Does Apple Remote Desktop work with High Sierra?

MacOS Apple Remote Desktop not working on Sierra

macosremote desktop

I'm having a lot of troubles getting Apple Remote Desktop to work in Sierra.

Downloading the client (version 3.8.5) gives me the error:

Remote Desktop Client Update can't be installed on this disk. This update required Mac OS X 10.10.5 or later.

When I try to generate the installer on Sierra (a Mac Mini), I get the error:

An unexpected error occurred: the required components were not found.

The Application appears to be installed incorrectly.

I have the feeling that Apple Remote Desktop is on it's way out, but is there an alternative to use? Preferably one that doesn't have a monthly cost (per device)

Best Answer

Pascal a.k.a. xvi answered this question about ARD not working on OS X Sierra. My macs with OS X Sierra have the symptom of ARD not working sometimes and other times ARD starts up just fine. Here is the fix that worked for me:

Apple Remote Desktop doesn't start after sierra update. We tried with same problems on different client (macbook pro, imac and mac pro)

The workaround I have found is this (requires to be administrator):

Launch Terminal, then type:

sudo pkill -u -2 ARDAgent

and type your password as requested. Then, Remote will launch (or, if launched and hung, its main window will appear).

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