammit! (v)it is when one is subjected to such a shock that their male genital organ is sucked up into the body and later retrieved in excramential form.