trolling là gì - Nghĩa của từ trolling

trolling có nghĩa là

Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.


Guy: "I just found the coolest ninja pencil in existence."
Other Guy: "I just found the most retarded thread in existence."

trolling có nghĩa là

Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards. When done in a moderated internet community, this can result in banning. When done to uptight people such as fundies, this can result in hilarity.


Apparently I can't post links here, so I can't give a good example of trolling. Sorry.

trolling có nghĩa là

Hunting for trolls.

Trollers hang around under bridges with troll guns at night (since trolls turn to stone in daylight), in the hope of bagging a troll head as a trophy.

As a VERY endangered (i.e. nonexistent) species, trolls are protected by law, and trolling is therefore illegal.


The police arrested two hobbits yesterday on charges of trolling.

trolling có nghĩa là

Act of appearing on internet forums and boards with malicious intent. Trolling includes...

-batting people to flame at you
-putting the forum down and encouraging people to leave.
-using several identities on a board to support your own arguments / stage pretend arguments
-generally being a dick on a power trip.
Some trolls claim they actions benefit others. These trolls are also twats


did you see the way that guy was trolling?
yep, he got banned.
i just filled in another account. you guys are dicks. why did you ban me? im gonna spam the place up for that!!

trolling có nghĩa là

Trolling is the term derived from the word "troll," which indicates trailing a fish along a baited line. In modern culture, trolling refers to hitting on guys when you are out, by baiting them with a little information about yourself or a flirty comment, and then playing hard to get. By planting the "bait," a girl will subsequently "troll" and find herself surrounded by a whole crowd of boys. The act of trolling is an art-form, generally reserved for hot chicks out at a bar and/or club. However, it is possible to troll in all locations, such as the library or a coffee-shop, though that is a skill reserved for only the most talented individuals. Note: Not to be confused with the noun "troll" (an ugly chick) or spamming message board (whoever does that cannot certainly cannot actually go trolling).


Girl1: I gotta get my make-up and tight dress on so I can troll tonight.
Girl2: Gen, I know, there will be a lot of trolling potential, like last night. I saw you surrounded by all those hot dudes.
Girl1: Troll or die, Liz. You gotta rage to troll. Girl1: They see me trolling...
Girl2: They hating...
Girl1: But actually. Hatahs gonna hate when you troll so hard.

trolling có nghĩa là

Responding through short, unhelpful, and often antagonistic means, or performing acts with the intent of getting a rise from people so it can be posted on youtube later. No longer bound to the confines of the internet.


sexy saxagram youtube video
A - you suk no0b! go slit your wrists!
B - kthx!
(both are trolling in this scenario)
A - your terrible
B - you're
A - stfu you don't know what your talking about
B - you're
A - gtfo your annoying
B - you're...

trolling có nghĩa là

deliberately arguing with complete fallacies on forums, comment threads, or message boards to get leets and other users pissed off by the troll's "ignorance"


User: Obama is a great president.
Troll: Obama kills babies and is a terrorist Muslim from Kenya
User: no! you are stupid (expletives may follow)
Troll: (continues to argue with fallacies)
User: (follows with angrier reply)
(other users may join in on either side) NOTE: trolling may involve spam

trolling có nghĩa là

trolling is the act of stating completely true facts inside a forum or thread. The act of trolling is often looked down upon because other people don't like it when they are told they are wrong. A troll is simply some one who states true facts in the attempt to make the world a better place


All people reading the above statement were a subject to trolling.

trolling có nghĩa là

Not cyberbullying. Some people do horrible things that can make others depressed or even commit suicide. They call themselves trolls, and the media believes them, but they aren't trolls. They are cyberbullies and horrible people. Good trolls can make both people laugh in the end.


Person 1: I just sent someone death threats because they said something I disagree with! Trolling is so great.
Person 2: You aren't a troll. You're just an asshole.

trolling có nghĩa là

Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more false or oxymoron statements, are thrown into a conversation or simple message reply baited with sarcasm and witticism meant to trick, confuse or just insult the recipient


*wearing rubber boots* "your boots untied" you-"you're kind of dumb for being so cute" recipient- "don't you mean "you're kind of cute for being so dumb' " you- "see! you're so smart, just too damn stupid for your own good" recipient-"are you trolling me right now?" you- " yes you're cute and smart....just kidding, but not really, seriously though,are you catching any of this?" recipient- " you trolled me hard"