What is the degree to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure?

Validity of an instrument refers to... ...the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.
When used as qualitities of a measurement instrument, the terms validity and reliability... ...have different meanings, unlike their frequent everyday use, when used interchangeably.
Reliability refers to... ... the accuracy which the instrument is measuring.
In our handbook, the terms instrument and test... ...are used interchangeably.
"Test" means not only standardized and teacher-made achievement tests... ...but also aptitude & personality tests, attitude, observational & questionnaire measures.
When speaking of the validity of a test... ...one must specify under what circumstances that the test is a valid measure.
There are ___ types of validity that we cover in this class. ... 3.
A test has face validity if... ...at test appears to measure what it is supposed to.
Since this type of validity can be claimed based on only a superficial examination of the test... ...face validity is a very weak claim for evidence of validity for a test.
A test has content validity if... ...the test is a good measure of a body of knowledge (course content or subject area).
To establish content validity... ...the test items are matched with the content of the subject area.
The content may be determined in a number of ways... ...course objectives, textbooks, teacher notes, syllaabus, curriculum guides, etc.
typically, there is no correlation coefficient associated with content validity... ...just content validity, just a qualitative judgment.
Examples of qualitative judgment are... ...good, poor, fair, excellent, etc.
The type of validity called criterion-related validity... ...is determined by the degree to which the test correlates with some performance outside the test.
Criterion-related validity has two subtypes... ...predictive and concurrent.
If the performance is measured at some time (usually several months) after the test is given... ...this type of validity is called predictive validity.
If 6 mos. after a Reading Readiness Test the actual scores correlated .57 with the scores... ...the predictive validity of the Reading Test was .57.
In the Metropolitan Reading Readiness Test, the criterion was... ...reading ability.
In one subtype of criterion-related validity, the test and criterion... ...are administuered so that a relatively short amount of time elapses between the two administrations.
If the correlations between a test and the criterion are at least moderately positive... ...we can say the test has concurrent validity.
The degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to... ...is called test validity.
The accuracy of measurement for a test... ...is its reliability.
If a test correlated with some future performance... ...this type of validity is called predictive.
If the test correlates with some present performance... ...the test possesses concurrent validity.
Both predictive and concurrent validity are subtypes... ...of criterion-related validity.
If a test is a valid measure of 5th grade social studies knowledge... ...then the test has content validity.
If a reading test claims to measure reading readiness, but has no statistical data to back up the claim... ...and only appears to measure reading readiness, then the test can be said to have face validity.
The consistency or accuracy of the test scores... ...is the test reliability.
Three common types of reliability reported are.. ....test-retest, equivalent or alternate form, and split-half.
test-retest reliability is established by... ...administering the same test twice and correlating the two test scores.
If the correlation between the test and retest is strong and positive... ...then the test has test-retest reliability.
One problem with test-retest is... ...the length of time between administrations of the test.
About ____ weeks is commonly accepted test-retest time interval. ...two.
With alternate form, or equivalent form reliability... ...another form of the same test is constructed.
Split-half reliability is determined... ...by correlating two halves of the same test with each other.
The 2 halves of the test are usually established by... ...scoring the even-numbered and the odd-numbered items separately.
To estimate the total reliability of a split-half test... ...we may use the Spearman-Brown formula.
The longer a test is.... ...the more reliable is tends to be.
The greater the spread of scores... ...the greater the possibility of having higher correlation.
If all people are similar (homogeneous), the reliability tends to be lower... ...than is a more diverse (heterogeneous) group had taken the test.

What is the degree to which an instrument is intended to measure?

Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument accurately measures what it intends to measure. Three common types of validity for researchers and evaluators to consider are content, construct, and criterion validities.

What is the instrument called to measure?

Measuring tools for length include rulers, tape measures, and micrometer screw gauges, but the tool that is the most precise is the vernier caliper.

What we intend to measure is called?

The quantity that we intend to measure is called measurand. In chemistry the measurand is usually the content (concentration) of some chemical entity (molecule, element, ion, etc) in some object. The chemical entity that is intended be determined is called analyte.

What is the term used to define the degree to which the result of a measurement is trustworthy?

Reliability is the degree of consistency of a measure. A test will be reliable when it gives the same repeated result under the same conditions.