whale war là gì - Nghĩa của từ whale war

whale war có nghĩa là

A show on Animal Planet, in which incompetent hippies attempt to stop Japanese whalers from doing their jobs. However, by doing so these worthless tree huggers only make fools of themselves.


While watching Whale Wars the other day, Matt and Kevin realized how much they hate Peter Hammarstedt. Unfortunately, he's a main character on Whale Wars.

whale war có nghĩa là

A documentary based show on animal planet, starring a team of incompetent "eco-warriors" on their quest to stop Japanese whaling in the Southern Antarctic. These people value the lives of a completely abundant species of whale, the minke whale, more than their own with such comments as "if I die saving even one whale I don't care". Every episode gets more retarded, with such fuckups as dropping the lifeboat line prematurely almost killing half crew in season 1, blowing the engine of the boat at the end of season 1 due to no trained mechanic being on board, letting their helicopter fall into disuse due to lack of maintenance, ramming the heavy steel Japanese trawlers with their incredibly weak-hulled "Steve-Irwin" boat and terrorizing Japenese crewmen with glass bottles and flash bang grenades. The show progressively becomes more retarded, with such tactics as throwing stinking butter on the deck of the trawlers in order to taint meat making it un-profitable, driving directly into ice-fields a few miles north of the Antarctic nearly sinking the ship and killing the entire crew...


"Whale Wars was on lastnight"
"Did you watch it?"
"Yeah the captain paul watson heard about japanese whalers so he immediately went to his cabin to sleep on the idea while the rest of the crew did nothing" "lol"

whale war có nghĩa là

A dumb tv show where a bunch of incompetent hippies chase the Japanese whaling fleet and others in a futile effort to stop them from doing something that is not wrong or illegal in any way(there whales not people). They have no idea what they are doing at all and generally do dumb things like deliberately ramming other ships, trying to disable the propellers of other ships with ropes, driving through perilous ice fields with a ship that is not designed to drive through ice (which nearly destroys them), making a mess (ie throwing glass bottles, "stinky butter", and flour onto other ships), causing international incidents, illegally boarding other ships and getting decked then complaining about how their crew was taken "hostage", driving around the ocean with inadequate fuel supplies, lying, and generally agrivating the Japanese and others which usually just gets the hippies in trouble. In one episode they tried to interfere with the seal hunt, were boarded by the Canadian Coast Guard and arrested, also their ship was confiscated. They also like to exaggerate things for example the captain claims he was shot but it was just a piece of a flashbang thrown from a Japanese ship. The captain likes to shoot his mouth off on tv and is the least sane of the crew who do whatever he wants. Are bound to have something very bad happen to them if they persist. Please dont watch this show your life is too precious to be wasted on this (unless your watching it to laugh at them ;))


Whale Wars Sucks

whale war có nghĩa là

a show on animal planet that has a fat canadian guy trying to stop japanies people by throwing smelly stuff at them


i was watching whale wars and i saw a faggot so i changed it

whale war có nghĩa là

A show that is on animal planet where brave men and women try and throw off the rude ways of the Japanese whaling fleet who go around killing poor inocent whales ILLEGALY so they can go and make a quick buck selling it to all their cousins to stuff their faces with.


whale wars rules

whale war có nghĩa là

Popular game played at mid-west college parties among a group of severely drunk males brave enough to partake. Object, locate and score with the fattest chick you can get. Whoever successfully bags the biggest "whale" wins.


Yeah man, she was huge, he won whale wars for sure.

whale war có nghĩa là

Two or more oversized white women fighting it out


"Dude, you see that fight?"
"Nah man"
"Oh dude, you missed a total whale war!"

whale war có nghĩa là

A tradition passed down from generations upon generations in which two young gentlemen partake in periodic challenges of whit and cunning. The two men wager upon how many "whales" they can "harpoon" in one night. In reality it's how many plus size woman they can hook up with at one party.


"Carson's bachelor party was pretty ridiculous last week. It started with taking shots and turned into a hardcore round of whale wars."

whale war có nghĩa là

A game that can be played at any house party or drinking event. You pick a group of friends and let them know you are playing whale wars before you go to the party. Whoever hooks up with the fattest person or persons at the party wins the game.


Brian: Guys we are all playing whale wars at the party whoever wins gets 5$ from each of us
Johny: ok deal
Bobby: I call Karen

whale war có nghĩa là

The act of intensely searching for women that have whale like features at either a house party or fraternity party in a desperate attempt to prove to your colleagues that you are in fact, the real Captain Ahab of the sea.


Guy 1: Ok boys, get your harpoons out. It's gonna be rough tonight seas. Guy 2: Whale Wars! Guy 3: Whale Wars! Guy 1: Hey man, did you see that Jeremy won Whale Wars last night? Guy 2: Yea man, he brought that fat chick back out our place and tried to ann frank it