Topping D10s display

I have a D-10. I use it with a laptop (Win10) and either Music Bee or Media Monkey. I downloaded and installed the Topping drivers (not included with the DAC). Music Bee and Media Monkey are set to use WASAPI with the D-10 as the output device. It plays and shows in the display the sampling rate up to 96KHz. The D-10 goes to 24/192. However, I don't have any PCM files that go any higher than 96/24.

For DSD/DSF files (through the D-10) I'm currently using the trial version of Tune Browser (downloaded from Microsoft, 500 file limit). As I only have two dozen or so DSD/DSF files it is all I need for now. I tried to get Foobar to work with DSD/DSF files but couldn't get it to work properly. Besides IMO the Foobar interface sucks.

If I continue to collect DSD/DSF files (I most likely will) I'll probably spring for the full version of tune browser as it would be nice to have one application for all my music files. But then, maybe Music Bee (my favorite) or Media Monkey will offer a DSD/DSF plugin as Foobar does.

If you told us what player you're using we could offer more help. I just noticed you're using Win 7. You should use ASIO if WASAPI is not an option.