Call of duty modern warfare remastered đánh giá

With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, fans can relive one of the most iconic CoD campaigns of all time, with true high-definition graphics and customizable, classic multiplayer action on 10 fan favorite maps.

Modern Warfare is a smartly paced, exciting shooter that manages to create drama and escalate the stakes despite adhering to a rather straightforward difficulty curve. That hasn’t changed with the remaster, which retains all the solid writing, memorable scripted scenarios, and quick-to-hook multiplayer. If you don’t mind shelling out 40 bucks for a decade-old game, there’s still plenty of fun to be had here. When you get to some of the other decisions Activision made, however, the waters get a little murkier. Thus, it’s time for the less favorable long answer.

Generally speaking, when the “definitive edition” of a game comes out you can look forward to enjoying all the previously released content in one package. Just think of any “Game of the Year” version of a game and you get the idea. Activision and developer Raven Software weren’t content with this, and instead chose to add in DLC in the form of paid microtransactions. While they initially promised the related supply drop crates would be cosmetic only, it wasn’t long before they added a slew of weapons and weapon sets into the mix. Regardless of whether or not the guns and melee options in question affect the overall balance, adding DLC into a game that never had it in the first place just isn’t a very consumer-friendly move.

Call of duty modern warfare remastered đánh giá

Adding fuel to this unfortunate fire is the release of the Variety Map Pack, which is available to download on PS4 at the time of this writing. Not only is the map pack not included with the full game, it’s actually more expensive than it was when it first came out. What was initially priced at $9.99 nearly 10 years ago is now $14.99, so if you want everything in this remaster you’re going to end up paying roughly the price of a full, brand new 2017 game.

Look, I love Modern Warfare, so it’s tough for me to take away any of the accolades it deserves as a standalone game. Love for the core content aside, though, I simply can’t recommend rewarding this type of release. I’d sooner have you dust off your previous-gen consoles or boot up an older file on your PC to experience Call of Duty: Modern Warfare because it’s just as fun there as it is here. If fewer people support these tactics, we might see less of it in the future.

One of the most important FPS of all time is back. Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Remastered is just the work that every fan could expect of a remastered version.

Old feeling's never get old. This game is a classic. Best of their time and still best today

Great remaster and a game still impressively entertaining after all these years.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered’s campaign might feel outdated by today’s standards, but its multiplayer remains as addictive and fun as ever.

The opportunity to revisit Call of Duty 4‘s multiplayer without the annoyance of hackers ruining the fun is one that will be hard to pass up for those that loved the original. Even so, the multiplayer also feels somewhat dated compared to most modern shooters on the market. While there’s something to be said for the impeccable map design and polish of Modern Warfare Remastered‘s multiplayer, it’s still the same experience as before, and may come across as rather simplistic and plain to those that have been playing this year’s new shooters.

The game itself remains unchanged and while an excellent game in it’s day, COD: MWR often shows its true age with animations looking just a little clunky by today’s standards and a few small missteps that were present in the original which could have, and should have been amended in this new and improved version.

This was the first COD I game I have ever played and only played the story mode. Graphics are very good, gameplay is amazing and the story is even better. This is 100% 10/10

Ну такое. Прямо на любителя стрелялочка. Тот же крайсис тех лет я переигрывал и выглядит по ярче. Конечно минимального голивуда тут больше, но сюжет напрочь отсутствует. Хотя стрелять и приятно, кроме стрельбы ничего не испытываешь удовлетворительного. + какой-то ватный шутер - стрельба на 7 - сюжет 6 - красивый Голливуд 8 Итого 7

a good Cod game all around the campaign was decent and the multiplayer was good as well especially compared to the new Cod games with SBMM

this game was great on release ,but when they put supply drops and say that there will not be any weapons than they put melee weapons and say that they don't change the game , than they put guns that are stronger than any other gun in the original game they are just lying to our faces , and why the hell cant i buy the game alone why should i buy another game to play this game ,and you know whats funny buying dlc for a remastered game , why the hell do i need to pay 15$ for a dlc that is 10 years old that's stupid .

They put Modern Warfare in a blender, **** out this game, and called it "remastered." NO IT ISN'T! The issue is I'd expect them to make Modern Warfare better. It's just Modern Warfare HD Edition. I loved the Modern Warfare franchise. Was it as bad as a 5 is? No! But guess what? 100 **** dollars for this and Infinite Warfare is **** I wanted to try this, and see if IW is good. I don't even think that IW is that good, but this isn't anything but fancy Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This is the same as my XB1 Review, but it scores lower for one reason; it's awkward to control on a Dualshock.