Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Health: The Basics

12th EditionRebecca J. Donatelle

319 solutions

Introduction to Epidemiology

7th EditionRay M. Merrill

237 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance

11th EditionEdward Howley, John Quindry, Scott Powers

593 solutions

Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

Administering Medications

9th EditionDonna F Gauwitz

1,201 solutions

What are the most common allergenic foods? (p. 334)
Nuts, legumes, wheat, berries
Nuts, eggs, wheat, shellfish, soy
Nuts, eggs, wheat, soy, potatoes
Nuts, spices, chocolate, shellfish


A child with an allergic reaction to peanuts presents with a barky cough, severe bradycardia, dyspnea, cyanosis, wheezing, and respiratory arrest. EpiPen Jr, which contains 0.15 mg epinephrine, can reverse the effects of peanut allergy in children who have a body weight of 8 to 25 kg. Therefore, the nurse administers 0.15 mg epinephrine, as ordered. EpiPen, which contains 0.3 mg of epinephrine, should be administered to children who weigh more than 25 kg. Iron supplements do not reverse allergic reactions to peanuts. Fluids and electrolytes maintain hydration in the body, but do not reverse allergic reactions caused by peanuts.

The nurse is performing a well-child assessment of an infant. The infant's mother tells the nurse that the family follows a strict vegan diet. For what nutritional deficiencies is this child at risk?
Vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, calcium, zinc
Vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, iron, calcium, zinc
Vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium
Vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium

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Terms in this set (8)

The nurse is teaching a class to expectant parents about the risks for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Which of the following would the nurse include as a risk factor for SIDS? (Select all that apply.)

a. Single parenthood
b. Summer months
c. Room temperature too high
d. Poor prenatal care
e. Infant lying on its back

a. single parent
c. room temp too high
d. poor prenatal care

Studies have shown that risks for SIDS include poor prenatal care, overheating of the infant with clothes or room temperature, single parenthood, infant placed in the prone position, and winter months.

A parent who is getting ready to be discharged from the hospital with a newborn infant asks the nurse if getting immunizations for the infant will cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The best response by the nurse is which of the following?

a. "No, as long as you place the child on its tummy."
b. "No, immunizations do not cause SIDS."
c. "Not if you let the baby sleep with you."
d. "Yes, if the child develops a fever."

b. immunizations do not cause SIDS

Studies have ruled out immunizations as a cause of SIDS. Fever does not cause SIDS. Placing the child on the abdomen does pose a risk for SIDS. Sleeping with the baby does not cause SIDS, but the baby could be inadvertently smothered by the parent during the night.

A client who is pregnant and had a child die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) asks the nurse if there are measures that can be taken to prevent the second child from dying of SIDS. The nurse advises the client to do which of the following?

a. Buy a firm mattress for the infant.
b. Breastfeed the infant.
c. Buy only stuffed animals for the bed.
d. Feed the baby only small amounts at a time.

a. firm mattress

A firm mattress without pillows and toys is the best sleeping environment for the prevention of SIDS as this will decrease the likelihood of the child smothering during sleep. Breastfeeding does not decrease SIDS. Feeding the baby small amounts makes the child cranky and hungry, and will not decrease the likelihood of SIDS.

The nurse working on the postpartum unit selects which of the following as a priority nursing diagnosis for a mother whose first child died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

a. Risk for Complicated Grieving
b. Anxiety
c. Impaired Parenting
d. Complicated Grieving

b. anxiety

The mother who has lost a child will likely be very anxious about the new baby. The nurse provides supportive care and instruction for prevention of SIDS. There is no evidence here that this client is at risk for complicated grieving, is experiencing complicated grieving, or is an impaired parent.

The nurse determines that learning has occurred when a client states which of the following after receiving teaching about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

a. "My baby is most at risk from 1-4 months of age."
b. "I can place my baby in the side-lying position for naps."
c. "I will place my baby on its tummy to play."
d. "I will make sure my baby is very warm during sleep."

a. 1-4 months

Infants are most at risk for SIDS from 1-4 months of age. Placing the child on the tummy to play does not affect SIDS. Placing the baby in a side-lying position during naps is a risk for SIDS. Overdressing the baby is a SIDS risk factor.

A family brings their newborn to the emergency department with no heart rate or respirations and frothy bloody secretions in the nares and mouth. The nurse suspects that the infant has died from which of the following?

a. Congenital heart defect
b. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
c. Tetralogy of Fallot
d. Pneumonia


Many autopsies have shown that infants who have died of SIDS presented with frothy bloody secretions in the nose and mouth indicating a struggle for breath. Pneumonia would present with green or yellow secretions. Congenital heart defects and Tetralogy of Fallot (congenital heart defect) do not usually present with bloody frothy secretions.

The nurse is teaching parents about placing a newborn infant on its back to sleep. A parent claims to have seen many babies placed on their sides in their cribs during a visit to the nursery. What does the nurse realize as a result of the parent's statement?

a. Nurses are not aware of the risk.
b. The nurses had a reason for those positions.
c. Side-lying is acceptable because someone is always in the nursery.
d. Nurses are role models.

d. nurses are role models

Many nurses cite the risk of aspiration as the reason for placing infants on their side. Nurses are role models, however, and if parents see staff placing infants on their sides, then the parents will do the same. There are no correct reasons for placing infants in a newborn nursery on their sides even if someone is always in attendance. Massive education is given to nurses about positioning of infants, so lack of knowledge is not an excuse.

The emergency department nurse is working with the family of a newborn who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Which of the following interventions will the nurse initiate for the family?

a. Provide food and drink for the family.
b. Take the baby to the morgue.
c. Tell the family they can have another baby.
d. Provide literature and information about a local support group.

d. provide literature

The nurse should provide the family with information about SIDS and about a local support group for victims of SIDS. The parents should be allowed to hold their baby; the baby is taken to the morgue after the family leaves. The nurse never discounts the life of a baby by telling the parents they can have another. The family is not likely to want food and drink at this time.

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS quizlet?

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Which of the following infants is at the greatest risk of SIDS?

Most deaths happen during the first 6 months of a baby's life. Infants born prematurely or with a low birthweight are at greater risk. SIDS also tends to be slightly more common in baby boys.

Who is at greater risk for SIDS death?

Who Is at Risk for SIDS? Most SIDS deaths happen in babies between 1 and 4 months old, and cases rise during cold weather. Babies might have a higher risk of SIDS if: their mother smoked, drank, or used drugs during pregnancy and after birth.

What are 3 risk factors for SIDS?

Although sudden infant death syndrome can strike any infant, researchers have identified several factors that might increase a baby's risk..
Is younger than 20..
Smokes cigarettes..
Uses drugs or alcohol..
Has inadequate prenatal care..

What is the number 1 cause of SIDS?

Because the exact cause of SIDS remains unknown and there is no way of predicting which infants are at a higher risk, it is important to eliminate the risk factors that can be controlled. These factors include exposure to secondhand smoke, tummy sleeping and other unsafe sleep practices.