america là gì - Nghĩa của từ america

america có nghĩa là

The greatest coutry in the world. (or used to be anyways)

Thanks in part to George W. Bush, America is now the most hated country in the world. Poor presidential decisions have caused a war, a crappy economy, high gas prices, global warming, as well as a new low in stupidity.

America used to be a place that people were proud to call "home" but now, most people just say they're canadian when they're really American.

In america, a third-string QB for a pro football team will be paid roughly 6 times as much as a blue-collar worker who works hard every single day.

People would rather read about who Jennifer Anniston is currently dating, rather then the current situation in Iraq.

American kids all dream about how they want to be Pro sports players, not for the love of the game, but for the love of the money.

America is the only place where the more money that is dumped into schools, the dumber the children get.

The reputation of America has been forever tarnished, thanks to George W Bush.


America, my home, sweet home.

america có nghĩa là

America is a CONTINENT, not a country.


South America, North America and Central America

america có nghĩa là

Possibly the most hypocritical country in the world. Examples of this are:
1. Saying: All men are created equal, and yet continuing to enslave and persecute others.
2. You have the right to religious freedom: exept for everything but christianity.
3. You have the right to remain silent. Now would you rather i beat the living shit out of you or are you going to talk.
4. Police shall not discriminate: Look that black guy is coming out of that huge house, and he has pictures of him and his family all over: search the premises for a hog tied white family.
5. Freedom of speech= if you disagree with any of my policicies your a comunist.
6. Freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happyness: all of you japanese get the hell out.
7. Freedom of expression: exept for you gays: no gay sex no marriaige.
8. Freedom in general: we will now institute a random bag check, now here is a list of names: what it somehow isn't random if there are 14 arabs and a blonde on the list.

Makes you really apreciate the value of the american dream doesn't it.


America: bringing democracy to the world, whether they like it or not

america có nghĩa là

the country that kicked the world superpowers ass when it was only a colony (france helped too, thank you france)


America:i wonder if England wants a rematch, since they think we suck so much and are all fat. (the rest of the world is welcome to)

america có nghĩa là

the FATTEST country in the world


a:for godsakes stop EATING, u fatfuck!!
B: sorry im from america

ex: can i get 3 big mac, 5 doublecheese, and a diet coke for the drink.

america có nghĩa là

-A country whose only knowledge of the rest of the world is based on fox news and stereotypes.

-The internet nation

-A bigoted piece o'land

-A country full o'people that misspell british english


American 1: Hey, look, a mexican!
American 2: Yes, just look at that filthy bitch.

American 1: Hey let's play videogames and simulate that we're freeing countries that aren't asking to be freed!
American 2: Yeah! Pwned you n00bs!

america có nghĩa là

the land of fat, beer guzzling, burger munchin', oil stealing, capitalist pigs, dumb-ass bandits who support their counrty, even tho they havnt actually done anything to shape the world in any way. They loose their own wars due to being so cockey and un-trained, always need the british to bail them out, they don't have any understanding of foreign culture and seem to think they won world war 2 on their own. Try and be the idle of the world and americanise things such as films to swing in favour of them by changing historic events on film. Run by a 2 bit red neck who don't even know anything at all, its scray that he has power and yet dosn't know how to chew a pretzil. Gun toting hooligans who all base them selves on cheesy shows.


american pilot 1 - quick, shoot that british tank it ,dosn't have an american flag!
american pilot 2 - roger that goose, im going in top gun style...
they come in to land on the aircraft carrier after a morning of british tank busting
american pilot 1 - this is goose requesting a fly past at an incredibly unrealstic altitiude while playing 'take my breath away'
air traffic controller - roger thats a go, do it for the americans...(queue american flag drops down in background)

america có nghĩa là

Where they claim that you are free and have freedom but it's a big load of bullshit.You have to do everything liberals tell you to do and think everything liberals tell you to think.


america is the biggest load of shit ever created by the biggest lying liberal whacko assholes and biggest gayest faggots ever who were a bunch of filthy european liberal elites who owned slaves and beat them and whipped them and raped their women

america có nghĩa là

place full of fattys who eat McDonalds everyday (Stereotype)


United States of America

america có nghĩa là

America's are loving, sweet, kind, pretty, nice, and just everything in general. there super nice always there for you and will never leave your side. even if people are mean she's always there;)


"I love you America"
" I love you too, Jake" <3< div>